How realistic is 40+ lbs in 22 weeks?

Hi All

As the subject line says, I was just wondering how achievable 40lbs+ is (in a healthy way obviously) in 22 weeks? I want to state that it's not the be all and end all if I don't hit this goal, that's just how much I'd like and I'm counting down to Christmas lol. Obviously I'd be happy with even half that amount if it means I'm losing in a healthy way.

Stats are currently:

Height: 5'4"
SW/CW: 200lbs
GW: 154lbs
Ultimate GW: 140 (I know this would still class me as BMI overweight but it's the lightest I've been as an adult)

MFP has me at 1270 calories if this helps...

Any advice welcome :)



  • Determination53
    Determination53 Posts: 1 Member
    It could happen but it all depends on your discipline. However, I think your goal should be, " I will get to my goal weight and how much time it takes to get there doesn't matter." You made the correct step coming here to set up your caloric intake and roughly 2 pounds a week can be done with increasingly more intense exercise. Getting your mind ready for the discipline is the key.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    So that's 5-6 months? If you stick to it then getting close is achievable (I lost 42 pounds in exactly 6 months). But, don't get downhearted if you don't lose as quickly as you plan as we are all different and lose weight at different rates. Losing is still losing.

    I am a 5'6" female that started at 184lbs and got to 142lbs. I lost on an average of 1800 calories a day (including all the calories I earnt via exercising) and walk an average of 12,000 steps as a matter of routine every day (not counted as exercise).
  • chic245
    chic245 Posts: 10 Member
    I am in my mid 60s and since Early April I have lost more than 25 lbs. my goal is 35 lost and I expect to take about 6 more weeks..which would equal @23 weeks. You can do it!
  • I think it is possible. I know for me to be able to do that I would have to net around 800 calories a day which also includes exercising almost everyday. I've been using the 5k running app and the Lolo Boot Camp and have seen great results in just ten days....I've lost 3.8 lbs. and have not been so sore that I can't get up and move the next day. It's been a nice transition from the couch.
    Best of luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    A healthy loss is .5–2 lbs. per week. So 40 lbs. in 22 weeks is theoretically possible. But you'll need to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Read the Sexypants post:
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    I lost 50lbs in about 11 months, and that was with holidays 'off' so I think it is achievable. One thing I'll add is that it will come off quickly at first and slower the closer you are to your goal so don't expect it to be linear (my mistake for guessing my 'goal' date!)

    good luck :)
  • As the subject line says, I was just wondering how achievable 40lbs+ is (in a healthy way obviously) in 22 weeks?

    I'm 5'4", too, and post-menopausal to boot. Back in 2010 I lost 35 pounds in 14 weeks using the Ideal Protein diet. It's quite restrictive, but it's safe, healthy and fast, and I found it easy to stick to. And after transitioning off of it, I've been able to maintain my weight effortlessly just by eating a balanced diet. Now I've decided to go a bit lower, so I'm going low carb and have lost a bit over 3 pounds this week.
  • blaccoffee
    blaccoffee Posts: 26 Member
    Its possible to pull off as long as you stay motivated. Its should be close to a 1000 calorie a day deficit. Just make sure to get all of your necessary vitamins and minerals.

    Good luck :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    The one thing to keep in mind is that the closer you get to your weight goal, the slower your weight loss will go. I am almost to goal, and I have been fighting for these last three pounds for about 6 months, just to give you some anecdotal perspective. So it is possible, but don't be crushed if you don't make it, since you only have about 40lbs or so to lose in the first place.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Its possible to pull off as long as you stay motivated. Its should be close to a 1000 calorie a day deficit. Just make sure to get all of your necessary vitamins and minerals.

    Good luck :)

    WHAT?? :noway: No. You should have about a 500 calorie a day deficit, NOT 1000. That's crazy talk. Keep it slow and steady, it's not a race. Please disregard the bolded part above.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i cant tell you how realistic it is for you. it is generous but not impossible. if you want to have a goal like that i would say maybe "i would like to lose 40 pounds with a minimum of 30... so you dont set yourself up for dissapointment.

    in my experience having goals that are more along the lines of "i will go to the gym or work out at home 5 times a week" and "i will stick to my diet plan every day"... are psychologically better and easily attained. i believe that as long as progress is being made... i dont need to set a time limit.

    my experience... so far i have lost 35 pounds and it has been i think... 21 weeks.

    remember... if you have a lot of weight to lose, the first few weeks you may lose more. but normal weight loss is 1-2 pounds and some weeks you may see the scale going nowhere or even up.
  • Sweetie2102
    Sweetie2102 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all for your responses. I do want to reiterate I'm by no means putting pressure on myself to lose the weight by the set time, I'd be happy with any loss as long as it's done in a healthy way. Any weight off would make me happier than I am now.

    My main issue is going to be finding an exercise I like doing and sticking to it. I think if I take some 'before' pictures and measurements and keep them somewhere I can see them all the time it might help lol.
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    Very possible. I lost 65 lbs in just over 3 months. Didn't plan it, just hit the gym, followed my healthy diet and the weight came off. Just keep at it, it will come off. It might not come off this fast for you, but 40 lbs in 22 weeks is certainly doable! :)
  • Dean_IsStayinLean
    Dean_IsStayinLean Posts: 75 Member
    I told MFP I wanted to lose 1.5 LBS per week and lost 39 lbs in 26 weeks, like clockwork. If you hit the targets, it can be done. ????
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Regarding exercise, I keep telling people to web search on "target heart rate" and use that to moderate your exercise intensity.

    People with little exercise experience tend to put too much effort into their exercise sessions so that they come to hate exercising, burn out, and stop. Using a target heart rate zone will help you avoid overtraining and burning out.