16 year old, in need of help/support

Lokitaa21 Posts: 13
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! Im 16 years old and currently a junior in high school. Ive been overweight my whole life and reached my all time high of 227 in january of last year. I started offiially trying to lose weight in March of 2010 and am down to 159. I am 5'2 so with my height 159 looks like 190. I want to get down to 120-125 by June 18. I have battled food addiction and bulimia and im here to do it the healthy way. I'm doing this with my mom but we are at two different ends of the spectrum and i need help from people who are at where im at or have been here. Can anyone give me tips on how to lose this weight? I also need support from anyone and everyone.

Feel free too add me. Thanks too all(:



  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    nice to meet you! you and I have the same goal. I'm graduating in June and hope to weigh same as you :)

    the tips? Just log everything you eat, even and especially when you "mess up" and make sure you get your recommended amount of exercise. that's it!

    you can add me if you want!
  • good luck girl!!!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    Tip #3 and try to stick to the recommended daily allowance of calories, which is suggested by MFP for your activity level. Don't cheat, or you will cheat your metabolism.

    Tip #4 get a maintenance plan for when you reach goal weight

    That's it!, really, I swear!
    Good job on your weight loss to date!
  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    This is the best site....you will do well!! Good Luck!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi. I am new here as well. Although my goals and problems are not the same, you can add me as a friend and msg me when you need someone to chat with :)
  • mooog
    mooog Posts: 16
    I'd suggest finding something that you enjoy doing that burns calories and stick with it. I don't know how much of a nerd you are but I'm a pretty big one and DDR did wonders for me in high school. I'm going to pick up EA Sports Active 2 for ps3 here pretty soon, hoping that will be a fun one to try. Just stick with it and you'll be on the bus to skinny town in no time!
  • Good Luck with your goal! I have no doubt you'll hit your goal.
  • Welcome Rachel... sorry to hear you have battled bulimia and been suffering being overweight for so long. I also want to be 120lbs since im 5'1" every little extra pound is a BIG deal for us. Walking 30mins for 3-4 days a week will help you lots. Also make sure u drink at least 8 glasses of water. If you hate water try Crystal Light to add flavor. Good luck & U can count on me for support!:flowerforyou:
  • LeslieAnn72
    LeslieAnn72 Posts: 58 Member
    Congratulations on the weight you have all ready lost! The last always seems the hardest but YOU CAN DO IT!!! Track your food, log your exercise, drink your water and have fun. Best of luck to you. :)
  • tashajasmine
    tashajasmine Posts: 37 Member
    my friend battles with food addiction. she goes to "over eaters anonymous" she says its like AA but for food. I don't really know how much weight she has lost but she looks great and you can tell she feels great. google it and check it out
  • Kella22
    Kella22 Posts: 18
    Try not to weigh your self too often as well it can be discouraging and it is much more exciting to see a bigger number than just a few ounces. Set goals and celebrate with friends or family when you meet them! (not with sweets of course ;) ) Most importantly, get moving dance, sing, jump, walk, anything to keep you energized! and HAVE FUN! Good luck!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Great job on your weight loss so far! The key to weight loss...exercise and watching what you eat, which is easier said than done, but MFP is a great tool. I'm only 5'3" with a similar current weight and goal...feel free to add me!
  • AnnaLeigh85
    AnnaLeigh85 Posts: 16 Member
    Great Job so far! Just keep up the momentum and you will make it to your goal. What has worked the best for me is just removing all the bad stuff from my diet, well most of it. I do not eat out anymore and if I do, I either go to Subway or get something healthy. I have also been eating a lot of whole grains. Find something that works for you though. Drink lots of water!

    I was in great shape in High School, but after I graduated I got a job where I sat all day, and while my eating habits hadn't changed, I still packed on the pounds. It is good you are working on this now, as it will give you better habits in the future.

    We are all ready friends, but if you need any encouragement or advice let me know. Just remember one thing, YOU can do this!
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