Silly ol'woman in Nor Cal joining - 40 wild lbs to go

KymbaKhan Posts: 10 Member
Hi There!
I'm new to MyFitnessPal and I'm using an Up24 tracker for walking/exercise goals.

I'm a fat old lady in Northern California and I'm trying to lose 40 lbs and get back the strength I remember having 20 years ago.

I've just joined a local roller derby league and will do my first training newbie day this Sunday - this will be my GYM! Yay, mandatory skating workouts to meet league attendance requirements, crying while failing squats and push-ups, sweating and making gear stinky!

I rent a house, take care of feral cats and chickens, crochet very poorly (sometimes just a random 4' square a year and I'm ever so proud no matter how crooked the dang thing is), ride a motorcycle when I'm feeling up to it and I'm a lapsed pagan (sometime Discordian.) On Tumblr I'm a SJW and believe strongly in inclusive feminism.

I'd like to have some friends with similar interests to make the app a bit more motivational. I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone at work, or the few people I know IRL sooo... Hi!

