Vegan question

JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
I'm not really pro this or anti that, I like people, I like food, I'm neutral in my dealings, but this thought occurred to me and it's been floating around in my empty head(I was sick, high fever, normally my head is full of meaningful though lol) for some reason..

Can or will a vegan eat food that has been fertilized with manure or composted manure?

I'm looking for "I'm a vegan, I _______." or "My sister's a vegan, ______."

Also- how would you know if you're not growing your own?


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Good question. I guess in theory we could stop breeding domestic animals and use human sewage (although I'm not sure I'm any too happy about the possibility of Prozac potatoes). I don't think farming behind migratory herds would be very practical, so that's probably out.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Well I believe the alternative would be a good balanced compost (greens and browns n such) I make and use a non manure compost in my own garden, not too difficult, but like I said, I'm just curious. I'm a full meat eater, but I do think about things other than just what I do. :) My idea of perfection is a nice country area ("partial sunlight" not full shade)with my partner n our munchkin/s with acreage to grow enough to eat or/&/trade for all our produce and maybe some extra. So it's really a gardening curiosity for me.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm a new vegan so I never thought of it until you brought it up. Like I said, good question!

    The thing is, if I buy organic, does that mean no potential bee killing pesticide was used? If so, I would argue that makes up for manure use, given the lesser of two evils with no other option.

    Edit: Also, IMO, anything anyone does to grow their own food is a good thing. However you can best do it, I suspect it really helps not just animals, but people. At least in the USA, where human rights is also a big issue in agriculture.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Well, all agriculture can hurt animals, directly or indirectly. But instead of animal manure, you could use mined fertilizers - straight from the ground, non-synthetic.
  • vegtabully
    vegtabully Posts: 11 Member
    I'm an ethical vegan, and I don't really consider use of manure in growing my food.

    If I were growing my own food, then I would not use any animal products.

    However, if it is food I'm buying at the store or a market, it's just not a factor. For me part of being vegan means doing as much as I possibly can without driving myself crazy.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Thanks for the responses. So in general you just don't think about it?

    I don't know what classifies as organic Meerata- I tend to just get the best that I can afford. Which includes growing what I can, but doesn't generally involve affording organic at this time. (though my own are going to be grown with natural compost from leafs and grass clippings as well as everything organic that I can save from the trash excluding meaty things)