Looking for friends/motivation/support

My name is Cortney I'm 24 years old and currently weigh 219lbs. I have a lot of work ahead of me and I only started posting on this message board yesterday! Even in the past 24 hours I have come to realize how important it is to have a strong support system through this journey ! If anyone wants to add me as a friend I would be happy to add you ! Together we can help eachother to reach our goals !


  • woolfman72
    woolfman72 Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me if you like.
  • mrsmolisee
    mrsmolisee Posts: 11
    Im in the same boat as u courtney id love to add u as a friend. Ima 28 yr old fm in florida weighing in at 257. I definitely know this shall be a journey. Ive had 3 kids..if I can give birth au natural then I should be able to whip my butt back into shape!
  • CortNY3425
    Yes you can !! :smile:
  • mrsmolisee
    mrsmolisee Posts: 11
    And same to others add me if you like im alwaya welcome to new friends. The more support the better.i just got back from a short bike ride and my big butts already beat! So yaaaaa more support the better! Ty courtney together im sure we can do this.
  • BellaDaniella928
    BellaDaniella928 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me! I will support you however I can.
  • watch_me_shinexo
    Hi there! I just joined a few days ago and always looking for supportive friends, feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Flyers1010
    Flyers1010 Posts: 71 Member
    Anyone on this thread is welcome to add me as well. I'm relatively new to MFP - been here about a month. Currently very committed, but I've been down this road plenty of times and would really like to make the change permanent. I want to be healthy and strong, not tired and miserable!

    You only live once! Let's make it count and be our best every day!

    Good luck to all!