Losing it

I look back at pictures of when I was 16 and wonder why I felt like I was overweight then. I worked out 4 - 6 days a week doing martial arts, I was full of muscle and laughter. I weighed 150 lbs but felt fat. I could talk about the roller coaster of health, a mother who decided to embrace atkins and brought her family along for the ride, hitting 140 lbs, having surgery, hitting 160 lbs, college (180), work (200-220), master degree (232), more work (199!) layoffs (232), and the years after (247) but the problem was I never made the choice to pay attention to the junk I put into my body.

A few years ago I weighed 232 lbs and started weight watchers. I hit 199 lbs and then moved. I lost that local community, the one in my new city just didn't compare. It was a rush of a meeting and weigh ins and I didn't stick with it. Then, in July, 2014 (or late June), I went to the doctor and was floored. 247. Eek! I realized I needed to do something. I wasn't eating breakfast, had sandwiches for lunch, and sodium filled processed food for dinner. My husband is a Chef and works most evenings and when he is home, he isn't so interested in cooking and when he isn't home I've enjoy pasta, take out, pizza, and red meat.

Now I'm trying to start developing some healthier habits and bringing my husband along for the ride (at least for meals we share). The weight I logged in to this account came from my home scale, 243 and for the past week I've been working on shedding these pounds. I need to change habits for good this time. I want to maintain a healthy weight. I've set a goal of 135 but in reality it's been so long since I've weighed that little that I don't know whether 150, 135, or some other weight is really right for my body. I've decided to figure that out once I'm on the flip side of 200.

My husband has agreed to help support me and eat healthier at home.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    If you are in this for the long haul, I'll help keep you on track! Add me!!
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    we all went through that. My highest was 285... now I am losing slowly but surely and it's because I know what I am eating and I know if I don't kill my workouts, then I'm only cheating my own health. Remember you want to live the best quality life!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step. Good luck on your journey. Add me if you want someone to tell it like it is.