Not pooping regularly since diet change? HELP!



  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    I am going to throw something out here. Not scientific, just based on many years of pooping... So, i guess that makes me somewhat of an expert.... just not a scientist....

    I believe the human body is an amazing machine... When you overeat, your body decides not to work very hard at digesting since you seem to be living in a wonderland of nutrition..... So, more of what you eat ends up leaving your body as excrement, rather than being converted to fat or burned as energy.... There have been times in my life where I would eat 5 or 6000 calories a day for a long period of time... Based on BMR TDEE and all those things I should have gained 30 pounds in a month... However your body says I don't need to store more fat... So you only gain 2 - 5 pounds instead of the calculated 30.... I consider this phenomenon the opposite of your body going into starvation mode....

    Now that you are in a deficit calorie intake your body is saying, lets not send anything out the other end until we get all the nutrients out... Hence, less poop..... Since I have started eating more healthy, I have found that any time my body tells me to visit the restroom, I go.... It seems if i decide to hold it until a more opportune time... Like at home instead of work, it seems to take more effort....

    My father told stories about WW2 prisoners of war on the Bataan death march... He is not a WW2 vet, just a history buff.... Some POWs were so worried that they were not pooping they were going to extremes to try to poop. I won't go into details of the story as it was related to me... It was a bit gross for here.... But the bottom line was, they were getting nearly no nutrition and burning many calories so nothing was down there to come out....

    Just my two cents worth...

  • Great comments, thanks guys! I'll look at how I can add fats and fibers into my diet :)
  • hottspot
    hottspot Posts: 1
    i have the same issue,but it dont bother me,i think being fat and eating unhealthy my whole lfe ive pooed enough.
    ive lost 65 lbs in one hundred days. 25 more to reach my goal.
    unless someone tells me its unhealthy to only go every 3 days ill keep it.
    stay fit all,keep up the good work
  • mommy22alyns
    mommy22alyns Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you for asking this, I have the same problem!