I'am stuck!! Need help!!

I'am stuck. Lost 5 lbs and no results after that.
I'am on same diet that I was doing before. Infact, I added squats to it. It's been 3 days.
What could possibly have gone wrong that I'am not shedding it off the way I was doing before??


  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Since when? Can you open up your diary and also provide some more detail.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    You can see it now.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    3 days is not a sufficient amount of time to accurately determine what is happening. Also, squats will work muscles you're not used to working, when you work those muscles it tears small fibres in the muscles so they can be rebuilt stronger. This causes a small amount of inflamation in your muscles which is normal and beneficial, but retains a small amount of water weight. (this is just my understanding, I'm not a medical professional).

    Also, you lost 5 lbs, but how quickly? Its entirely possible that your body is burning fat, but retaining water.

    I believe your "plateau" could be a combination of a small amount of water retention in your muscles and just normal cycles your body goes through where it will retain water etc. Its also possible that your calorie goal is set incorrectly if your exercise estimates are off, or your measuring and weighing of your foods could be off.

    Weigh all foods and enter the portions exactly, measuring cups and spoons are only useful for pourable liquids. Make sure you're measuring and logging condiments too, there are quite a few calories in some condiments.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'am stuck. Lost 5 lbs and no results after that.
    I'am on same diet that I was doing before. Infact, I added squats to it. It's been 3 days.
    What could possibly have gone wrong that I'am not shedding it off the way I was doing before??

    Why are you trying to eat 600 calories a day?
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    I have been trying since last year but could not make a difference. When i am finally gettin this right it's stuck!
    There was no cardio or any other exercise i was performing last days. I started squats 3 days ago. The way i was sheddin i was hopeful i ll make it to below 60 kgs after 10 days. Currently i am 136 lbs. I have to move it to 120 lbs. What else do you need to know??
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    Basically i am a medical student. All i have to do is sit on a desk. I dint put on weight because of overeating but i did it because i was in no physical activity from past couple of years. I dont like eatin more i fear it ll just do more harm. 1200 cal is a amount i was consuming before startin a diet.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    I just looked at your diary, you're only eating 600-700 calories per day. This means that even if you're sitting on the couch every day doing absolutely nothing, you are starving yourself. Since you've said you're doing squats, and I'll assume you're doing some standard walking in your daily life, you're having a massive deficit.

    You need to either start eating at least double what you currently are eating, or go see a doctor immediately.

    The reason you aren't losing weight is that your body is rebelling against your diet. The human body is a highly evolved machine. When your body senses a sudden, severe loss of calories over several days, it assumes there is a crisis or famine and reacts to protect you from dying. This means it saves every scrap of energy it can, even to the point of shutting down organs and reducing your brain power. Your body is trying to save your life by preventing you from losing weight.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    I think you are right. My teacher said that to me and i dint pay attention :-/ :-/
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Basically i am a medical student. All i have to do is sit on a desk. I dint put on weight because of overeating but i did it because i was in no physical activity from past couple of years. I dont like eatin more i fear it ll just do more harm. 1200 cal is a amount i was consuming before startin a diet.

    I'm just guessing that you weren't weighing and measuring everything when you say you ate 1200 calories a day before your "diet."

    If that's correct, then you're likely in the same trap as many users here have been, you thought you were eating 1200 calories a day, but were likely actually eating 1500 or more per day.

    Your height isn't listed, but at 136 lbs sedentary, you likely need quite a bit more than 1200 calories a day to maintain your current weight. Get a fitbit or other activity monitor if you can afford one, I suspect you're getting more exercise just in daily life than you estimate, and if you can't afford it, use scooby or something similar to calculate your TDEE as accurately as possible.

    As a medical student, you should know what starvation does to a person, you're doing that to yourself if you've been accurately logging your food.

    Also, I notice your goal is set for 21 more pounds to lose, but I believe you posted here that you're only trying to lose 16 more lbs. Don't set your goal lower thinking it will get you there faster, it doesn't work that way.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    I am 5'4. My weight was 65 kgs when i started. About 142 lbs. According to my BMI i should weigh between 55 kgs to 60 kgs. I chose it to be 55 or 54. 55 minimum. That is 115 to 120 lbs.
    Now as this is not working my way i am sure im doin it wrong. Just tell me what to do?
    I wanted to make it fast and i starved myself. As a result im stuck. All i wanted to do was to look better when i go back to school after vacations :-( :-( :'(
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    I am 5'4. My weight was 65 kgs when i started. About 142 lbs. According to my BMI i should weigh between 55 kgs to 60 kgs. I chose it to be 55 or 54. 55 minimum. That is 115 to 120 lbs.
    Now as this is not working my way i am sure im doin it wrong. Just tell me what to do?
    I wanted to make it fast and i starved myself. As a result im stuck. All i wanted to do was to look better when i go back to school after vacations :-( :-( :'(

    You can look better. Better doesn't mean a number on a scale, or BMI though. BMI is notoriously bad, scientists have stated that BMI is an excellent way to judge the weight of a large group, but useless for individuals. Instead, you should go to a trainer or medical professional and get them to measure your body fat percentage, usually its most accurately done by them pinching skin and measuring it at various points on the body. That will be your most accurate way of determining your body fat content to ensure you're healthy that way. As far as looking good, I've only looked at your main profile picture, but you already look good.

    Losing more weight will make you look skinny (in a sick way), what you need is to tone up in a way that makes you feel good. This means you should either calculate your TDEE very accurately, or get a fitness activity monitor like a fitbit, and set your goal to lose 0.5 lbs per week only, then you should start lifting weights.

    School starts in approximately a month, you'll see some small toning before then if you start some weight lifting now. I would strongly suggest either following a program on DVD, i.e. the T-25 program lots of people are doing now that uses mostly your own body weight, or getting a personal trainer to assess your needs and set up a program for you. Don't try to do more than suggested as it will actually prevent your body from building muscle, and could cause injuries that will set you back.

    You have very little weight to lose, but those of us with larger amounts to lose have had to learn that this is not an overnight process. Shortcuts fail, and sometimes backfire completely.

    If you start eating healthy now at a level to lose 0.5 lbs per week, you can likely expect to gain a few pounds over the first week or so, your body is still in starvation mode thinking there is a crisis. After that though, it will level out and you'll lose slowly but surely.

    I can't emphasize how important it is for you to weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth and log it as accurately as possible. There are some excellent posts in the forums on how to do this, so explore some here.

    I promise you that the people at school will find a healthy you far more attractive than a sick skinny you. As a guy, I also assure you that I cannot see an extra 10-15 lbs on a woman when I look at her....that is just not enough weight for someone to really see a difference. You are the only one seeing it, and I bet if you didn't have a scale to tell you, you wouldn't be able to see it either. Be healthy and happy first, then look at the scale. Remember, as a med student, you will learn these lessons now, and be able to apply them for a lifetime, and will be able to teach them to countless patients over the years who need your help. If you don't learn these lessons, then you will pass on your bad habits to your patients over the years, and you'll watch them struggle with the same things you are now.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    Thank you :') it really helped.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you :') it really helped.

    Glad to hear it, now rethink your goals, make sure they're reasonable and then stick with it. You'll get there. See you around the forums.
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! U can add me , I m 5.4 58 kg GW 54.

    Basically what u need to do is
    1. Calculate small deficit ( I went for 400-300 cal per day)
    2. Include weight lifting to preserve muscle
    3. Make sure u eat at least 1g of protein on each lb of lean mass

    These last kgs are the longest and u must accept that. Keeping lean mass safe is critical. Eating a little deficit is very important too coz it will take up to 20 weeks, on 600 cal u won't make it besides u ll lack strength to exercise.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    You are eating less than a toddler at the moment, please eat more. You are starving yourself, and missing out on nutrients.
  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    You're not eating enough food.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    Thank you guys :') i am goin to make this right.