yeah, getting starting... AGAIN

I'm at this one more time... last time.. meaning I know I'll mess up, I just don't want to give up.

How many people here have lost, gained, then came back a few times before getting it right. I am 65 lbs overweight and I'm sick of it... I mean I am more overweight than that... more like 85 but I'll settle for losing 65. I've thought about surgery, though I have no co morbidities... just borderline high bp but not high enough.... its probably due to stress too. I have a very stressful life. Family drama big time, add husband may lose his job too.
So what do I do... I eat off my program. This is the second day I've been off program... well 1 1/2 days really.
I will begin again. Now. I just feel lost. I feel foolish, weak, embarrassed. I don't even care about things like clothing and being active anymore... hair and make up... so so...

thanks for listening..


  • monicapevans
    monicapevans Posts: 16 Member
    don't get depressed... I was like that.. I'm on a slow journey.. I've only lost 7 lbs but that is better than nothing :)

    get out of the depression... start walking.

    add me if you want to..
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    You can't change the past, but you can change today. With that said, grab that bull by the horns and conquer!

    I know that I am not where I was, I am about 50 pounds overweight, but you know what, I am taking charge, and feel better already.

    Day one is today! Let's get it!
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    You have nothing to feel ashamed, foolish or embarrassed about!! Congratulations on being one of the human race - - and smarter than some on doing something about it.

    I can't count how many people I know that have lost weight, only to put it back on, only to try take it off again. There's a reason that the nutrition / diet industry makes billions every year.

    I"m right there with you. I had originally lost 90 lbs and was feeling pretty smug. Then life happened - and I've gained back 30 of that and can't seem to get back on track. All I can say is that you're here now and I know you can do it. Take your time - - baby step through the changes that you believe need to be made. If you try to make them all at once, it'll be harder to make them stick. Life will happen - jobs lost, careers changed, kids grow up, things happen! But you'll navigate through.

    Feel free to add me as well.
  • newme20014
    I'm just like you on depression & High Blood pressure I'm 40 pounds over weight... I have been on here before 3 years ago lost 80 pounds but I let myself go and I have gained most of it back... I came back in Dec 13 but still didn't log in until about 2 months ago and I haven't lost that much maybe 2 pounds... But I'm not going to give up and you shouldn't either just keep fighting for what you want it will come off... You can add me if you like I only have 2 friends.... Good luck!
  • firewardenjane
    Hey! I'm 54 and was over-weight ever since I had kids at 26/28!!! Don't give up! Last year (after many attempts to lose weight), I bought a treadmill. I thought, "I'll walk while I watch TV". I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do love hockey (and So You Think You Can Dance), so I thought I would only allow myself TV if I walked. After a couple of weeks, I thought, "I should try running". I put my treadmill on a slow speed (4 miles an hour) and ran for 1 minute. Wow! I could do it! So over the winter last year, I ran 1 minute, then 2 minutes, then 5 minutes etc. until I could run 38 minutes. I increased the speed and by the spring, I could run 5 km in 35 minutes! In February, I entered a race in my city for 5 km and then kept running until I felt I should go outdoors. Then I did it! In May, I ran 5 km in 31 minutes and 47 seconds. Now I'm working towards a 10 km.

    DON'T give up! I told a good friend that she should get a treadmill and use it while she watched TV. She said that there was no room in her living room. I'm sorry, but your health is so much more important than the asthetics of your living room.... If you have a spare bedroom, stick the treadmill in there with a TV. Learning to run has given me years more of enjoyable living: I'm sure of it. I'm NOW at a "normal" weight. I'm thrilled because I've been over-weight for half my life.