Juice fast

Hello everyone! I am going to be starting a juice fast within the next week! I have been mentally preparing and getting my juicer ordered and just researching! I am looking for support and tips and anyone else that is maybe doing the same so we can give each other tips! This is my first post on my fitness pal! Anyway let me know! I was thinking of doing a blog of my progress but don't know how really yet or where to do that but if anyone is interested let me know! Anyway thanks for reading and I will ttyl ????


  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    Hey! I was just about to search for a buddy willing to do this with me. Ive done a juice fast before with the nutri bullet, and felt great, would love to do it again for sure! How long do you want to do this? Send me. Friend request and message if you want to talk more about it. Im looking for someone whos going to be very serious, focussed, and honest about it like me. : )
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    I'm actually on my 5th day of my 10 day juice fast.
    I'm doing it for health reason, to give my colon a rest and help my other organs a chance to repair themselves.
    Its my first juice fast and its been ok so far, but today I woke up really hungry and with lots of mucous.
    Today has been very different from the other days, but again everyone is different on how the fast will affect them.
    I'm here to help with tips and support.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I'm actually on my 5th day of my 10 day juice fast.
    I'm doing it for health reason, to give my colon a rest and help my other organs a chance to repair themselves.
    Its my first juice fast and its been ok so far, but today I woke up really hungry and with lots of mucous.
    Today has been very different from the other days, but again everyone is different on how the fast will affect them.
    I'm here to help with tips and support.

    What science supports that a juice fast does any of the things you claim?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Drinking juice does not give your colon a rest. And it doesn't need a rest anyway. Should you stop breathing for a while so that your lungs can rest?

    None of these controversies about juice fasting end well. It's not supported by science but the people who are determined to do it anyway generally rebuff any attempt to point out the facts.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Please read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    As long as your kidneys and liver are working properly there is no reason to be doing a cleanse.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    I'm doing it for health reason, to give my colon a rest and help my other organs a chance to repair themselves.

    So tell me which of your organs are damaged and what medical professional told you that juice will fix it? I mean I'm guessing your still in hospital with the organ damage right?

    Also OP read this link:


    In case you don't:
    Hey MFPers.

    With the rapid increase of new users there are many posts coming up asking for detox recommendations. I figured this would be a good time to provide some links explaining why you generally don't need to detox or cleanse.

    Your body is readily equipped to handle toxins and in the event it cannot, you're in far greater need of medical attention than you are of any particular beverage or liquid diet.

    For purposes of weight loss, you're essentially choosing to replace food with liquid calories (depending on the cleanse, but most fall under this category) resulting in what usually amounts to a VLCD. This isn't typically a good idea for a variety of reasons (mood, hunger signaling, skeletal muscle maintenance, performance) and moreover it represents yet another short-cut attempt rather than establishing proper habits.

    The intent of my post isn't to insult anyone who comes here with the misinformed belief that they should detox/cleanse. The purpose is to provide information to hopefully save someone the wasted time, money, and potential ill health effects, not to mention the likely weight regain.

    Please read the following links:


    tl:dr - It is pseudoscience and a waste of money
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I'm actually on my 5th day of my 10 day juice fast.
    I'm doing it for health reason, to give my colon a rest and help my other organs a chance to repair themselves.
    Its my first juice fast and its been ok so far, but today I woke up really hungry and with lots of mucous.
    Today has been very different from the other days, but again everyone is different on how the fast will affect them.
    I'm here to help with tips and support.

    You would think that would give you a clue that this isn't such a great idea. Um, yuck?
  • NurseAlleyE
    NurseAlleyE Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! Yeah i am going to be very serious about this. I know its going to be hard and ive done a lot of research and watched movies on how the process usually goes. I am waiting for my juicer to come in the mail still. It is supposed to come on Monday so I want to start Tuesday. When are you planning on starting? Have you watched the movie "fat sick and nearly dead"? Good movie.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Hey! Yeah i am going to be very serious about this. I know its going to be hard and ive done a lot of research and watched movies on how the process usually goes. I am waiting for my juicer to come in the mail still. It is supposed to come on Monday so I want to start Tuesday. When are you planning on starting? Have you watched the movie "fat sick and nearly dead"? Good movie.

    I hope you still have the reciept and a return address.
  • bsmock88
    bsmock88 Posts: 22 Member
    I love how people think they will talk you out of doing a juice fast by telling you how bad it is and how there is no evidence, cracks me up. I have tried juicing before and it's not for me. Good luck and try to post to let us know how it went!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I love how people think they will talk you out of doing a juice fast by telling you how bad it is and how there is no evidence, cracks me up. I have tried juicing before and it's not for me. Good luck and try to post to let us know how it went!
    Herpa derp derp
  • bsmock88
    bsmock88 Posts: 22 Member
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    I love how people think they will talk you out of doing a juice fast by telling you how bad it is and how there is no evidence, cracks me up. I have tried juicing before and it's not for me. Good luck and try to post to let us know how it went!

    I love how people think that drinking nothing but juice will somehow repair your organs and 'cleanse toxinz' and how there is no evidence, cracks me up.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    It must be a great movie if you can find it on the Dr. Oz site.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I love how people think they will talk you out of doing a juice fast by telling you how bad it is and how there is no evidence, cracks me up. I have tried juicing before and it's not for me. Good luck and try to post to let us know how it went!

    I'm still waiting on scientific evidence that these juice fasts do any of the things people claim besides serve as a crash diet.
  • bsmock88
    bsmock88 Posts: 22 Member
    Keep in mind, I am not saying there is evidence. I tried it once and it didn't go well at all so I am not a supporter, but I also don't reply negatively to a post looking for some friends to support them on a new venture. I am interested in her results, not backing her. She asked for support, not everyones opinions on the matter. It's a forum so post as you will, but I try to post where my word means something, not to bring someone down. If she wants to try, so be it.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    I love how people think they will talk you out of doing a juice fast by telling you how bad it is and how there is no evidence, cracks me up. I have tried juicing before and it's not for me. Good luck and try to post to let us know how it went!

  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    If you're going to "juice" then I'd encourage you to use the whole fruit and not just the juice from the fruit. Fruit contains fiber which offsets the effects of fructose (sugar). I'm guessing you're doing veggies and fruit as well, eh? Keep us updated. I'm curious to see how it goes.

    Btw, where do you plan on getting your protein from?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Drinking juice does not give your colon a rest. And it doesn't need a rest anyway. Should you stop breathing for a while so that your lungs can rest?

    None of these controversies about juice fasting end well. It's not supported by science but the people who are determined to do it anyway generally rebuff any attempt to point out the facts.
    OP does not have to be an expert to do a juice cleanse. It's just personal choice.
    You are probably not an expert either, and yet you are mocking her choice.
    Are you an expert at everything you do? Applying first aid to your child or yourself, or administering care when sick? No, you just do the best you can. And yet you may find yourself asking others for helpful input in what you already plan to do.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Interesting. If I am not in agreement with a topic I simply avoid it...not troll the topic.
    So some of you disagree with juicing. Fine...why be jerk about it? This thread is looking for
    Comrades...not skeptics. Sheesh.