Fealing Defeated



  • justagrrl898
    Thanks guys!!

    I feel the need to elaborate on a couple things.....I used to cut maybe 10 years ago, and began packing on lbs then (well more that I did have, Ive always been overweight). I have been in counseling and for the most part have gotten the depression and anxiety under control, except for the eating part. I did a 12 week Mindfulness class that opened my eyes a ton. One week was on mindful eating.....BAM opened my eyes WIDE and so here I am again trying. It was about mindful eating and how we were not even tasting our food.....was very eye opening. I will ALWAYS struggle with depression and anxiety....but getting tools to help them are wonderful, along with medication and constant learning.

    Your advise is great and truly appreciated. For lunch I had a salad and fruit.....im back on the bandwagon. Thanks!!! :)
  • justagrrl898
    Got on the scale today and lost 1.9 lbs this week!!! Not to shabby!!! Thank you!!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Glad to hear that.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Are you able to see a doctor? If so, I think you should address the depression and anxiety issues with your doctor.
    I've been exactly where you are right now. It's not fun. Without getting into a long sob story, I'll just tell you that I've been there and made it ! I was so sick of being fat, I tried every fad diet, and gave up so many times. It was awful. It was a vicious cycle of being depressed about being fat, and still over eating.
    The good news is, that mfp does work. All you need is a digital food scale and measuring cups :-) you don't need any fads or gimmicks. Once you get in the mindset that you want this to work, it will become part of your daily routine. You can do this, and it does work!!! I weigh 135 now, wear a size 4 , and feel great!! The choice is yours. If you want it, then do it!!! :-)
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Got on the scale today and lost 1.9 lbs this week!!! Not to shabby!!! Thank you!!!

    Way to go, very glad to hear this. Most everyone on this site has had feeling of being Defeated at some point......but we all push through and get on track for success. The only one guarantee in life is that you only get one life, this is your life, MFP and one or two years of dedication is going to help you make it an awesome life!
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Are you able to see a doctor? If so, I think you should address the depression and anxiety issues with your doctor.
    I've been exactly where you are right now. It's not fun. Without getting into a long sob story, I'll just tell you that I've been there and made it ! I was so sick of being fat, I tried every fad diet, and gave up so many times. It was awful. It was a vicious cycle of being depressed about being fat, and still over eating.
    The good news is, that mfp does work. All you need is a digital food scale and measuring cups :-) you don't need any fads or gimmicks. Once you get in the mindset that you want this to work, it will become part of your daily routine. You can do this, and it does work!!! I weigh 135 now, wear a size 4 , and feel great!! The choice is yours. If you want it, then do it!!! :-)

    This response is A++++
  • adnama384
    adnama384 Posts: 2
    I totally understand...I go through phases where I'm doing great and then for whatever reason, I just stop and then get scared to step on the scale again. Inevitably this is followed by more self-loathing, emotional eating, and then I get so sick of myself I start all over again. It's really a vicious cycle. Right now I have been going for 3 weeks and I am feeling fantastic, tracking my food, making smart choices, doing my T-25 every day...but in the back of my mind, I wonder how long I'll stick with it. What if I get discouraged and stop again? How do I keep from doing that? Honestly, I think that reading these forums really helps...there are so many people here that have positive things to say and it helps me remember that I am not alone. I don't know about you, but it's hard for me talking about weight/body issues with friends or family, so I tend to keep everything to myself. No one can ever really understand exactly how you are feeling, but when I read the things people say on here, I realize that we all have our struggles and that I am not the only one who cries getting dressed in the morning. Setting small goals for myself, and rewarding myself each week with a pedicure or massage has helped. Also, I use the note section on the food diary and write down what I am feeling or how I did each day, and I feel like that's helped too. Just some thoughts. :) Try to remember that you are awesome, and that your MFP friends are here for you!
  • Goldilukes
    Goldilukes Posts: 45 Member
    I totally feel you on this one and do the same thing myself. I do great then it's totm and I go mad, feel down and find it hard to get back on track and even though I know each month it's coming I still get smacked in the face with it. I get back on by taking one day at a time, sounds boring but life can be some times and I find I live for highs a lot through my foods so it can be hard.
    My best tip or advice would be to start your day with something good and wholesome....the first day back on your diet make sure to eat tons of the good stuff only. Eat way over if you need to just to get you back in the habit of eating the good things and getting rid of the bad eating cravings that tend to linger.

    If I've been naughty for instance, the next day I will eat a good breakfast and plenty of veg, good fats, protein and even lots of nice fruit....anything it takes in a good way to get away from going to those bad foods. I believe over indulging in the good foods does not impact our bodies as badly as even sniffing the bad foods.

    Good luck!
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    i'm in the same boat as you, used to be up at 4:30 every morning to get to the gym by 5. Right now, I can't even find the energy or the motivation to do it

    omgeeee this is me the past 2 weeks!! I'm determined to start back in the morning though! i want to see my ticker move and pounds lost.