scale wont move in the right direction

So I have only been loing weight since may and I have done really well over 20lbs down not a lot but it is to me and the weight loss was consistent and steady however just as I reached my ToM the scale froze everyone says that hormones do that so I said it would be ok however it isnt I finished and then the scale just stayed frozen I then had an anniversary dinner with hubby and the scale finally moved 2 pounds heavier I accepted my weight would fluctuate as going to the restaurant I knew I wouldnt log that day however yesterday I stayed under on kcals yes I had frozen yoghurt but only because I knew I was under

I truly dont know whats wrong I reassessed my goals to ensure my daily kcal intake was accurate I do weigh and log as accurately as poss and yes my food diary is available to view I am trying to drink plenty of water and in the last 2 weeks I have started running everyday not far as I am a total beginner but im almost at 4k in fact my weight loss started to fail as I started the running not sure if theres a connection ?

Just want tips to kick start everything as its really affected my mood im sticking with this and I know the scales havent frozen long enough to be a plateau but need all the help I can as I dont want enough time to pass for this to become a plateau help


  • nfpeacock
    nfpeacock Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not exactly an expert (my scales didn't move for nearly 4 months!) but I've found weight and strength training to be the key. Plus you have to remember your weight loss will slow down DRAMATICALLY once you've started to lose weight. If you can get to a gym I'd say go along and work on some basic core, arms and legs for a few weeks.
  • nfpeacock
    nfpeacock Posts: 38 Member
    Bump as I'd be interested to see what others say :)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I have only been loing weight since may and I have done really well over 20lbs down not a lot
    That's 7-10 lb a month, which _is_ a lot! Good for you! :flowerforyou:
    1-2 lb per week is considered healthy & sustainable.
    the scale just stayed frozen
    It'll do that. I've spent the last 2+ weeks hovering within a pound either direction, and it's very frustrating. :grumble:
    But I kept eating under my calorie goal and exercising, and finally this morning my scale showed weight loss! :happy:
    (Now I have another problem, in that it's giving me 2 different readings, but both of them are down so I'm happy either way. Waiting to see what it shows tomorrow.)
    going to the restaurant I knew I wouldnt log that day
    Log everything, even when you know you're going to go over, even when you cheat, even when you eat half a bag of cookies, even when you haven't exercised and you feel lousy.
    Be honest with yourself.
    in the last 2 weeks I have started running everyday ... my weight loss started to fail as I started the running
    You might be building muscle & losing fat, which will show in your measurements even when the scale is stuck because you're replacing puffy fat with sleek muscle.
    You are taking measurements, right? :ohwell: I do mine every 2 weeks.

    Have faith in the science - if you're burning more calories than you're eating, you will lose weight.

    As for calories and weight goals, check to be sure they're realistic.
    I did a blog post about goal-setting, and it includes links to resources such as a BMI chart.
    Start with a goal of the highest weight in the healthy range, then when you get there decide if you want to be a bit lower.
    For calories, multiply your goal weight by 10. (I'm aiming at 165, so I try to eat under 1650.)
    Ignore exercise calories - don't regularly add them back in. If you're really hungry at the end of the day, eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of what you burned off. (First, because MFP way overestimates the burn, and second because you did all that work & want to benefit from it.)
  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    You have lost a HUGE amount of weight over a very short time!!! I have been logging NEARLY EVERY DAY since Feb 1 AND working out and NOT CHEATING and I have lost 29 lbs since February 1 so consider yourself lucky!!!

    Weight loss is NOT linear. It is NOT fast. It is slow and tedious and you have to just keep going. I spent 4 weeks at the same weight despite tracking, working out, sleeping enough, drinking enough water ARGH!!! But that is just how it is.

    Losing weight is slow and frustrating. I think the WORST thing you can do is tell yourself that by such and such a date you will be such and such a weight. All that does is make the whole thing even more frustrating.

    I have just made up my mind to keep tracking, and working out until I am the weight I want to be, however long it takes. It is MUCH LESS frustrating for me that way.

    So keep your chin up and just keep at it!!!! You are doing great. YES: It is much slower and much more frustrating that we wish it would be!!!!!!!
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    My weight loss was helped a lot by losing the entirity of my large bowel in april so altho I sound impressive being so ill is what got me so far so quickly but yeah im not gonna do anything silly like give up im here to stay and just gonna stick to my kcals till I can make it thro and start seeing weight loss again ty all for replying
  • suejfisher
    suejfisher Posts: 3 Member
    If you have recently had a major operation, then your body has had a lot to cope with and is probably still adjusting so be patient with yourself and keep going.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    Ty it was pretty big op and I had been ill beforehand and got a lovely infection afterwards just to add to aggro lol the life of a crohnie never runs smooth