30day shred? what do you think? Advice on where to start....

Hey everybody.

I am needing some friends to help me get back on track. I need some serious advice. I have many different workout programs available to me however, it seems that I start on good but fall off track. I dont know if I am overloading myself, or what the deal is..

But I was wondering about 30 day shred. I have the video. Do you do this every day a week or just the five days? I have other jillian michael videos to like 6 week 6 pack.. Just looking for some advice on a workout video to start and advice and opinions on 30 day shred. I hope to hear back from somebody soon.


  • Kelly_Fit_Belly
    Kelly_Fit_Belly Posts: 22 Member
    The advice I can give is from my experience, Ive done 30DS on and off but since starting Jillian's Body Revolution Workouts, It really has been the ONLY dvd program i have stuck too. She eases you into it the first two weeks, unlike 30DS that feels like death right away. The first Phase is like 25$ on walmart.com comes with the fitness band. I got the whole set (retail 100$) for 50 bucks on Ebay comes with meal plan, cook book and fitness schedule. The whole program is 3 months each phase is for a month.

    Its way better than 30DS in my opinion and has REALLY REALLY kept me motivated. Hope you find what works for you!
  • bam2093
    bam2093 Posts: 8 Member
    The key to maintaining an exercise regimen is to find something that you enjoy doing. If you dread your workout every day, then it's not the right one for you.

    In my own personal experience, 30 day shred is what got me started on a regular exercise regime. You're supposed to do it every day for 30 days, but I think when I did it, I took 1 day a week off.

    The reason why I enjoyed this one over some of her other DVD's is because it really starts out at a basic level with many modifications. Some of the others (JMBR and 6W6P) are intense from the get-go.

    Other things to consider are to use the workout videos provided "On Demand" from your cable company. Those are nice because you can chose what you want to do that day (abs, legs, cardio). If you don't have On Demand, then there are plenty of websites that provide a similar option.

    Don't consider yourself a failure if you don't complete the 30DS in 30 days. Try it for a week, and if you hate it, try something else for a week. Keep doing that until you find something you love :)
  • bam2093
    bam2093 Posts: 8 Member
    The advice I can give is from my experience, Ive done 30DS on and off but since starting Jillian's Body Revolution Workouts, It really has been the ONLY dvd program i have stuck too. She eases you into it the first two weeks, unlike 30DS that feels like death right away. The first Phase is like 25$ on walmart.com comes with the fitness band. I got the whole set (retail 100$) for 50 bucks on Ebay comes with meal plan, cook book and fitness schedule. The whole program is 3 months each phase is for a month.

    Its way better than 30DS in my opinion and has REALLY REALLY kept me motivated. Hope you find what works for you!

    I definitely had the complete opposite opinion on both things! Just goes to show you how everyone has different tastes in workouts and you have to keep trying different ones until you find yours :)
  • shelbz09
    shelbz09 Posts: 115
    Thank you guys!!!
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    I did the 30DS as my first jump back into exercising. I did 10 days per level with 3-4 cardio days and 2-3 rest days sprinkled in, so the whole thing took me 55 days. It was hard, but worth it! I like to change it up, so I did some other stuff for awhile, but I'm just finishing a short version of the 30DS now. This time I only did one calendar week of each level with one rest day. You can make it work however you want. This time I was able to do most of the hard moves where the first time I did all of the modified moves. My favorite part about the shred is that it's only 27 min (most of her other videos are around the 45 min mark), that and the fact that you will sweat. Do whatever you can commit to.
  • andy071083
    andy071083 Posts: 1 Member
    I like what kat said....
  • lemonsnlove
    lemonsnlove Posts: 200
    I love 30day shred, don't do it everyday, you will need the rest days. Don't feel you have to complete it in 30 days. I still use it every now and then when I can't get to the gym, its a great 20 min workout!
  • mroo2014
    mroo2014 Posts: 50 Member
    I've just finished level 1 of the 30DS and spread it out over 10days with cardio days in between - really like the workouts and I noticed a difference in my strength and endurance on about day 7 (I could barely do a ladies push up at the beginning and by the end I managed majority proper push ups). I just like how you can feel a difference in your fitness after just a few days - it's really motivating to see something work!

    Gonna be hitting up level 2 once my Achilles' tendon has healed :)