Dog Lovers! Is Your Dog an Exercise Motivator?



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    If there is anyone lazier than me, it's my dog. I used to take him running with me and he'd lie down on the sidewalk.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I usually walk everyday and my dog goes along with me because he LOVES to go for walks. It's his true joy in life. The only time he acts excited about anything is when he gets to go. Lately I've had to sneak out of the house because my longer runs are too much for my 7 year old GSP. I have to make sure all my clothes/shoes/sun block are in my bedroom and I dress very quietly before sneaking out my window. He's fine on walks but if we go for too long, he'll be stiff and develop a limp for the rest of the day. So he goes with me on walks but my runs are now out.

    So he motivates me to walk but he's a bit de-motivational for my runs because if I don't sneak out, he will sulk, literally sulk by sleeping in rooms I'm not in as opposed to always being at my side, around the house for hours after I return if he sees me leave without him.

    Note: He's always off lease on walks and runs because I live in the boonies and have permission from all the neighbors within a 10 mile radius to have him loose. He has no interest in livestock or cats and we don't run on roads (all trail running). So my 2 mile walk is roughly 10-12 miles of running for him and a run of any length is just too much for his joints.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My dog is a more low energy dog but she enjoys walks. I try to get in a good 25-50min walk every day. Sometimes it's broken up into shorter walks because it is really hot where I'm at, and she's a black dog.

    But yes, she's a motivator because it's one thing to mess around with my health but I won't mess with my dog's. I get my lazy butt up no matter what to make sure she gets her exercise :bigsmile:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If there is anyone lazier than me, it's my dog. I used to take him running with me and he'd lie down on the sidewalk.

    Mine does that on walks. :laugh: He'll go about 1/2 mile and then he'll just lie down and refuse to move.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Not at all. I have an English Bulldog and his idea of exercise is walking over to his bed to have a nap.

  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    If there is anyone lazier than me, it's my dog. I used to take him running with me and he'd lie down on the sidewalk.

    Mine does that on walks. :laugh: He'll go about 1/2 mile and then he'll just lie down and refuse to move.

    I have a pug and she does the same thing. Hates going for walks.

    Our doberman, on the other hand. really loves it.

    We have a lake near my house and I like to walk to the lake and back with one of the dogs (it's exactly one mile to do that). The doberman likes it better, but my pug needs to lose some weight so sometimes she goes whether she wants to or not. (but we have a long rest at the lake if I take the pug, so she can get some water and rest her tired little legs.)
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    Nope. My weenie dogs like to sleep. They make me want to take a nap. I have tried to take them but they can't keep up and it is too hot.
  • LanceKarcher
    LanceKarcher Posts: 43 Member
    Ran with her for years, did not even need a leash would stay right by my side. She developed hip arthritis, could no longer handle running and I gained weight and joined MFP.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Not really. I walk her from time to time (usually my husband does it before I get home from work), but that's about it and I don't do it for what little calorie burn it gives me. I don't run, period, and the little bit of cardio I do is done in my spare bedroom while she's downstairs. She shouldn't really be running anyway since she has hip dysplasia. :(

    Most of my exercise is lifting, and I think it would be pretty unsafe to have my dog in the room with me.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    No really. I used to run with my husky when she was my only dog back in the day. But now I also have a big german shepherd so walking both of them is a chore. And i definitely can't run with both of them because the GSD is too lazy. When I walk them I'm getting some exercise of course but sometimes it gets in the way of other exercise like running.
  • joanneeeex1
    joanneeeex1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have two Golden pups and if I don't walk them at least 3 miles twice a day, briskly, they'll tear up the house. Their energy is contagious! Running is out of the question cause they'd start to play and wrestle and I'd be in the ditch with the stroller :)
  • Livsyx
    Livsyx Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! A forum post I can actually comment on!

    That's a firm 'yes!' from me. I have to walk my dog, and then I also volunteer with a local rescue, so I take their dogs for walks as well. That's when I first started to lose weight, actually. When you have a hyperactive Husky cooped up in a kennel all day, you tend to ignore your own laziness to help them unwind. Bonus if the dog tends to be reactive, and then you have several unexpected weight training sessions built in! I both love and hate the mailman for that.

    Plus, I had to put my own dog on a diet as well. So walking for his health helped to improve mine. No running, though. I also have one of those 'rocks on a leash' when it comes to anything more than a nice casual stroll around the neighborhood. (Another one of those cases where 'dog reflects the owner' I think!)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Not at all. I have an English Bulldog and his idea of exercise is walking over to his bed to have a nap.


  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I have a Shih Tzu puppy and she LOVES to walk. Almost everyone in my neighborhood has a dog in their backyard and my little girl Daisy has many friends she talks to on our routes. She's so cute! She definitely keeps me getting up at 5:45 AM to take her out for her walk. She loves routine and if I'm late she is very anxious. In fact a couple days ago she was on my bed and I wasn't up yet and she got so anxious she threw up. So I get up like clockwork every morning. If I'm sick or something I feel terribly guilty because she gets very sad and then we have to play lots of catch and tug of war. My whole family walks her every night after dinner. It's such great exercise and quality time together!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    <-- my boys.
  • 12qw34
    12qw34 Posts: 139 Member
    My dog is a Goldendoodle. He walks 5 miles with me when we walk. The only challenge walking him is his obsession with squirrels. I find I have to watch them too or he will catch me off guard trying to chase them.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm working on my MA right NOW...(okay, I'm supposed to be, but am at mfp for a break)...and the dog is making a very pathetic, hopeful face...since I'm the only one who walks her. She apparently has forgotten the walk at 3 this morning...
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    That rescue volunteering is a great idea. I have friends who can't have dogs for various reasons like living in apartments. What a great way to get some doggy together time and do something good for the shelter dogs.

    My dog is a shelter adoptee, and he's dachshund and chihuahua near as they could tell. He has T-rex legs in the front, but it doesn't impede his stamina. The only thing that gets him is the heat, since his black coat absorbs the Florida sun. My husband literally just brought him back from the vet (shot time), and he's up a pound, so that's even more incentive to get both of our butts off the couch and onto the walking paths.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    <-- my boys.

    Too cute, look like they are pretty high energy like my dog :wink:
  • dabears6352
    dabears6352 Posts: 34 Member
    My dog is too lazy. He gets exctied when I put his leash on, but before we are to the sidewalk he's laying down, trying to sleep. LOL