My 4 year old just made me cry



  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    Try not to let it bother you. :) I have a 5 year old son and I don't think he really understands what "fat" is and I know that he doesn't really understand that saying "you're fat" is not a nice thing to say.

    He actually said to me a few days ago "Mom, I don't like fat girls...but I still love you. You're the only fat girl I like." Uh,ok. Thanks, jerk. Lol.

    Kids are crazy though. I have my 3 year old daughter lifting little 2lb weights at night (for fun, not seriously) because a couple weeks ago I told her that she was strong and she said "I know! I am getting so strong I'm almost a boy!" Then she proceeded to argue with me because her 5 year old brother had convinced her that she was going to turn into a boy if she got too strong.
    So now she "lifts" the 2lb weights while I tell her what a big strong GIRL she is.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I stick out my belly, hunch over, grab the excess and shake for it for my four year old. It makes him giggle and his giggles make me laugh. Sometimes he pats my tummy and we play mommy tummy drum. As long as I'm actively working towards my goal, I don't care if I'm not at goal and neither does he. Embrace what you are now and that you're working towards a change. You'll be happier and you'll get more giggles out of it rather than tears.
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    i have had this happen to me too. the only one i am upset with is myself for abusing my body and getting so fat in the first place.