I can't stop and I don't know why!!!!

I weigh myself probably 3 times a day if not more. It is becomeing an obsession. I don't do it because I know I am going to see a change it is I walk past a scale and am like hmmm lets see how much I weigh now or I get up to go potty and then I wonder how much I will lose after I go... Crazy things like that. I don't get emotional if I go up or down I just like to know where I am at. Does anyone else have this problem or am I just crazy?


  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    I don't get emotional if I go up or down
    Then how is it a problem?
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I weight myself at least 1-2 times a day. Same with me, it's just to see if there is a change. I don't really care if it goes up but I'm really excited when I see it go down! For me it's more motivating to check it often. I know for others it is not though.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i do this too. as Dumbledore said to Harry; "Curiosity is not a sin. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity yes, indeed."

    dont get caught up with the daily fluctuations. if you realize your weight will shift in the short term, its fine
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    I do this also I weigh myself once or twice a day and it does seem to be a problem. Try putting the scale away some people say only weigh once a week because you will drive yourself crazy.
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    I am just hoping it stays that way. YIKES!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I did this too for a while. Not because I'm obsessed with my weight, but it was a curiousity thing. Like after going pee, it was funny to see that I was down a full pound (TMI?). And I think it's neat to see the weight difference between first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed. Weight definitely is not a constant thing, and seeing the changes actually helped me realize that the number on the scale doesn't matter. Drink a big glass of water, weight goes up - did I really gain weight? Nope.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I don't get emotional if I go up or down
    Then how is it a problem?

    Seconded. If you have no emotional issues associated with this I don't see how it is a problem. There is nothing inheriently wrong with weighing yourself, its only an issue if you have mood swings based on the results.
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    I like to weigh myself multiple times each day. I only track what my weight says first thing in the morning, but i am always curious about daily fluctuations. I weigh myself before and after runs, meals, showering, etc. I've found it interesting that if i eat for example 1 pound of food, i don't usually weigh 1 pound heavier immediately after. I have no idea why that is, but i just weigh myself to satisfy my curiousity.

    I also like it when my "heaviest" time of the day is still lower than my "lowest" weight of the day from last week :)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I went through that phase. It was interesting to see how much weight can fluctuate. It was eyeopening to see how much I lost after a really good workout because I knew it meant that I had lost a LOT of water through sweat so it made me more aware that I wasn't hydrating very well during exercise. This weighing wasn't psychologically damaging, it was just curiosity though I do admit that I was disappointed to learn that my bowel movements weigh surprisingly little.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Have you washed your hands lately?
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member
    I think you're just crazy - but that's okay because I suspect we are all a little bit crazy in some way or other. :)
  • mrslstage
    mrslstage Posts: 51 Member
    I like to weigh myself multiple times each day. I only track what my weight says first thing in the morning, but i am always curious about daily fluctuations. I weigh myself before and after runs, meals, showering, etc. I've found it interesting that if i eat for example 1 pound of food, i don't usually weigh 1 pound heavier immediately after. I have no idea why that is, but i just weigh myself to satisfy my curiousity.

    I also like it when my "heaviest" time of the day is still lower than my "lowest" weight of the day from last week :)

    I do all of this!
  • snjohnston
    snjohnston Posts: 47 Member
    This thread makes me feel better....I'm glad I'm not alone! :)
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    LOL yes I have washed my hands. But not before I typed this. :huh:
    It really isn't an issue now but, because I know me and I think it might become an issue. Like when I have that last 10 lbs to lose. or god for bid the last 1 or whatever. I am sure I am making a mountain out of a mole hill but Hey, It's what I do best. If I could lose weight by worring about nothing I would be 4 lbs. :glasses:
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I do it too, especially when I see the pattern that tells me a new low is coming (ex: night weight the same as the current low, I know I will have a new low in the morning). For me it helped me see the patterns from working out, macros/micros and general intake. For my final few lbs. I do not think it will be an issue because I may have a goal weight listed but now that I understand my weight range, my goal has now become a 4lb range ...2lbs on either side of my original goal.

    Weighing often also helped after last weekend, we ate out at a fantastic Mexican restaurant on Friday then had chipotle for dinner the next night. On Sunday I weighed 6 lbs over my low, but didn't freak because my sodium was sky high and that was physically a lot of food. I also knew my calories were fine and even if I was over I was NOT that far over :laugh: .I also recorded a loss this week. If you have no emotion about the fluctuations then I think it can be beneficial.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    ^^^^^^ OMG lol