Cortisol ab fat-

Hi I'm just wondering if there's anyone out there that suffers from cortisol abdominal fat, or has done in the past.
Any tips/suggestions on how to shift it, except the obvious approach to "stress less"?
I'm at a healthy weight for my height of (58kg) my goal weight is to be at 55kg (I'm short!!) this cortisol fat area is really getting me down and is quite noticeable due to already having a small frame.
Any advice appreciated- please no rude/nasty replies, only helpful ones needed.



  • DeterminedBex
    DeterminedBex Posts: 97 Member
  • wavelength5
    wavelength5 Posts: 2 Member
    I have that issue as well. My first step was to determine where the stress was coming from and my dr. encouraged me to take a sleep test to make sure I was actually getting the right amount and kind of sleep. As it happens I have sleep apnea and after getting a CPAP machine I was able to "stop" the accumulation of fat. Now I am on the journey to get rid of that fat - which is the most difficult to lose (of course). Having just started with MFP this week, I can't give you any results as of yet. I'm sure I will be able to lose the jiggly stuff. It may be that I'll need some surgery to get rid of the skin, but that's not my real concern now.

    I will be checking back to see if others have been through this and have some information to share with us.
  • Synchronicity
    Synchronicity Posts: 82 Member
    Question... how do you know the abdominal fat is coming from excessively high cortisol? Have you actually had your cortisol levels tested or are you just assuming that it is high?

    I'm not asking to be rude or nit-pick.

    But storing fat in abdominal area is not always because of a cortisol imbalance. Often, it's simply genetic- some people are prone toward storing fat on their hips, others store fat in their abdomen. And, or course, there are other factors as well that are still being teased apart by researchers.

    Anyway, if you've actually been tested and you know you have high cortisol, talk to your doctor about treatments. Otherwise, you lose abdominal fat the same way you lose any fat- exercise and a calorie restriction.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If your doctor diagnosed you with high cortisol (a rare condition), follow their advice.

    If you haven't had your cortisol tested, you probably don't have high cortisol, you simply have excess body fat that's stored in your midsection due to your genetic body type. To lose body fat (any) get in a calorie deficit, and do full-body strength training to maintain a high metabolism. Are you currently doing that?