Juice cleanse and working out



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    To everyone who has respectfully shared your opinions on not seeing use/ health benefits of a cleanse thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughts and will look into it more and probably forgo the idea of doing a cleanse. To everyone who is wondering what I do for working out it is as follows: I run five times a week 45-60 minutes, go to the gym 7 days a week every other day is strength day which includes an hour of cardio( mostly running on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of strength on the other days I do 60-120 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week I do a kickboxing workout DVD, and 6 days a week I do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. To everyone who decided that this would be a great opportunity to be rude and call me a nut job or a troll, you succeed in making me feel like absolute ****. I am literally in tears as I am typing this, so thank you. By the way I am not sure what my age has to do with anything. A cleanse is probably just as unhealthy/ unrealistic no matter my age. I'm sorry if this seems rude or upsetting to anyone, but I just wanted you to know that your words hurt and kindness is a much better way to deal with anything in life.

    No one called you a troll or nut job, but a lot of posts are concerned that you have an eating disorder given the extreme amount of exercise and low number of calories.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Yeah, looks like straight up disordered thought/eating to me. I've been there, it's not fun. It's not healthy and you're not going to get the body you want through exercise bulimia or whatever your specific deal is. I know some chick on the internet telling you to get help isn't gonna do anything, but when you're ready, please consider it. The sooner you start recovery, the better your chances are.
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    I dont know much on the topic, only from a few articles that I have read, and seen people talk on here about them, ive read and seen enough to say it isnt a good idea, I would stick to what you are doing.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Hi, I am planning on doing a three day cleanse this upcoming weekend, and I was wondering if it is healthy to still continue my workout schedule. I usually workout three to four times a day and burn 1,000-1,800 calories each day working out.
    It's probably not healthy for you to be doing this workout schedule while you're eating food, let alone on a juice cleanse.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I was you once. I exercised hours a day and under ate. I had an eating disorder. It messed with my brain and my body. I know I wouldn't listen to anyone except my fellow disordered eaters. But if you can, please see a doctor and a nutritionist. You don't want to have the issues that I have now.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    To everyone who has respectfully shared your opinions on not seeing use/ health benefits of a cleanse thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughts and will look into it more and probably forgo the idea of doing a cleanse. To everyone who is wondering what I do for working out it is as follows: I run five times a week 45-60 minutes, go to the gym 7 days a week every other day is strength day which includes an hour of cardio( mostly running on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of strength on the other days I do 60-120 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week I do a kickboxing workout DVD, and 6 days a week I do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. To everyone who decided that this would be a great opportunity to be rude and call me a nut job or a troll, you succeed in making me feel like absolute ****. I am literally in tears as I am typing this, so thank you. By the way I am not sure what my age has to do with anything. A cleanse is probably just as unhealthy/ unrealistic no matter my age. I'm sorry if this seems rude or upsetting to anyone, but I just wanted you to know that your words hurt and kindness is a much better way to deal with anything in life.

    I really didn't see any unkind hurtful words, is there an easy way to tell somebody that they are working out way too much, and not eating enough, and that it is possible that they have an ED, or are on the way to having one? You are eating less than you are supposedly burning from your workouts alone, so add what your body already burns for you to stay alive, and you have a problem.
  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    I do a juice cleanse every few months if I feel I'm depending on caffeine or sugar too much. Please remember any weight you lose is usually temporary.

    Saying that, I work out if I have the energy. If I don't have the energy I simply don't work out. Listen to your body.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    One of my coworkers did a juice cleanse once. She intended to do it for 5 days, took vacation and everything. 1 day into it she texts me "I'm quitting, I can't stop vomiting and have a massive headache." This is a fairly common occurrence for people on a "cleanse." Headache comes from caffeine withdrawal, vomiting (and diarrhea, usually) from ingesting 10 lbs of produce with all the fiber removed.

    Just eat less than you used to eat for an extended period of time and you will have weight loss results, especially if you plan on working out that much. There is no need to cut anything out or add anything in that you really don't like. If you have a hard time saying no to "junk" then keep less of it in the house. Read all the stickies provided on this forum.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just eat less than you used to eat for an extended period of time and you will have weight loss results, especially if you plan on working out that much. There is no need to cut anything out or add anything in that you really don't like. If you have a hard time saying no to "junk" then keep less of it in the house. Read all the stickies provided on this forum.

    Please look in the OPs diary before suggesting she eat less...
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    To everyone who has respectfully shared your opinions on not seeing use/ health benefits of a cleanse thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughts and will look into it more and probably forgo the idea of doing a cleanse. To everyone who is wondering what I do for working out it is as follows: I run five times a week 45-60 minutes, go to the gym 7 days a week every other day is strength day which includes an hour of cardio( mostly running on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of strength on the other days I do 60-120 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week I do a kickboxing workout DVD, and 6 days a week I do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. To everyone who decided that this would be a great opportunity to be rude and call me a nut job or a troll, you succeed in making me feel like absolute ****. I am literally in tears as I am typing this, so thank you. By the way I am not sure what my age has to do with anything. A cleanse is probably just as unhealthy/ unrealistic no matter my age. I'm sorry if this seems rude or upsetting to anyone, but I just wanted you to know that your words hurt and kindness is a much better way to deal with anything in life.

    Don't listen to the haters. People will say anything on the internet because they're behind a computer screen. They don't know you, so it's not personal.

    Best of luck to you!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    If you don't have the energy to work out, then is the juice cleanse the best idea?

    I'm not trying to be hateful. Think about it this way.... Working out is healthy and good for you. If you are doing something that prevents you from being able to workout, then is that a healthy replacement?

    I have no opinion on juice cleanses or any specific diet (I'm all for eating yummy food in moderation - whatever food you love!)

    You workout a LOT and you aren't eating enough calories for your body to be healthy - if you under eat too many calories your body will start to take nutrients from your muscles - no one wants that, muscles are good!

    I would say do some research on healthy lifestyles and then make a choice.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Just eat less than you used to eat for an extended period of time and you will have weight loss results, especially if you plan on working out that much. There is no need to cut anything out or add anything in that you really don't like. If you have a hard time saying no to "junk" then keep less of it in the house. Read all the stickies provided on this forum.

    Please look in the OPs diary before suggesting she eat less...

    By "eat less than you used to" I meant "eat less than you did when you were overweight/fat/before you were on a diet/whatever, not eat less than she's eating right now.

    Is she already starving herself?

    Nevermind - I just looked.

    I never buy any of these crazily inflated calorie burns. Doing HIIT with 90% my max HR I burn ~290 calories a 1/2 hour.

    So eating 1400 a day (on average), while the total is way less than anyone needs to eat to lose weight, it's not anything I'd call crazy. Unnecessary, sure, but she isn't starving herself.
  • live2run95
    live2run95 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay, I'm sorry that I posted this whole thing and causing all this negative tension. I am, a little selfishly, grateful though that I did because though not all of the posts on here were the most respectful ways to put it, I have decided to not do the cleanse right now at least. I will have to look into a lot more if I ever do decide to, and I have decided that though I don't know if I necessary have an eating disorder, I am going to try to cut back on my workouts and eat more healthy calories. Once again, thank you to everyone who replied in a respectful manner ( which I believe is everyone but maybe one person).
  • live2run95
    live2run95 Posts: 363 Member
    To everyone who has respectfully shared your opinions on not seeing use/ health benefits of a cleanse thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughts and will look into it more and probably forgo the idea of doing a cleanse. To everyone who is wondering what I do for working out it is as follows: I run five times a week 45-60 minutes, go to the gym 7 days a week every other day is strength day which includes an hour of cardio( mostly running on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of strength on the other days I do 60-120 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week I do a kickboxing workout DVD, and 6 days a week I do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. To everyone who decided that this would be a great opportunity to be rude and call me a nut job or a troll, you succeed in making me feel like absolute ****. I am literally in tears as I am typing this, so thank you. By the way I am not sure what my age has to do with anything. A cleanse is probably just as unhealthy/ unrealistic no matter my age. I'm sorry if this seems rude or upsetting to anyone, but I just wanted you to know that your words hurt and kindness is a much better way to deal with anything in life.

    No one called you a troll or nut job, but a lot of posts are concerned that you have an eating disorder given the extreme amount of exercise and low number of calories.

    I know that most people on here were just trying to look out for my best interest and I greatly appreciate that , but the person that you quoted first, quoted the person who called me both of those things and I find that rude and uncalled for.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    To everyone who has respectfully shared your opinions on not seeing use/ health benefits of a cleanse thank you. I truly appreciate your thoughts and will look into it more and probably forgo the idea of doing a cleanse. To everyone who is wondering what I do for working out it is as follows: I run five times a week 45-60 minutes, go to the gym 7 days a week every other day is strength day which includes an hour of cardio( mostly running on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of strength on the other days I do 60-120 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week I do a kickboxing workout DVD, and 6 days a week I do a Jillian Michael's workout DVD. To everyone who decided that this would be a great opportunity to be rude and call me a nut job or a troll, you succeed in making me feel like absolute ****. I am literally in tears as I am typing this, so thank you. By the way I am not sure what my age has to do with anything. A cleanse is probably just as unhealthy/ unrealistic no matter my age. I'm sorry if this seems rude or upsetting to anyone, but I just wanted you to know that your words hurt and kindness is a much better way to deal with anything in life.

    No one called you a troll or nut job, but a lot of posts are concerned that you have an eating disorder given the extreme amount of exercise and low number of calories.

    I know that most people on here were just trying to look out for my best interest and I greatly appreciate that , but the person that you quoted first, quoted the person who called me both of those things and I find that rude and uncalled for.

    Ah yes, I see. That's what the 'block' and 'report' buttons are for.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm really glad you've decided not to do the cleanse. It's seriously a waste of time and effort for nothing. Your body cleanses itself. And yes, that's a ton of calories burnt daily. I personally would invest more time strength training, and ease away from so much cardio. Don't get me wrong, cardio is fine. But that's a lot!! Anyway, good luck on your journey, stay away from fads like cleanses and you'll be okay...forgot to add, don't be afraid to eat more!!
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    My suggestion is to start an exercise and eating plan that is both manageable now and when you are back in school (or when you have a job/career, family, etc.). Working out as much as you do can easily burn you out (and can possibly lead to injury) and the journey to a healthier you should be done in a manner that doesn't make it ALL that you focus on so you can continue the routine within a normal, busy schedule. You're young, you have a lot of determination, don't let the overload on your body fizzle you out before you even really start :)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Okay, I'm sorry that I posted this whole thing and causing all this negative tension. I am, a little selfishly, grateful though that I did because though not all of the posts on here were the most respectful ways to put it, I have decided to not do the cleanse right now at least. I will have to look into a lot more if I ever do decide to, and I have decided that though I don't know if I necessary have an eating disorder, I am going to try to cut back on my workouts and eat more healthy calories. Once again, thank you to everyone who replied in a respectful manner ( which I believe is everyone but maybe one person).

    AFAIK, working out while doing a juice cleanse is not recommended for the same reasons why you don't work out when sick. With respect to those being rude or negative, ignore them and close your diary. It is no one's business what you are eating or your activity level unless you ask for help here or for some reason decide to share. Even then you can control who sees what. It will make things a lot easier for you in the forums :flowerforyou: