Im starving!!!



  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I started at 217 lbs (34 years old, 5'4") and set my calorie goal myself at first for 1570. As my body adjusted (basically, my stomach shrank lol), it got easier to eat less. Now mfp has set my calories to 1440, i haven't bothered to readjust it since mfp did it but it's easier to eat less now.

    But yeah, you could definitely up your calories and still see decent results.

    Edited because autocorrect, ugh.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Appetite on a calorie deficit is like riding a bike on hilly terrain. Sometimes you coast, and sometimes you have to get off and push.

    That said, make sure you are weighing your food, a very few of us underestimate instead of overestimate.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Can you please open your diary so we can see the kind of foods you are eating?
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I started on 1,500 for two weeks (I started at 262lbs) and was a bit hungry still, but after a couple of weeks my body adjusted. I then dropped my calories down to 1,200. I'm rarely hungry now. If I am I will drink more water or eat back some of exercise calories burned.
  • aublea1
    aublea1 Posts: 1 Member
    Without knowing anything about what you're eating or what your workout routine looks like, here are my 5 generic tips to hunger.

    1. Make sure that your calorie goal is set appropriately. Way too many people skip this step and could be eating more. Your body may want more food for a reason:

    2. Look for foods that are higher in protein, fat, and fiber. These help us stay fuller and more satisfied for longer.

    3. Drink plenty of fluids. Some people really do confuse thirst and hunger (of course, some people don't).

    4. Play around with your meal times. Some people do really well on 6 small meals a day and others feel like gnawing their own arms off with that kind of meal schedule. When you eat won't affect your weight loss, but it may affect your mood and hunger levels throughout the day. It's okay to try things out to see what works for you.

    5. Wait it out. If you know you're eating enough, getting enough protein & fat and enough water, etc. then you may just have to wait. Your body sends out hunger cues partially out of habit. It will catch on to the idea that you need to be hungry less often, but it could take some time for your body to catch up with the new routine.

    This is a great post.

    Sometimes, if I'm having an unusually bad day, I'll just set my goal to maintain my current weight. This way I'm not gaining weight if I eat 100% of the higher maintenance calorie goal. The only draw back is that I didn't lose any weight that day either.
  • muphin73
    muphin73 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a little surprised no other women have asked this.....Where are you in your cycle? I get a couple days every month where I feel like I could clear out the entire grocery store.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    It sounds like you've set your calorie goal way too low.

    For a lot of people, it's just not realistic to go from eating whatever you want whenever you want to a calorie restricted diet designed to lose 2 pounds or more per week.

    Trying backing it off. Start with 1/2 pound a week goal. When you're adjusted to that, then go to a pound. And so on, until you find the minimum level at which you can sustain yourself without "starving."
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I am at a 1200 calorie limit. i am unable to exercise as much because of my back but i do stretches and walk... The past 3 days I was good and happy, but today I am really hungry. Should I eat more then work the extra calories off. I am just to tired to walk today. :( .

    We all have those day, doesn't matter if you just started or been going for almost 3 years like me. Yesterday all I wanted to do was eat. Today I'm good. Find something very filling and enjoy, not something loaded with calories and small so that in an hour you want something else. I just ate a ton of watermelon.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I find 1200 too low. I can't eat less than 1350 and when I eat 1200 a day, by day 4 I feel the same way you do. Walk more (daily), stretching is GREAT, and EAT MORE CALORIES:smile: Also, buy cucumbers and celery. They are great fillers for a hungry person! Eat watermelon, apples, bananas, egg whites, Greek Yogurt with fresh fruit and a little Stevia, and chicken, chicken, chicken. They all help me stay fuller longer. Try having a salad with lunch and dinner with small amounts of low cal dressing, and drink lots of water. You can do this.