
For you ladies out there, when you are loosing weight, are you seeing a difference in the appearance of cellulite?

Can you recommend any creams, lotions etc that help reduce the appearance?


  • Tehya85
    Tehya85 Posts: 23
    I have just noticed I have a decent amount of cellulite on my arms now as well as my normal tummy/thighs. Whilst I am no expert in the matter, I'd be inclined to say that creams/lotions would be a waste of money. But I too would be interested in knowing more about it.

    I understand genetics plays a role and I'm definitely carrying more weight than I should be. But I drink lots of water, exercise and eat fairly well (room for improvement).
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Cellulite is fat. Most women would have to be very severely underweight to get rid of all cellulite. The only cellulite treatment that works is where a filler is injected ( by a plastic surgeon) into the cellulite depressions.
  • stephwedge
    stephwedge Posts: 17
    Get frank body scrub. I have been using this for over 4 months now. I haven't seen a dramatic difference as many people but my cellulite is slowing going. I guess a good scrub is good for stimulating the blood flow and renewing the skin but coffee is supposed to be great. everyone has cellulite. kate moss has it and she's basically invisible!
  • 2910s
    2910s Posts: 17 Member
    If your cellulite isn't severe, you could probably do with lotions. It won't remove your cellulite but it will improve the appearance. I swear by Nieva Q10 Plus Skin Firming Body Lotion. I didn't realize how much I liked it until I ran out and tried using my other lotions. It does make a difference in the appearance and has great reviews overall. It's not greasy and will leave your skin silky smooth. Hope this helps.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    as far as i understand it, cellulite is not a skin problem, but a muscle problem. if you lose the fat and build strong muscle, the cellulite will disappear or at least be reduced to minimal amounts. this is also why creams and lotions are a scam.
  • daisylenora
    daisylenora Posts: 21 Member
    Even fitness models have it at a small % of body fat. It sucks, I do have some on my legs but not that noticeable.it annoys me but It does get better with weight lose. Jamie eason had a post where she put a pic of her with it up at a low percent of body fat.. shes amazing :). It made me feel better about mine lol.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    Even fitness models have it at a small % of body fat

    that is true, but with exercise and a good diet it can be greatly reduced to an amount you can happily live with. :)

    edit: i think we could all accept this: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/c3/b2/d8c3b27c3649932c7f014119c64e20b8.jpg and she could even get fitter around her butt
  • SkinnySimone100
    Make an easy homemade body scrub that works wonders for cellulite using used coffee grounds, sugar and olive oil. Mix it into a paste and apply all over your body in the shower. Your skin will be super soft, and this if effective for cellulite if used 2-3 times a week. I absolutely love this!
  • troelsandtheis
    troelsandtheis Posts: 45 Member
    Mine improves as a lose weight but also I notice a huge difference in body brushing every day and moisturising - I don't know how/why it helps but it always has in the past for me and after doing it for two weeks it's so much better already! Also, LOTS of water!
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    Mine improves as a lose weight but also I notice a huge difference in body brushing every day and moisturising - I don't know how/why it helps but it always has in the past for me and after doing it for two weeks it's so much better already! Also, LOTS of water!

    I have read many books on this subject. "The Cellulite Solution" discusses some important facts:
    1) Cellulite is hereditary and in the genes. Though it is rare to have cellulite on your legs, it is even rarer to have it on your arms. I am cursed with both. You do not have to be overweight to have cellulite.
    2) It has nothing to do with exercise. Cellulite is the result of a thin upper skin boundary that is punctured and the fat gets caught between the upper and top layer of the skin, thus causing the bumpy rippling appearance we all hate. Where everyone else has a thicker layer to prevent this from happening, those with cellulite have this thinner layer that breaks apart getting punctured where the fat gets caught between and can't get out
    3) You cannot correct this through liposuction. Getting to the thin upper layer where the fat resides is very difficult and can cause problems. Consult with your doctor before you do anything drastic.
    4) Body brushing and moisturizing are said to be helpful. The body brushing is supposedly to help drain these fat pockets by brushing upward from toe to hip and from arm to shoulder. Google it on youtube. There are plenty of videos showing this technique. Moisturizing is to maintain lubrication to the skin. Apparently the skin can snap back better if it is moisturized, providing more elasticity rather than being dry.

    Hope this helps someone out there. Those that do not have this condition are under the misnomer that we are all fat, out of shape or do not exercise. They are wrong and don't know what they are talking about. Don't judge a book by it's cover. As for me, I'm still fighting the fight. Good luck to all of you out there that share this problem. You are not alone.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    In addition to moisturizing, try toning exercises esp. pilates and yoga, PiYo.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I had cellulite that was very apparent on my legs.

    Lifting weights, compound movements, squats, dead lifts etc. has decreased fat all over my body.
    However, the most obvious difference I can see in my legs/thighs.

    I still have a good percentage of fat to go but my legs have the appearance of 'tightening' up, hence making cellulite less noticeable.
    While it may not *all* disappear, I do expect it to continue to get better.

    Got cellulite?...try lifting weights.
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    I lost 26kg and started working out (cardio and strengh) and my cellulite is almost gone. Everyone is different. But I´m very happy about the results.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Squats, I recommend squats
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    ^ bump
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have read it is hereditary also, so the amount that can visibly be ridden is Dependant on genetics.

    Lotions with vitamin E can help the skin stay moisturized and maintain elasticity, this is key for appearance of the skin. Body composition wise, lifting and bf% reduction will give the best results. I personally have seen the worse cellulite on people that could be called skinny/fat. If the muscle underneath is built up and firmly supports the skin it provides a smoothing effect and visibly can make cellulite mostly disappear to the eye.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I noticed a difference when I started lifting heavy things on a progressive/consistent schedule.