Seeking Accountabili-buddies and Motivation

Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
I know, I know, we all hate these things, and there are tons of them... but still. I joined a little bit ago, and am finding the site's forums very helpful, especially motivation, encouragement, and accountability from friends. I don't know many folks using the site, however, so would love some people to help keep me on track, and I'll do the same for you!

A little about me... I've always been heavy, and my family members are all very heavy. I lost a lot of weight in high school (50lbs), then gained it back slowly over the four years of college. I lost and gained 20-30 lbs during grad school and the two years since. I want to be able to live a more active life without feeling constrained or less confident because of my weight. Right now, I've been going through a very stressful, emotional time with a very ill family member, and I'm hoping to work on using fitness as a method of getting out my anger and stress about the situation. Basically, I really want to be healthy and active in a lifelong, habitual way, and feel like there's no time like the present to work on it.

My biggest struggles are in prioritizing workouts over socializing and finding ways to socialize that don't involve food, because I love trying new restaurants (and DC has a ton of them). Getting my *kitten* to the gym is the biggest issue right now, followed closely by finding enough good recipes to avoid eating out. Any help with both of those, or people that struggle with similar issues but are handling them, are very very welcome!


  • jillyrose0711
    jillyrose0711 Posts: 46 Member
    Nothing like a good workout as an outlet for negative emotions! I'm in the same boat as far as socializing without eating- and drinking! Living in a college town means there's nothing to do but go out drinking, no matter what age you are! haha
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    You can do it! I live in VA and work in DC and I completely feel your pain. Especially on those days where I forget my breakfast or lunch and have to cave to the cost and calories of eating downtown. I bought snack bars which helps but doesn't 'replace' a meal in my book.

    There's so many awesome little parks and hiking trails around and if you're into the social aspect, join one of the meetup groups that does hikes every weekend. That's a double win with exercise and spending time with people. As far as recipes, have you tried or cooking light? I like those sites but there's also a bunch of great recipes that get shared on the forums here.

    Good luck!