Looking for other moms in similar situation.

I am looking for friends that have lost or are in the process of losing 50 + pounds to join me on my journey. I am a working mother of six, happily married and a stress eater. Next year I will turn forty and I know I need to get healthy so I will be around a long time for my kids and someday grandkids. I actually love to exercise but my last pregnancy went very badly (no more kids :) and I have gained a lot of weight. I want to reclaim my health back and get my stress eating under control. I am starting from couch to 5K today and off work until mid August. I am hoping to lose 105 lbs total.


  • 8Nuya8
    8Nuya8 Posts: 30
    Hi there,
    I am new as well. I gave birth to my first child on 27th of march this year and I gained lots of weight during the pregnancy.
    I am 25 years old and I want to change my lifestyle towards a more healthy diet and more physically active every day routine.
    In this community I am looking for people with similar goals for mutual support.
    I want to loose 23kg (not sure how much that is in Ib I think a bit more than double something around 50-60Ib? Not sure I will try and find a converter since almost everyone in this community seems to be using the non-metric system.)
    You really have many children. :) did you always know you wanted many kids?
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    I did not think I would have this many but I always new I wanted a big family. I was married for 16 years (My first four were from that marriage). I remarried and have two now with my husband and he had a son as well. So we are up to seven all together. I teach high school during the school year, so kids are kind of my thing :) The weight makes me feel bad though. I do so much and yet i feel like a failure because of this. I want to change that and have more self-esteem. I am actually starting couch to 5 K today and planning on running a 5K on August 23rd..its called the glow run :)
  • Hi! I also gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. I have 3 kids. In my opinion, if you can raise 6 kids then losing weight will be easy in comapison :) I have 3 kids and that is challenging enough. I gained about 50 pounds during my last pregnancy about 3 years ago. I lost of bit since then but still had about 44 pounds to lose when I started the couch to 5 k program a year ago.
    It is a great decision and its an amazing program. When I started it I could hardly run for 1 minute. Today, I am still not very fast but I can run for an hour. Since I started the c35k program I lost about 22 pounds. I also eat as a result of stress and that made it a little more difficult BUT running has really helped. In the beginning you dont lose as much as I expected to lose from running BUT running is great for stress which makes you want to eat less. Also, it makes you feel good about yourself and then I find that I dont want to eat as much.
    The fitter I have become the more healthy my food choices have become. The more I run the less motivation I need. It seems to come more naturally which is something that never happened before. I still binge on chocolate more often than I should but it happens a lot less today than it did in the past.
    The one thing that I wish someone had told me when I started is that it is 95% food and 5% exercise. When I started the c25k I thought that now that I was running I could eat a lot more. In the beginning you don't burn off that much so make sure that you don't overcompensate for your running. I started running because everyone that I knew lost so much weight running but I wish that someone would have given me that advice when I started which is why I decided to join this post. Most of the weight I lost has been since I started using my fitness pal a few months ago. It is an amazing tool to keep track of how much you can eat and how much you can add after sport.
    Another great tool is PACT. It keeps me on track. There are those days when I'm totally stressed and eat way too much. Then I often find it hard to get back on track. PACT helps me do that. I start getting back on track so that I don't have to pay a fine but then it just helps me get back into it and reminds me how much better I feel when I am working out and eating healthy food.
    This has become a LONG post. Good luck and I hope that we can all help each other :)
  • acparks9
    acparks9 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm also a working mom, but with only two kids. :smile: I'm 44 years old, have been married for 21 years and my kids are ages 13 and 10. With a career as a research director at an ad agency and a mom, I too struggle with work/life balance and finding time for me.

    I'm relatively new to My Fitness Pal and am just now seeking contact within the communities in hope that connecting with people in a similar situation will help keep me accountable and allow me to help others as well. I have another 59 pounds to lose to simply not be overweight anymore and plan for this to take about a year. My initial goal is to lose another 28 pounds to no longer be obese. Both of my parents and just recently my older brother have Type II diabetes, and honestly, losing the weight is the only way I know to reduce my risk for also developing this horrid disease.

    I know from my previous behavior, though, that I will need to continue to track and stay connected to keep the weight off. Feel free to add me as a friend!


  • Bananafish06
    Bananafish06 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! I'm a mom of 2 who is needing to lose somewhere around 50 lbs. I actually did manage to lose most of the weight after my last pregnancy, but then over the past couple of years between a thyroid condition and a tendency toward emotional eating I gained everything back. I weigh more now than I did at 9 months pregnant and I have had people congratulate me on my "baby bump":frown: Anyway, in addition to being overweight I'm also very out of shape (I've been alternating C25K jogging and 30 Day Shred about 5x a week and it's KILLING me). I think that even more than losing weight I really want to have energy to be active with my kids. I'm not on any special diet, but I'm hoping that just clean eating, portion control, and exercise will be enough.
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    What is pact?
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Would love to join in for the support as well. I am a FT working mom (work as an Oncology Nurse) of two teens. Almost 13 and 15.5. I never had a weight issue until my second child ,was born. After him I kept on about 30 unwanted pounds...then 5 and 8 years ago respectively, I lost both of my parents rather tragically and packed on 40 more....UGH. I am 46. Married 21 years to a fit and athletic man. Both of my kids are athletic, active and trim. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I recommitted to MFP and C25k when I had to go on a beta blocker for my BP last month. I also struggle with general anxiety....YES. I am a HOT MESS! LOL! Let's support each other!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I'm a mum of three, currently on maternity leave. My youngest is 8 weeks old. I'm a teacher (secondary school French) and will be back at work in March. My other two kids are 5 and 3.

    I lost 66lbs after my 2nd child, making me the thinnest I'd been in a long time. I exercised and logged through pregnancy but still gained :(. I reckon I have around 30lbs to lose.

    I've been back at the gym for 2 weeks now and seriously logging for 5 weeks. I'm really impatient and want this weight gone now!
  • you can add me..I am a mom to 5 and raising my16 yr nephew with autism and a grandmother of four. I need to lose 60 pounds or so I am 5 ft.tall and 200 pounds:smile:
  • you can add me..I am a mom to 5 and raising my16 yr nephew with autism and a grandmother of four. I need to lose 60 pounds or so I am 5 ft.tall and 200 pounds :smile:
  • you can add me..I am a mom to 5 and raising my16 yr nephew with autism and a grandmother of four. I need to lose 60 pounds or so I am 5 ft.tall and 200 pounds.
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! Feel free to friend me, too. I am mom to 4 boys (ages 3, 5, 7 and 9) and will also turn 40 next year. My goal is to get as fabulous as I can by 40. I know it's hard to fit in all you have to do in the day and still find time to exercise or even care how healthy your meal is. We could help each other! :flowerforyou:
  • HI there,

    I'm fairly new here too, I'm a mom to 2, and have gained my share of weight over the years. My daughter (who is almost 9) was a twin (that I lost very early) but my body continued to act as if I was carrying twins. My daughter was 11 lbs 2 oz and 23 1/2 inches long. Anyone who has had children can do the math on how much weight I gained, when I left the hospital at my pre-pregnancy weight. I am 43, and want to lose about another 40 lbs. I've already lost 50, on my own, over the last 5 1/2 years since I met my husband.

    Feel free to send me a request, or message if you want to connect :):flowerforyou:
  • Hi there,
    I am new as well. I gave birth to my first child on 27th of march this year and I gained lots of weight during the pregnancy.
    I am 25 years old and I want to change my lifestyle towards a more healthy diet and more physically active every day routine.
    In this community I am looking for people with similar goals for mutual support.
    I want to loose 23kg (not sure how much that is in Ib I think a bit more than double something around 50-60Ib? Not sure I will try and find a converter since almost everyone in this community seems to be using the non-metric system.)
    You really have many children. :) did you always know you wanted many kids?

    There are 2.2 lbs (roughly) in a Kg :)
  • kellyk0425
    kellyk0425 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a single mom of a beautiful and energetic 5yr old girl. My moment was when I said I was too tired to play and she looked at me with such disappointment and said "again!!!!" That broke my heart. I've struggled with weight every since I was in high school. Now my marriage of 13yrs has come to an end. I'm ready for a new beginning. I would like to be apart of this support system. It's only been a month and I'm doing well but I sometimes feel discouraged because I'm not losing the inches I want. I can't wait to be apart of these great people.
    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I have two little ones and about 70 pounds to go (90 total). In am also training for my first 5k! Welcome!
  • JenniferRHughes
    JenniferRHughes Posts: 30 Member
    You all seem wonderful! Feel free to add me if I left someone out. I also started a 5K newbie board if any of you want to join. :)

  • I am a working full-time mom with a blended family of six. It's a revolving door at our house but when we have all six, I make poor choices and I'm also a stress eater.
    I'm turning 40 in October and it's time to be fit and stay fit!
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    ....YES. I am a HOT MESS! LOL! Let's support each other!


    I don't see you as a hot mess..... you've been thru a lot. I'm 48 with 3 children and between my children and my family I've been to hell and back. It get's better & support is AWESOME!!! I don't know what I would have done without great friends to support me.

    Good luck!

  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    Add me!!! I am 44, mom of two boys, ages 13 and 15. Two years ago August my husband and I separated for 6 months and I lost so much weight it was unhealthy--I didn't even look right. Then he came back and that has been so stressful I ate my way back up. So I have 20 pounds to lose. I've lost 6 since June 30--logging food and exercise here really works for me. I had no idea how much junk food I was eating + how much I ate after everyone went to bed. It's so tense around here that once everyone goes to bed I sit up and eat and watch netflix--both terrible habits!!!! So since June 30 I have worked out every day, sometimes twice. I am up to 65 minutes of walking, 45 minutes of swimming, or half of those if I do both in one day. I am a teacher so I have summers off and I figured I should really work hard while I have the time. The unexpected thing is my boys are coming with me for the walks--one jogs, one rides his longboard--turns into a nice family activity actually!

    So all of this rambling is to say--we can do it!!! Whatever our reasons for gaining the weight, whatever our lives are like--something is better than nothing--we can all do SOMETHING. As moms I think we have a big responsibility to show our kids how to live healthy balanced lives and how to course-correct if we get off track.

    We can do it!!!!!
  • missyb417
    missyb417 Posts: 1
    Hello all. Please feel free to add me. I am in a similar spot. Single, working mom with a very demanding career and equally demanding 7-yr old kid. I have always been overweight but since 2007, I have gained over 50 pounds. It is depressing and I am scared that if I don't get it together, I might not be here to see my daughter grow up. I just restarted this week and I am hoping to stick with it this time, no matter how long it takes.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Mom of three, 14, 19, 21, have already lost 35 lbs. with 20 more to go. Wish I had got on the bandwagon ten years ago with taking care of myself, I've been on tracy for last two years...working out and eating better. I teach and juggle family life, which is difficult as those of us who do it know. taking care of myself was the last thing on the list for well over a decade. I too want to be around to enjoy my family including future grandchildren for as long as possible. I'm in what I call, "the final phase" of my lifestyle transformation. Shedding the last 15-20 lbs. and thinking about the maintenance stage. This post spoke to me; I have no secrets for my weight loss thus far other than eat less (but not too low, that's silly and impossible to maintain as well as damaging to your metabolism) start moving slowly...keep building up your strength a little at a time...(I added weights eventually to add muscle mass and get quicker toning results.)Muscle burns more energy daily...helps you to be able to eat more!) Anyone can get the healthy body they covet, all it requires is WILLPOWER. I still struggle myself, but I know that is the answer. Once you start losing it is very rewarding and for me motivating. I also read about health, diet and exercise a lot, there is so much to learn about the process. I like to set little goals and than reset them once I've achieved them. Good luck - I'm no pro and don't have time to coddle anyone daily but if you want to add me feel free.
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm a mother of 2 young children, a 5 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I'm 30 years old and have about 60lbs to lose. :)

    Anyone can add me!
  • sonyalynne
    sonyalynne Posts: 2 Member
    I have almost 3 year old twins and am still working on losing the baby weight (actually, nursing - the meds I took for my milk supply made me gain more weight than pregnancy!). I'm about halfway to my goal now, but I started with 75 pounds to lose.
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I have four kids, am 5'4" and was at least 200 pounds at the end of my last pregnancy with twins. Today I'm 144 pounds. It took several months, a few hiccups here and there (and still!) but you can totally do it. I agree with making small, sustainable changes, and finding an exercise you enjoy doing! Best of luck to you, you can definitely do it! :)
  • LisAri72
    LisAri72 Posts: 60 Member
    Please add me! I am 41, single mom of one 12 year old girl. I had 100 pounds I wanted to lose and I am down 40 of that so I guess you can say I have 50+ to lose. Anyone may add me. I log daily and I try to be supportive of all my friends on here.