Your experience with a Fitbit?

I'm recovering from Self Harm and I'm thinking of rewarding myself for being 115 days clean in a little over 2 weeks by buying a Fitbit Flex wristband. What have your experiences with Fitbit products been? If I should be considering some other similar product, what would you recommend?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Congrats on your 115 days, and here's to many many more! :smile:

    I have a Fitbit Zip. I chose that one because I didn't want something on my wrist, I don't need the stairs or sleep tracking, and I'm cheap! :tongue: The Zip clips to my bra or goes on a waistband and stays put - in the six months I've had it's been very secure, even on long runs.

    It's a great motivator for me - I like the daily step goal, as well as goals for active minutes and calories. I don't use the food tracking because I already do that on MFP, but adding friends to the Fitbit app shows everyone's steps and who's in "1st place", another good motivator to get me moving more throughout the day.
  • Thank you :) I want the wristband but your experience helps me feel good about their products in general.
  • I have the FitBit Flex and I love it! I try to meet my goals and when I do the Dashboard (in my account at has the cutest little green smiley faces that shout, "Hooray!" :laugh:

    I probably should have gotten the Zip like Amy because I don't use the Sleep Tracker because I don't need it to tell me that I don't sleep well! :grumble: lol

    Happy 115th to you! :flowerforyou:

    There is an MFP FitBit User group too!
  • Ooh awesome, I didn't know about the group, I'll keep an eye out!

    Thank you also for your review. I'd like the sleep moniter because I'm trying really hard to beat my insomnia.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    That's worthy of a standing ovation, but I suck at gifs, so I'll just say Happy 115th! That is awesome. :flowerforyou:

    I love my fitbit, but when it craps out I'm moving on to a Misfit.

    It's waterproof and works for more activities than just a pedometer.

    And it WAY cuter.
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I'm getting a fitbit in a few weeks and thus have nothing helpful to contribute, but I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations!! That's incredible, and I'm proud of you. I know how hard it is.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I have a Flex. I really like it. Battery life is pretty good. This is actually my second one. My first one crapped out on me after about a month. Fitbit replaced it with no problem. This one has lasted 5 months and <knocks on wood> still going strong.
    It's strangely addictive - I'm constantly checking to see how many lights I have.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    Love my Fitbit I feel lost without it!!
  • ZhaoWei76
    ZhaoWei76 Posts: 37 Member
    I have a Fitbit One... I also didn't want anything on my wrist all the time, and it's nice and small and I can put it in my pocket or in my bra... The "One" is between the Flex and the Zip...

    I like having it... I do find that it subconsciously motivates me to park farther away, to get more steps in...

    I use it to track my sleep, as well...

    And I now have it synced up with MFP, so it automatically adjusts my exercise based on my activity... Which I'm not THRILLED with, but at least it's acknowledging when I have a good day, so that's always a nice surprise...

    So... I like the Fitbit.... Good luck to ya!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i have a fitbit one and it comes with a clip but i mainly just keep it in my pocket. I am thinking about getting the flex though. anyway, i think it has been the single most influential piece of equipment in my loss. until i had it, i had no idea what i was doing on a daily basis and what i was burning, so tracking food was fine and it was working slowly. but getting something to monitor my activity and allow me to hold myself accountable, and motivate me to hit goals has really allowed me to become more consistent.

    that said, i have no idea about other products. I know my brother has a Nike Fuel band, but he didn't find that to be as accurate as the fitbit, but liked the phone app better...
  • MrsUptonOgood
    MrsUptonOgood Posts: 1,897 Member
    Congrats on 115 days :)

    And I just ordered a fitbit flex today! So I'm excited to get it and put it to good use :)
  • Thank you all so much for all your support and help <3
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    Love my fitbit flex. I'm addicted to it and i can't live without it now HAHA .
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I've had other fitbits, but I have the Flex, which I love the most. I love it because I can wear it in the shower. I don't have to worry about forgetting to put it back on because it's always on. I love it. I think it's amazing. The only thing I've had a problems with is that after a while my wrist bands tend to break. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if they make them that way to get more money? Anyway, I would would recommend.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Congrats on 115! Here's to MANY more :)

    I absolutely love my Fitbit One. I've worn it every day since I got it. It's a great little motivator. I have no idea how accurate it is, but it's helped me add a lot more activity to my regular life.

    Fitbit also has incredible customer service. They replaced my older version of the One (the Ultra) when I accidentally washed it...for free. Then when my replacement ultra started splitting, they replaced it for free with the One. I've had absolutely no problems with the One since I got it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have the flex. I like it a lot but it took me a few days to get it properly calibrated. I'd recommend going to the fitbit group to read a bit before you set it up. For example: I see a lot of people who still try to log their burns with MFP, and if you've got the calorie adjustment on that'll lead to double dipping.
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I have a Flex and I LOVE IT. I like that it helps me monitor my calories more accurately. And a little friendly competition on steps helps out a lot. And the sleep monitor is great for me because I occasionally suffer from insomnia or sleepless nights and night terrors.

    It syncs really well with MFP. You input all of your data on my fitness pal and it carries straight over. It also syncs with my Gym Pact app that I use for work out motivation.

    Congrats on being self-harm free. I struggled with self-harm in my late teens so I know a bit of what you are going through. Feel free to add me as a friend and if you get a Flex we can be flex buddies too.

    Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Alice_Luther
    Alice_Luther Posts: 93 Member
    I have the fitbit one and i do like it :) I do wear it every day however really i just use it to see how many cals ive burned and my steps. Its great to encourage you to get out more. The sleep function is alright but nothing special.. ive done it a few times but nothing too exciting. It just gives you a graph saying whether you are awake restless or asleep.. which i didnt find very helpful..
    Overall its quite simple for how much it costs. I do love it and id rather be with it than without but id give it a 7/10. I would prob go for more of a snazzy garmin sports watch next time which tracks other activities like swimming and cycling .
  • tzdani
    tzdani Posts: 13 Member
    I LOVE my FitBit Flex! I do take it off to shower and ALMOST forgot it once. I swear that I would have lost my mind without it. It is, in itself, a great motivator. When I first started to wear it, I didn't bother getting into the dashboard and all that - I was too busy. The first time it buzzed at me, I didn't even know what had happened :) But... after learning that it meant I had met my steps goal, I started making sure that I got it to buzz every day! When I'd sometimes meet the steps and not quite make the miles, I changed it to buzz at the miles. I push hard to be sure that it buzzes for me every day. I would be lost without it. Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I LOVE my FitBit Flex! I do take it off to shower and ALMOST forgot it once. I swear that I would have lost my mind without it. It is, in itself, a great motivator. When I first started to wear it, I didn't bother getting into the dashboard and all that - I was too busy. The first time it buzzed at me, I didn't even know what had happened :) But... after learning that it meant I had met my steps goal, I started making sure that I got it to buzz every day! When I'd sometimes meet the steps and not quite make the miles, I changed it to buzz at the miles. I push hard to be sure that it buzzes for me every day. I would be lost without it. Good luck!

    I wear mine in the shower and I even wore it to the beach once-- so far it's been fine. I do take it off for the tub though.