Lifting weights can stall weight?

SW : 221 lbs
CW : 146 lbs
GW : 140 lbs

My weight has been yo yo-ing the last 2 weeks between 145-146 lbs, I don't classify it as a plateau just yet as it has only been two weeks but i'm wondering what could be the issue with the stall. I do have my MFP set at lose 2 lbs per week and this worked for me to lose weight for the last 5 months. I know people will say to eat more and for the last few days I have been eating more than my usual caloric intake but it seems to make the scale go up .5 or so pounds. This scares me! Does raising your intake cause the scale to go up before it starts going back down? Also for the last two weeks my routine has changed. I used to do 4 days cardio and 2 days weight training/cardio. I do 35 mins of cardio daily and 2 days a week I also do step classes on top of that. The other 4 days I do weight training and the cardio. Should I maybe do more cardio? On two of my weight days they are heavy weights with a trainer. I have increased intensity and nothing has changed. I do want to raise my caloric intake especially for when I do hit my goal weight for maintenance but seeing the scale go up when I eat even just a bit more worries me that going up more will cause me to gain more weight back instead of losing . I know weight loss can result with a 0 loss sometimes..but two weeks straight? Not even a little bit of a loss?


  • vsears123
    vsears123 Posts: 1
    Lifting weights won't make your weight loss stall.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Lifting weights won't make your weight loss stall.
    false. it will temporarily stall weight loss due to water retention in your muscles. this happens anytime you incorporate new exercise into your regime. it does not mean that you arent losing fat however
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Actually, it can make it seem to stall for a bit because your muscles will retain water. If you take a few days off for recovery, often you'll see a drop of several pounds as your muscles will finally release the water they've been holding on to. Alternatively, you can just keep doing what you're doing and eventually the amount you're losing will overcome the amount of water you're retaining and the scale will start going down again. Just make sure that you're logging your food accurately.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    It's pretty common to get close to your GW and stall out a bit. I don't think that lifting has anything to do with that. I would however be concerned that you're still using the lose 2 lbs per week setting, that right there could be your problem.

    I would start by changing your weight loss to 1 lb per week and adjust your food intake you may gain a temporary pound or two but if you continue your workouts your body will recover rather quickly then after a few weeks I'd suggest dropping it down again to the .5 lbs per week.

    By the amount of questions you posted I think you might be over thinking things so my advice, make a few adjustments as I mentioned and cut yourself some slack mentally, you'll get there if you continue to work on being healthy.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,941 Member
    The body is smart which is why it's much more reasonable to do 1% of your body weight per week as goal weight loss. Once you approach a goal weight within 10lbs, .5% is an even better approach.
    It's not a race. People that do it that way invariably have a high regain history in my experience.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    First congrats on the loss you have had!

    Most people's weight fluctuates, mine has about a 4lb range. You are also right at goal so losing the last couple lbs would be at a rate of .5lb per week or less.

    Lifting weights will not stall fat loss, but a new routine or more sodium can cause water weight to hide small losses on the scale.
  • lifting weight won't cause you to gain, you would not have gained 2lbs of muscle that quickly. You would need to give more info pertaining to you caloric intake.. your height. First glance sounds like you are not taking enough recovery days..
    lifting weights will slowly assist you to be able to eat more and burn more calories .. instead of always having to increase cardio to lose weight.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    What are you using, other than the scales, to measure progress?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Lifting weights won't make your weight loss stall.

    This if the weight loss you're worried about stalling is fat based. The fat you want to lose is still being lost if you're eating at a deficit. You might hold onto a bit more water at the start of a lifting routine (a couple weeks or so) but that's it. You're not going to hold onto fat just because you're lifting.