Do you plan to or have you lost over 100 pounds?



  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    I need to lose130 lbs. feel free to add me
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 436 Member
    From 2010 - 2012 I lost 260lbs, getting down to a low weight of 230lbs. Since then I've been lifting weights and working on building muscle and I'm currently at 250lbs.

    It is very do-able, and it also possible to maintain the loss. I still track what I eat, I still lift weights at the gym, and I still run and bike. The only real change for maintenance vs. losing for me was that I upped my calories till I found a level that kept my weight study. I still adjust the number now and then based on the scale, but I've between 245-255 for almost 2 years now.

    This is me before, and me at 235 or so:

    This is from late this spring:
  • IDontWannaDiet
    IDontWannaDiet Posts: 1 Member
    With ya. I blog about it too, if you're on facebook and would like to join me!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Started at 268, so I needed to lose a total of 118 lbs to reach my goal of 150.

    I've lost a current total of 37 lbs, 23 of those in the last 8 weeks.

    You can do it! Never give up.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I started off this time needing to lose 170 and have managed 27 so far. Still have a long way to go; but so far so good.
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    Well I still have 33 to go but plan to make only advice is don't over complicate it. It's as simple as calories going in vs. calories going out. Make sure the right one is lower than the other.

    Good luck! look awesome
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Welcome back! I'm 112 down but still have a way to go.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    You can add me. ???? I still have a ways to go but have done it all just by tracking what I eat here.
  • ednaemerson
    ednaemerson Posts: 63 Member
    i lost 183 pounds and have kept it off 13 months! you can do it!!
  • soltris
    soltris Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome back, and you can definitely do it! With some weight loss before MFP I'm down about 100, with another 100 to go still. MFP has made this as easy as I could possibly ask for and I can't say enough nice things about the site and app. :)
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    Yep got an "extra" me holding me down. Found MFP about 3 weeks ago and 4lb down :-) Doing this is better for me then WW was - counting points made me crazy.
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    I've lost 93 pounds and have another 40 or so to go. I've done it slow and steady and have been patient with the journey (well, some weeks I wanna kick and scream at the scale...), but I feel confident that I can continue on this path. Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me...I have an open diary and log almost every day (no one's perfect, right? ;) )
  • Betsygail
    Betsygail Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it. I have about 24 pounds to go and I will hit my goal of 110 lost. When I started I set my over all goal, then I would set a goal of 5 pounds at a time. It seemed to help me to have small goals to achieve to the over all goal didn't seem so unachievable.
  • relocatedcowboy12
    I would love to lose about 125 lbs total. I welcome anyone that wants to add me, please write a note though not just a friend request.
  • Ryandecheney314
    Ryandecheney314 Posts: 139 Member
    I am always looking for new buddies for motivation and for me motivate them. Feel free to add me!!!
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I started out where you are now--still have 30-35 pounds to go. I'm on the slow and steady plan and will be here for the long haul. Anyone can feel free to add me if they like--I'm pretty quiet, but log in everyday.
  • jackson192
    Hi, I'm Jackson and I'm planning to lose over a hundred pounds. It's my first time on MFP and feel free to add me.
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    105 pounds to lose here. I always want more friends.
  • chidmb
    chidmb Posts: 3 Member
    Wow! I am so proud of you! I hope I can look as gorgeous as you do when I'm done losing all this weight! Way to go!! :smile:
  • chidmb
    chidmb Posts: 3 Member
    i lost 183 pounds and have kept it off 13 months! you can do it!!

    Wow! I am so proud of you! I hope I can look as gorgeous as you do when I'm done losing all this weight! Way to go!!