Pregnancy and using myfitnesspal

Hi - hope in posted this is the right topic! Basically I've just found out I'm pregnant, and wondered if anyone else has still used this whilst pregnant? I've still got a 1st 9lbs of the last baby weight! Was so hoping that would be gone before falling pregnant again ! T.I.A :)


  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I have been using it, before and during pregnancy. I am almost 19 weeks and due in December. Really to keep myself in a healthy mindset, make sure I'm still staying moderately active a few times a week, make sure I'm getting ENOUGH calories (has been hard w/morning sickness and indigestion), and track my weight gains (also difficult with morning sickness!). I was a pound overweight pre-pregnancy and was actively trying to lose 15lbs ish but obviously that's on hold. I encourage you to use MFP pregnant or not, great support and there are awesome groups for moms...check out Fit Fabulous and Pregnant and Moms with Babies. Congrats btw, when you due?
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I would strongly advise speaking to your doctor / midwife or whichever healthcare professional is looking after you and get their advise on it.

    They can just give you guidance on what kind of calories to aim for during the different stages of pregnancy, enough to make sure you and baby are getting all the nutrients you require, but maybe low enough to slowly lose some fat or at least not gain lots of weight.
  • Raaynn
    Raaynn Posts: 47 Member
    I wish I had had my fitness pal when I was preggo. I gained 70lbs with each child and only lost about 80% with each which leaves me now with 6 kids and the same weight as the day I delivered my first child, before he came out, lol. just adjust your goal to maintain your weight even if you want to lose. your body will be burning through about 300 more calories per day than than before preg even when baby is the size of a bean :) keep eating healthy but add a few more healthy items, like add an extra banana or finish a whole sandwich instead of a half. its not hard to fit in an extra few bites and still maintain a healthy preg weight. remember that you don't need to gain a lot, just focus on macros and maintaining for now, you will gain atleast what baby gains and the water and extra blood ect..... all in all if you gain no fat during the pregnancy you will still gain about 20 lbs of all baby and extra stuff that's not fat.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Congratulations! I'm 20 weeks pregnant and have been using MFP all the way through. Agree with blueboxgeek about seeking some advice from your doctor/midwife about what is safe and healthy for both you and the baby. I took advice and put my calorie goal up to maintenance when I discovered I was pregnant and as of last Sunday had only gained about 9lbs - and my doctor and midwife are happy with that. But, it really does depend on you and where you are starting from. The most important thing is to be sure that you are eating healthily for both of you and do try and stay active - I know that is easier said than done but it does help!

    Having said all of the above, I have made the decision to stop logging for a while. I would start off every day with good intentions but after a full day at work and three hours travel, it is no exaggeration to say that I didn't have the energy to finsih off the logging in the evening. So whilst I am still actively on MFP it is currently more for the friends, support and groups. Come over to the groups and join Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - you will find lots of good support and advice on there.
  • MelonW
    MelonW Posts: 4 Member
    I used it my whole pregnancy. Just added the extra calories I needed for pregnancy. With my first I gained almost 45 lbs :/ the baby weight is the reason I joined MFP. I didn't want to let the same thing happen with my second and undo all the work I had done. I managed to gain a perfectly healthly 22 lbs with him. Staying active and eating right helped me feel so much better this pregnancy and I think it helped my body bounce back easier.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I wish I had had my fitness pal when I was preggo. I gained 70lbs with each child and only lost about 80% with each which leaves me now with 6 kids and the same weight as the day I delivered my first child, before he came out, lol. just adjust your goal to maintain your weight even if you want to lose. your body will be burning through about 300 more calories per day than than before preg even when baby is the size of a bean :) keep eating healthy but add a few more healthy items, like add an extra banana or finish a whole sandwich instead of a half. its not hard to fit in an extra few bites and still maintain a healthy preg weight. remember that you don't need to gain a lot, just focus on macros and maintaining for now, you will gain atleast what baby gains and the water and extra blood ect..... all in all if you gain no fat during the pregnancy you will still gain about 20 lbs of all baby and extra stuff that's not fat.

    Me too..... I have only just lost the weight I gained through my three pregnancies - and my youngest is 22!!! I piled it on for all of them and didnt lose it afterwards and the cumulative effect stayed for 20 years. I am finally back to pre pregnancy weight but I should have done it years ago......... but hey I've done it now!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    I'm 8+4 weeks pregnant and have been using MFP since I found out I was pregnant. I've set my calories to maintain my weight, and I'm also using it to track major nutrients - such as iron and calcium. (I'm finding the later hard as many entries in the database don't list these).

    I'm not trying to loose weight, but I want to limit the amount of unneeded excess weight I gain. But because I'm eating better I've already lost about 8lbs.

    What is your plan? Do you want to maintain or lose a little?
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    You can still use MFP while preggo. Look at it froma healthy stand point. Make good choices about eating and exercise. As always listen to your body. Congrats :):)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    Ive set my calories to maintenance and will track like I always have. I need it to hold myself accountable and this is the only way for me to do it. Congratulations :flowerforyou: