Eager and trying not to be too anxious

Im new here, trying to lose weight....35lbs possibly 40 pounds to go....I have been watching what i eat, going to the gym regularly...and have gained 3.6lbs...

I have been told that muscle weighs more than fat, however not sure if I am relying on this to be true to make myself feel better or if i am doing something wrong? I was eating a lot of fruit, so perhaps it was the natural sugar causing the problem.

How often should I be jumping on the scale, when is the best time to do this, and how often should I take my measurements.

Trying to do this with Lupus sucks because everything is affected...but i cant hold this weight any longer!!!


  • joelschneider45066
    joelschneider45066 Posts: 76 Member
    wow - you sound alot like me ... not lupus here, but severe psoriasis, for which I have to take steroids. I started my calorie diary about 3 weeks ago, and it's been working so far. I am still 'excited' at this point and hope I can keep it up. I have been weighing myself daily - which is BAD ... trying to force myself to only do it weekly or bi-weekly .... For me, the KEY has been the diary and sticking under my daily goal, which I have done each day (with work outs accounted for). Just stick with it!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I found this to be one of the best and most information filled posts on getting started.


    Best advice I can give is:

    1. buy a food scale - weight and measure every single thing that goes in your mouth
    2. don't live by the scale - take measurements and pictures they tell the true story
    3. losing weight takes time and patience, keep to the course and you will lose weight

    Good luck.

    Edited for poor grammar
  • KristenSnider77
    KristenSnider77 Posts: 18 Member
    I feel like i have hit a wall...im just sad that the hard work hasnt started to show yet...i dont want to give up, but give me something!!

    I hope my measurements are showing a difference...i will speak to my trainer tonight at the gym and ask for a retake of them so i can get some encouragement at least. Wish me luck.
  • joelschneider45066
    joelschneider45066 Posts: 76 Member
    Right - i guess I look at it this way ... the diary and counting calories is the only thing that is really pure science. Input less Calories than your body burns and it HAS to work. It might start out slower for some than others, but if you truly take in less than you use, then your body has to get it's power source from somewhere .... I might be looking at it too simply ..but so far (knock on wood) in 3 weeks I have lost roughly 7 lbs doing just that ...
  • KristenSnider77
    KristenSnider77 Posts: 18 Member
    THanks Joel, I have made my diary public and will keep watching what i eat, eat in moderation, and exercise regularly. So far, only 3 days on here so not much to see, i wish i could move my stuff over from when i was logging it on FitBit's site...perhaps there is and i have yet to figure it out :)

    Anyways, would appreciate the occasion kick in the rear, reinforcement/encouragment or if needed tongue lashing :) Im a stubborn Aries Dutch woman and I want to feel sexy again...im commited, and appreciative of the support/advice :)