cardio for an hour??



  • tklundahl
    tklundahl Posts: 1
    honestly, I watch comedians. They keep you entertained and laughing is good for your gut. I can do for two hours just by watching hour long comdey sessions on youtube on my phone.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    Your mistake is thinking that cardio has to be something structured, like a class or treadmill. Get out and ride a bike (vigorously, 12-15 mph or on rolling terrain), and work up to 100 miles or more in a week. The time flies when you are doing something you enjoy. :happy:
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    Running outside does the trick for me. Somehow it does not get boring. I change my routes often, I enjoy the nature around me, and time flies so quickly. Don't remember last time I ran on a treadmill.

    Yep^ and I listen to music so I'm pretty much just pushing along and mentally elsewhere.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I do cardio for 2-3 hours when I do my long distance runs. Last week I was visited my Aunt in the mountains. I'm not used to running in the mountains so I went on her treadmill. It was so boring and I got overheated. I only did 5 miles.

    I think it is easier to run outside than go on the treadmill. I will have to visit the treadmill during the winter and put up with it, but it is very boring.

    I think doing anything outside makes the exercise less boring.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I'm like you-love spinning, dance classes, group ex classes. But dang, put me on a cardio machine and it's torture. I will just mix it up and do 15 minutes on one, 15 on another and so forth always doing some form of intervals. I do like to walk/run outside but it's too dang hot for that right now.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I walk outside with my ipod on nice days or days when I meet up with my trainer, I leave early and walk around the mall before or after I meet with her, -- if it is too hot (I am in Phoenix), I will go to the gym to use their cardio machines - but that is my least preferred activity

    I also have a stationary bike parked in my living room, so if I watch TV, I use it... but I only really end up watching TV once or twice a week

    you don't have to do the whole hour at once either, break it up into smaller sections so that you don't get bored, etc
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    it's definitely easier outside.

    but, i've done 2.5 hours on the treadmill before, logging 17 miles.

    tomorrow morning i plan on running 12 miles on the treadmill, to give my knees and hips a break from the pavement. when indoors, music is almost a necessity, and my gym has individual tv's on all the cardio machines. when i'm there in the morning 4am-6am there's always a "Law and Order: SVU" back to back on, so i turn that on with the closed captions and get lost in the stories. it's mostly all mental. if you can get your mind lost in something else, the time goes by quickly.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    okay thanks guys, i guess i should have mentioned that its winter here ( i usually ride outside), i don't have any equipment at home and i find TV quite dull unless its a good music DVD or a decent movie... ill stick to the classes and when feeling really motivated ill treadmill it powering through to some sweet *kitten* music.

    thanks :) good luck to everyone who has the same problem with this motivation (sounds like alot of you guys are haha ;))
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    okay thanks guys, i guess i should have mentioned that its winter here ( i usually ride outside), i don't have any equipment at home and i find TV quite dull unless its a good music DVD or a decent movie... ill stick to the classes and when feeling really motivated ill treadmill it powering through to some sweet *kitten* music.

    thanks :) good luck to everyone who has the same problem with this motivation (sounds like alot of you guys are haha ;))
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i do a lot of visualizing.. usually of things chasing me :laugh: when i run it's zombies or large cats.. when i'm rowing it's a boat load of cannibals

    good music also helps with the right BPM. somethings you just have to MOVE to