One Carrot at a time team! need members!!!

hi i am starting off my diet journey after watching mtvs new weight loss show... i have always been "thick" and want to wear all the cute clothes that smaller people wear... and dont u realize all the clothes that are on clearance are smaller sizes like small or xs? i want to go on a clearance shopping spree lol... but i wanted to make a new team because all the other teams are so overwhelming with team members... so every week we will do a weigh in and weekly challenges and motivations to keep us on the right track...

so wanna join?


  • Lokitaa21
    Im in(:

    That was my inspiration too! Feel free too add me
  • nkoval
    nkoval Posts: 5
    I would love to be on your team !! I need friends to help encourage me on my weight lose journey !! Everytime I go to the gym I tell my hubby I'm going to the gym for OPERATION GET SKINNY 2011 .... lol
  • cinster35

    I'd love to be on your team! I love the name. I eat carrots and tomato for lunch everyday. I have been dieting for year and need some support to keep going since I hit a plateau.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    great thank you guys so much for joining... and omg i say my diet is project hootchie! lol cause once i have a cute stomach i swear im going to wear a bathing suit every day lol jp but i cant wait till i can wear a bathing suit at the beach and actually feel comfortable and without a coverup...

    so what is everyone eating for dinner...?
    im making baked chicken with organic mango cilantro marinade and a salad...
  • larkhaven
    yes oh yes! I am so there,, but I have a bit of scale fear.. I want back in those smaller sizes