100 lb + weight loss: how do you stay motivated?



  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. My ultimate goal is 120 pounds. I'm 2/3 of the way there and it's taken me over 2 years to get here. Do I wish I was losing faster? Absolutely! Who wouldn't! However, am I upset that I'm losing slowly? Not for a minute! My life has changed dramatically even not being at goal. the moral is, don't be in a rush and celebrate every success no matter how big or small.

    Make small goals and make them easily attainable and measurable so you don't get frustrated trying to hit them. One of my biggest pieces of advice is to not make your goals scale-related. Often times, we cannot control what the number on the scale is, no matter what we do. Salt consumption, food in our bellies, our monthly cycle, etc. all play a part in what the scale says. Not seeing the number you want can lead to frustration and frustration can lead to quitting, so don't put yourself through that! Instead make goals like journaling everything you eat for a month; exercising 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week for a month; weighing/measuring all your portions; etc. those are much easier to control than the scale, you will see more consistent successes and if you focus on healthy goals, the number on the scale will follow!

    Be patient with yourself!!! You didn't gain weight over night and you won't lose it that way either. The sooner you come to that understanding, the less frustration you will have. Your weight loss graph will likely look like a roller coaster by the time you get to goal. The week to week fluctuations don't matter, it's the overall trend of the line that you should pay attention to.

    Life isn't the Biggest Loser and you won't lose 5-10 pounds a week. You will likely even gain some weeks! That is life and it happens to all of us. If you want to lose weight and maintain the loss, whatever you do will have to be for the rest of your life. Don't do anything to lose weight that you aren't willing to do for the rest of your life. In life, there are celebrations, nights out, unexpected meals where you can't control the menu and a myriad of other road blocks. Learning how to get through those situations, while still enjoying yourself is critical. One night off plan does not mean you screwed up your diet and you are a lost cause. Just enjoy the night, or day, or meal, or whatever, and then move on! Like I said before - one night didn't cause you to gain all your weight and one night won't ruin all of your efforts. It's the PATTERN of behavior that counts.

    Finally, motivation waxes and wanes. What will get you through to goal is persistence. Don't count on motivation. Set your mind to it and be persistent. When you have an off day, don't let it ruin everything you've already worked for. Pick yourself up and move on.

    Good luck to you! You can do this!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    The most I ever had to lose was 80, but once the weight started coming off, that was enough to motivate me to keep going.
    I wish I had better motivation for not gaining it back though.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I have a lot to lose (my sw was 355 and my gw is 160) so I have mini goals-be under 300, be under 275 etc
  • SavannahPB
    SavannahPB Posts: 4 Member
    Create multiple mini goals such as: loose 5 pounds, loose 15. Once you reach one goal for yourself, you'll be motivated enough to keep going. Also start with small goals such as 5 pounds and once you reach them and step on the scale and see a smaller number you will be so satisfied and thrive to reach your next goal. :)
  • rhunt34
    rhunt34 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 160 lbs. I have lost 97 lbs so far. My goal is always to get to the other side of whatever 10th number I am near. If I was 230 the goal was 220 and so forth. The gym and a trainer has changed my life too. I have always been overweight and love to read as my hobbie. I now get up at 5am and I am at the gym 6 days a week. I really don't feel right if I don't go. Even on vacations this year I have checked out the hotel gym and workout. I never would have said that would be me. Honestly, once I get started I don't want to stop, I give it a good hour to hour 1/2 each day. Strength training is the way to go, or it has been for me. I do some cardio but you see major results with strength training. Its not about bulking up but defining what God gave you. Good luck!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I ultimately want to lose 111lbs. I have set an intermediate goal of 199 by jan 1 2015 because look at the number 111 overwhelms me. I would like to hear from you. What has kept you going for the long term?

    I set my goal higher then what I wanted to reach on this site and just kept working towards it.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    It is easy to get disheartened when you look at the big picture. When you challenge yourself just to make it through ONE day with good choices and doing what you want to do, then you can end the day with pride and success, and it motivates you to continue. Just ask yourself if you can finish THIS day and forget about tomorrow for now.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I didn't officially set a goal weight. My initial goal was just to get healthy and I was and still am so sure I'll know the perfect weight for me when I get there. No final goal weight set means I can't get disappointed if I don't meet that weight or it takes me longer to get there. I though I'd be ready to start maintaining by now but I'm still in the process of losing. So I just keep trying. Your motivation will be in the clothes being looser, your family and friends noticing (be patient it may take a bit for this to happen) and then soon the surprise you get when you look in the mirror and wonder who that person is looking back at you because you don't recognize them. Walking by a store window and looking around to see who's beside you because the person in that window looks so skinny. Just don't expect this to happen tomorrow. Oh and the clothes shopping for all the things you've always wanted to wear but couldn't. Oh yeah!!!! there is your motivation.

    Oh and never give up. You WILL find that you have days you don't want to do this anymore because it's NOT easy and you will think it's just not worth it anymore. This is not I'll just get the weight off and life will be back to normal, this is your new normal and it's going to be a battle for the rest of your life. But you will learn to eat what you like, just not as much. You will learn to enjoy tasting your food instead of just inhaling it. You may get off track sometimes but you can always start again. Never let the holidays get to you, enjoy the day and get back to it the next day.
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    I am 96lb down and it has been a weird and wacky journey, I honestly have to say I was not the most knowledgable when I first started but I set small goals like many others have mentioned and once I lost the first 2 stones... I was ermmm I can so this and I almost became addicted to the results.

    There are always good days/bad days/good weeks/bad weeks but as long as you recognise that the bad times should not be an excuse to quit then you will be fine. Surround yourself with people who support what you are trying to do, Don't rely on the scales alone for progress... pictures and a tape measure should become your friends.

    All the best xx
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    I ultimately want to lose 111lbs. I have set an intermediate goal of 199 by jan 1 2015 because look at the number 111 overwhelms me. I would like to hear from you. What has kept you going for the long term?

    My goal is to drop 140lbs I know its a marathon not a sprint. I got to a point in my life where I said I want to do something for me. I also have enjoyed the fact i can shop at regular stores for clothes for the first time in many years rather than the more expensive big and tall places
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Well I've lost 50lbs since January and how I stay motivated is a constant reflection of my goals. If I don't check in with myself about why I started my goal then I really feel off track in some way. Also, it's a great way to see what you have gained by losing weight (i.e. walking up stairs and buckling the seat belt with ease). It's a good reminder to help keep the motivation. So self reflection is a good thing.

    I also like to do small goals of 20lbs or so. It's like a challenge that keeps me going. I feel as though I'm in the zone and I have an "I will beat this!" kind of attitude.

    But first and foremost you have to learn to be patient with the process. There are days that I fluctuate a lb or so and weeks where I don't lose anything or I'm bopping between the same numbers. Typically that happens when I'm going into the next ten class (i.e. 230 to 229lbs). Then I will get a "woosh" of weight loss and lose say 3lbs in a week. So weight loss is tricky. But ultimately if you stick to your calories and track faithfully using a food scale, you should do well.
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    Really awesome advice in this thread for those of us starting out with big, looming goals. Thanks everyone :love:
  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    I just started out too and have over 100 lb to lose. I want to ultimately lose 120 in total. It's a little daunting because it's so long term. I put 120 pennies in a jar and set it on my dresser. I do a weekly weigh in and move a penny from the To Lose jar to the Lost jar for every pound lost. It's a visual reminder that I've actually lost weight. I can see I have a lot more to go, but I can see that I'm making progress. I'm also measuring my body as well as weighing myself. That's where the real change will happen. I could not lose any weight in a week, but shrink a couple inches as I burn fat and gain muscle. I want it to motivate me when the pounds don't come off as fast.

    It's hard workout and you have to be motivated. That's tough I know because when I workout I just feel so fat because I can't do all the things they do in the video (I'm doing T25). However, I've noticed that I can now do the full 25 minutes, modified (no jumping yet, too much weight on these old knees), without stopping. That's HUGE for me. Celebrate those goals as well as the pounds and inches.

    Also, reward yourself for hitting milestones like every time you lose 11 lb. Just don't reward yourself with a day off or a chocolate cake. Pick things you want (inexpensive or free, just special) and let yourself enjoy because you've earned it.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    There's really no other option than to keep working on it. Every pound is progress.

    How do you stay motivated to finish college or high school or whatever? You just do what needs to be done that day. The rest will take care of itself.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Small goals. 35lbs is the halfway point to my first big goal. 50lbs is when I will do engagement photos. 70lbs is where I will go wedding dress shopping. 100lbs is next summer at the beach with a new bathing suit. 120lbs is October 10, 2015 - my wedding day.

    Day to day it's smaller battles though. 20lbs lost, all I wanted was 25lbs. Now that I'm at 25lbs all I want is 35lbs. I work every stupid pound off every stupid day. When I see 1 lb down on the scale, it means I'm winning.
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    This is a great topic! I have about 70 pounds to lose, and I've split it into 25% increments with mini goals along the way. I love my fit bit because it shows me how active I've actually been during the day and tells me when I need to do more. I've also set other ones - under 210, under 199, etc etc.... It gives me small victories. I also agree about the 30 minute workouts. If you have Amazon Prime or Netflix, there are a bunch in both places so it never gets boring! You've got this!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I just started out too and have over 100 lb to lose. I want to ultimately lose 120 in total. It's a little daunting because it's so long term. I put 120 pennies in a jar and set it on my dresser. I do a weekly weigh in and move a penny from the To Lose jar to the Lost jar for every pound lost. It's a visual reminder that I've actually lost weight. I can see I have a lot more to go, but I can see that I'm making progress.

    This is a very good idea!
    I did it once chaining paperclips together. You get a paperclip for every pound and as you lose, the chain gets longer. I like the pennies idea better though. :smile:
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    The fact that my fat *kitten* was 100+ pounds overweight was more than motivation enough.

    The horror of that reality keeps the fires stoked.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I had over 100 pounds to lose and did it with small goals also, 25# at a time. Watching the scale go down then kept me motivated. At first I thought I needed rewards, but the weight loss was enough.

    I did learn that I love exercise, just had to find the right thing to do. I love strength training, I add in cardio, but I no longer spend 45 minutes on an elliptical or treadmill. I do short cardio sessions and do things like jump rope, burpees, battle ropes, etc. Much more "fun" for me. I also went back to swimming, which was the exercise I liked growing up. I did spend the money on a personal trainer, which was great, but not needed. He keeps me motivated and accountable. I don't have sessions with him anymore, but he writes my workouts for me, which keeps the gym even more interesting for me.
  • HellaCarriefornia
    HellaCarriefornia Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the motivation and advice!