Mom of 3 looking for moms who need to lose weight!



  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah you would like none of us would be in this situation with all the running we do with all our kiddo's! :) We can do this together!
  • asm03
    asm03 Posts: 16
    I am a mother of 2 little girls. Their ages are 3 and 2. I want to lose weight so that I am a good role model for them. Eating right and working out are the first two steps of that process. For 2 weeks I was on a role! I did great! I hosted out of town guests this weekend, which set me back a little bit. I am trying not to be discouraged so I will move forward. Having a social life is difficult with this mental change. Whether it be birthday parties, friends get together, staff parties, whatever! I look forward to getting back on track so I can lose my additional 39 pounds. I lost 6 so far!
  • asm03
    asm03 Posts: 16
    I like your ideas of taking things in 10 pund incriments! Often times I set my goals high which can lead to frustration and discouragement. One week at a time! :happy:
  • Hi! I understand where you are coming from! I am a mom of 2 ages 8 and 5, and I am so tired of being overweight.. i need to lost @ 60lbs, and find that to be so overwhelming.. one day at at time though! we can do this!
  • asm03
    asm03 Posts: 16
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Awesome!
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Mom of 2 girls: 2 and 7 years old. I have about 75 pounds to lose as well. I started this journey about a week ago and soooo love this site. You really don't realize what you are taking in until you track it all. Feel free to put me on your friend list. I would love another motivator!!!!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Hi! I'm Lori and a mother of 2 little girls and struggling! Fell free to friend me. I'd love to work together and help motivate as well as motivate me!
  • welcome aboard. my name is michelle. i'm also a mother of 3. (13, 5 1/2 and 11 month) and i'm done. yes i can totally agree with you. i never felt so hidden in my own body. the turning point for me was when i saw "love handles" in my back and also the two digit pant size. so my sister who is also my best friend and coach introduced me to this website. so far i have lost 5lbs. i still have at least 50 more lbs to shed. so dear friend, dont worry, everyone who joins this site have the same thing in common so support will soon rain on you. :-)
  • Hi everyone!! I am new to this and really looking foward to all the great info and tools. Good luck!!!
  • grace_ful
    grace_ful Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone I am a mom of 2. My oldest is a girl and is 12 and my youngest is a boy and he is 19 months. Yes! 10 1/2 years apart. I also have Lupus and I have set a goal to lose about 70 lbs. Before having my son I had lost 90 but kept about 45 lbs after the pregnancy. Together we can all do it.
  • alarcher
    alarcher Posts: 21 Member
    I am a mother of 4 wondeful kids...(2 boys and 2 girls). I have just under 190lbs to lose. Welcome to this site. I have found a great support team with the new friends I have met. I think you will too...
  • BeverlyKHayhurst
    BeverlyKHayhurst Posts: 3 Member
    I have 2 children, 15 & 13, and have about 50 pounds to lose. I don't blame the pregnancies anymore but am very busy working full-time and being a taxi to my boys. I lack the motivation to exercise after a busy day and hope this site (and some friends) will give me the encouragement I need. Let's do this!!!
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, I'm a mum of 1 almost 11 month old boy. I've almost lost all my pregnancy weight, but still have another 31 pounds to lose to get to my goal. It's hard to find the time to exercise working full time and being a mum, i need some motiviation! Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can motiviate one another!
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    I am 5'4 and started this journey 11 days ago at 249.9 and have lost 7.1 lbs so far! Kids are the most precious blessings ever but they really take their toll on the momma's bodies! I never had a weight issue until I got pregnant with my first child. I now have 3 and need to lose about 100 lbs! WOW I never would have thought I would be this size but I am SO tired of it! If you want to friend me and we can support each other! It is hard to find time to excercise while looking after little one. Mine are 6, 3, and 7 months! We can do this together and Good Luck to everyone!

    Welcome, I started around that same time so this is pretty new to me also. I'm a mom & stepmom to 2, 13yr old girls and a I have a 5yr old daughter. I'd had surgery in Aug last year and a few other surgeries in the past that make it really hard to trim the tummy back up! Then add that I just turned 40 & a low thyroid that works against you when trying to lose weight and it makes it just that much harder. BUT, I'm getting married this June so I'm determined to look good in my dress and on my honeymoon!! We are going somewhere beautiful and I don't want to be embarrassed to put on that bathing suit!
    Good luck to you. I sent a friend request.
  • ableser
    ableser Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! This is such a great thread - so many Moms will all the same challenges. I'm ready to support and cheer everyone on. We all know how hard some days can be!

    My name is Amy and I am a working mom of 3 kiddos, 9, 8 and 5. I started my weight loss journey in mid-Thanksgiving and have already lost 19 lbs. I would like to lose another 60 lbs. I'm doing great on the eating right - not well at all on the exercising portion.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend! I would love to be part of your cheering section and support buddy.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Hi all I am a first time mum in the uk to a 3m old baby girl. I put on 42lbs whilst pregnant and so far I've lost 24lbs (3 of which lost since I joined this) would love a few other mums on my friends list to motivate so pls add me!

  • Hello to all the beautiful moms!!!! Im a newbie to mfp and I would love to make more friends and have a support group such as all of you. Im 34 mom, of a 7yr old girl and 10yr old boy. My goal is to lose 30 pounds, and Im down 3 so far :) Please feel free to add me, I need all the support and motivation I can get lol!
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member

    Welcome to MFP! I can tell you from my own experience, this website has changed my life!! It has given me all the tools and support to help me on my way to my goals. I hope you find this same success as you try to reach your goals. Everyone on here is so great and supportive, and these boards are a wealth of inspiration, hope and motivation. I wish you good luck on your journey!

    Take care!
  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    I am a mom of three also, twin boys age 4 and another boy age 2. They are everything to me but I am now on a journey to put me "first" so I can better take care of my wonderful family. With my husband and boys rooting me on, I lost 18 lbs last year but have hit a plateau and need to lose appx. 30 more pounds. I am hoping that this site will keep me honest and help me reach my goal!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    You can do it the support on here is AMAZING!!!
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