The social elephant (sarcasm included)



  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    This is awesome! Made my day and I think a lot of people can say "this is my life" be boss buys donuts for us all the time, and pizza and subs ... its rough being in an environment that doesn't support your health.... but it is what it is :)
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    This made my day!

    Confession: I had a donut with breakfast
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    I had a huge croissant with a ham omelet.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Gurl- I hear you.

    Glad you are working through it- and more importantly keeping yourself accountable.

    so step one- keep accountable (done)
    step two - realize this isn't the end of the world (DONE!)
    step three- game plan to do better (working on it!!!)
    step four- develop self discipline (it's a skill- and yes- it's something you can work on!!!)
    I'm a very social person as well- and it's easy to do social eating- I find when I have my hands full- I'm easier maintained.

    Coffee- or water bottle are a HUGE help. Carry some papers with you so you can't hold a plate and double fist it (this is one reason why I drink A LOT of coffee actually)

    Just stay out of the room is an option
    eat prior to going in and repeat- to yourself- I just ate. I don't need anything.
    Make a delicious snack/cake/plan for later that night or the weekend- and hold out for that.

    Practice telling yourself no more often.

    You can do it- there are many ways- you just have to find the way to make food your bit*h rather than be the food's bit*h.

    You can totally do it- I promise.

    (PS_ my boss keeps a candy jar in her office- and I CANNOT resists chocolate covered peanut M and M's.. other things I can- but those- are like crack... so I just stay out- or don't walk in- or I cover it if she's not looking- out of site- out of mind) but sometimes I fail. it's okay too. LOL

    But you aren't alone the struggle- I promise- just keep the fighting the good/food fight!!!
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Awesome posts!!! :heart: :heart:
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I have been known to have similar problems and someone is ALWAYS bringing or ordering food around this place. In the last 10 days there have been at least 4 luncheons and always there are leftovers. This last time I point bland refused to join in for take out because so and so got a new job on the other side of the building (its not that big of a building). At some point you have to wonder where the cut off point is.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    Your are too funny, you made me laugh out loud at my desk all by my self :laugh: Hay it was one day don't beat yourself up over it, **** happens tomorrow will be a better day.:drinker:
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Keep nuts or something like that in your desk...that way you also don't have to wait for lunch. And you can put them in a small container and bring them with you to whatever food even you have to go to...voila.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    **** My posts are not to be taken seriously or as advice. I use humor to get through my experiences and my struggles****

    Today was a rough day ...well, so far. Geez its only 10am.
    I woke up late.
    I got to work late.
    I am behind at work due to missing a few sick days last week.

    So here I am.....
    looking like a trainwreck
    and starving. :sick:

    No a good combination in my world of trying to eat healthy and in smaller portions.

    "Lucky for me" (rolls eyes) today is our sections breakfast lunch in.

    So I go to the conference room and it is wall to wall...pastries, donuts, biscuits, gravy, casseroles, and not a ounce of health food.
    Dont worry, I work actually has defibulators mounted on all the walls.

    Ironically I did post about my fears of over eating this morning and I did have a game plan before going.


    I go in...motivated...strong....i got this...just going to say hi....grab one thing and leave..... oh look....chocolate donuts.

    :devil: Well, I can have just one.

    Better get out of here.... I am going to eat all of this crap.... oh hey girl...yeah my dog is doing better...... oh look..... potato casserole.

    :devil: Well, I only get it like 4 times a year, one servicing wouldnt hurt. :blushing:

    I could go on and on about how one conversation turned into one more thing being shoveled in my mouth. :noway:

    I am not a social butterfly....I am a social elephant. LOL However, this elephant has a terrible memory and cant seem to recall she is over weight until its too late. She wakes up covered in peanut shells and shame.

    I have once again identified a trigger to my over if the list needed lengthening!! :drinker:
    At this point I need an excel spreadsheet to track all the reasons a cookie could end up in my mouth.

    For some reason when I have stimulating conversation or am in a "party" or type environment it is literally like my brain shuts off.
    Well, the part of my brain focused on eating well. :smokin: I just love chasing a good conversation with something sweet or loaded with carbs.

    So here is my truth...I am going to type everything I ate, which is not easy for me to do, but I find that making myself face EXACTLY what I ate and how much. as painful as it is to continue finding issues and struggles when dealing with over eating... its still progress!! Uggghhhh...ok...before I lose my nerve....

    1 Chocolate Donut
    2 servings potato casserole
    3 chicken rolls
    1 mini cream cheese pastry

    *PUKE* :sick:

    I dont know how to add all of these calories because most was homemade, but i would guess around 1500.
    My emotions are really varied right now.... I am glad that I have identified another trigger for me...I actually find it funny that I had a game planned and managed to so epically fail,...and of course a small part of me is ashamed.

    Anyway, just another step in my journey.
    Just another loop in the chain that moves me closer from being jabba the hut to being the girl in the metal bikini.

    Have a wonderful day MFP pals!!!

    Small steps are still steps :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I like this post...this post is an owning post. It says YEP I MESSED UP BUT you're using it to learn. It tells me that I am not alone.
    I too am more Jabba than leia (LEYA? _ oh who cares, girl in the bikini) Perhaps next time take a melon platter so that you can chat and nibble, then your list may be

    chocolate croissant (whoops)

    and you wouldn't beat yourself up quite so much. I am going for curry tonight with my BH and friends and I COULD take a homemade low low curry and not eat other stuff but instead I did have low cal stuff (ish) earlier and will have low low stuff tomorrow I will not have alcohol tonight, not having the alcohol is me taking melon (if you see what I mean)

    I wish you great happiness and a lack of pastries in the near future. Thanks you :flowerforyou:
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    I had a huge croissant with a ham omelet.


    you. I like
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I would have to disagree on what your refering to as "negative self speaking".... I do actually really like myself, and I am truelly just making light of a struggle i have. I am a firm believer in learning to laugh at yourself and bare your soul even through mistakes. The only part I feel is unhealthy and I definitely need to the way I eat.

    Awesome posts ladies!!!
    I love how diverse everyone is!
    but we are still in this together. :heart:

    I think you're going to succeed. It's easier to reach your destination when you know your present location.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I had a huge croissant with a ham omelet.


  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    thanks for the great responses you guys !!!! :bigsmile:
  • mcw1966
    mcw1966 Posts: 40
    I too woke up 45 minutes behind schedule... giant cold sore to boot.

    Coffee until noon because I decided I was never going to eat again after last night's fiasco. Noontime rolls around so I ate a couple of chicken muffins, scoped a piece of left over pizza in the staff room then rooted out an old bag of gummies belonging to my kids in my vehicle. Topped it off with a serving of cherries- something else I had left in the staff fridge this week.

    My cold sore is throbbing and I am nauseous. Good day all around.
  • Veronnie87
    Veronnie87 Posts: 40 Member
    Great to see someone with a sarcastic and humourous approach to a topic that more often finds me in tears than in stiches. Thanks for the pick-me-up.

    We've all been there and we'll be there again. Just keep going, putting one pachyderm foot in front of the other ;)
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks friends :) tomorrow is a new day!
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    Work events are hard, because you don't want to be anti-social, but at the same time you don't want to eat all that food!

    Maybe next time you could try hanging out with everyone, but bring your own plate of food in with you covered in carrots or fruit or something you enjoy that is healthy. If you already have it in front of you, you can easily munch on it while talking to your coworkers.

    I enjoy your writing style quite a bit, it's very Bridget Jones. :)

    I enjoyed your story as well. At social events, I keep my glass in one hand and the napkin for the glass in the other and refuse to let go for any reason. My goal is to get out of there without putting the glass down even once--if I don't put the glass down, I can't eat the appetizers that are circulating or get a plate of food. I'll even sit at a table with my glass and napkin attached to my hands. It works but it's all or nothing for me. If that glass leaves my hand, I might as well just write down 2000 calories in my log.
  • MovingMellybug
    I had my meals all planned out, packed, and feeling really motivated and strong!

    The new gal at works brings a box of donut holes. I ask her in my sweetest voice, "WHAT THE FLIPPIN' H*LL ARE YOU THINKING!?!"

    She blinks at me and with the most sincerest little voice ever replies, "The guys told me that the late person has to bring the donuts."

    Struggling inside of me is the angry person that wants to hold her down and shove each and every donut hole into her face all at once (and forcibly), and the humorous person that things it's just too adorably funny that she BOUGHT IT!

    Instead I asked her, "Have you seen any of the guys bring in donuts when they're late?"

    "Nooooo" she replies.

    "Thank you for the donuts" I reply and grab ONLY TWO and nibble delicately (read: slowly to savor every bite).

    Those jerk guys - I know they did it just to thwart me.
