Arms itching and red after barbell squats?!

Maybe_7 Posts: 14 Member
Hi guys,

for the last two times I've trainded legs (last week and today) I had a weird itchy feeling in my upper arms after doing barbell squats and my arms looked kinda red and blotchy. It went away after a few minutes, but I'm still wondering what it is. I've been working out for years, been doing squats for two years or so. The weight was a little more than my bodyweight, but I have done heavier squats a few months ago without any problems. It didn't happen during any of my other leg exercises and it also doesn't happen on my other training days (back+biceps / chest+shoulders+triceps). Like I said, it's not a rash, it went away right after.
Any suggestions?
Thanks :)


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    No idea. Do you take any new supplements or foods?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Did you clean the bar off prior to squatting?
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Did you clean the bar off prior to squatting?

    That's what I was thinking. Somebody cleaned the bar or something and you reacted to the cleaning agent.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    sounds like someone used chalk or something on the bar that you reacted to
  • MaeRay007
    MaeRay007 Posts: 68 Member
    Are you taking a new preworkout or more than normal?
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm allergic to the standard cleaning wipes my gym has. I get a very similar reaction. My solutions are to wear long sleeve and gloves, or bring my own wipes.

    I have skin allergies, and it's worth it to not be uncomfortable

    EDIT: saw that you said it went away quickly. I'm stumped.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Oh I thought of something else!

    Are you getting the bar low enough on your traps? If it's too high, it can hit a nerve right in top of your shoulder. Makes my fingers go numb and prickly. I've since corrected my form and it's gone.
  • Maybe_7
    Maybe_7 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys, thank you very much for your replies. I don't think it is a allergic reaction to cleaning wipes or anything, because it went away right after.

    I do take creatine at the moment, but I don't really see how that would have anything to do with it.

    It might be the bar hitting a nerve or the blood supply of my arms being limited while doing the squats and then the blood rushing back it after I put the bar down.
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    It could be that you were squeezing the bar to hard. Together with pressure on you shoulders/traps it could be that you didn't had enough blood flow to your arms
  • junlex123
    junlex123 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi guys, thank you very much for your replies. I don't think it is a allergic reaction to cleaning wipes or anything, because it went away right after.

    I do take creatine at the moment, but I don't really see how that would have anything to do with it.

    It might be the bar hitting a nerve or the blood supply of my arms being limited while doing the squats and then the blood rushing back it after I put the bar down.

    Creatine supplementation gives me hives personally which sounds somewhat similar to what you experienced. It's a known potential side-effect. Bit odd given it's found in the body anyway, but presumably some people show allergic symptoms past a certain concentration. So it could be that.
  • luce3003
    luce3003 Posts: 31 Member
    Glad you have mentioned this as I have noticed that I get itchy arms after squatting too!!
    It's not where the bar touches me (and I sometimes use my sweat towel as a cushion too) so don't think i'm allergic to chalk/cleaning products but maybe the trapped nerve/reduced blood flow has something to do with it...?!
    My arms tend to itch between my shoulder and elbow on the 'outside' edge and sometimes look a little blotchy - is your problem in the same place?

  • Doc_V
    Doc_V Posts: 20 Member
    I get it when I'm working out and have increased blood flow to a muscle group that's not used to it. Combined with the sweat, it causes that weird itching with a reticular rash that resolves pretty quickly. My quads are the worst for it, especially if I've taken some time off running. For me it tends to go away if I try to keep dry and stretch well before and after.
  • Maybe_7
    Maybe_7 Posts: 14 Member
    @luce3003 Yes, there and also on the inside of the arms.