stay at home mom exercising with baby

Hello everybody! I have recently just starting using this page and I love it! I have a 10 month old and only work 2 days a week so basically im a stay at home mom. Exercising with a little on is challenging in the least..but i discovered something fun for both of us. I have been blessed with a fairly nice size home, so i moved some things around in the basement and made an area where i can push the baby in her stroller while i rollerblade. I play music from my laptop and she laughs the whole time. My sides are sooo sore from skating 45 minutes yesterday. Any other good ideas for fun exercise with a baby?


  • MindyC7609
    MindyC7609 Posts: 33 Member
    I recently bought the TurboJam DVDs and really like them so far. High-energy and makes me SWEAT. :o)

    Once the weather warms up, you can take your little one out for walks too.

    Also, do you have a gym near you that has free childcare? I love that my gym has that.
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    way to go!!! I would imagine climbing stairs with a baby in her snuggie would be some great cardio.
  • allierae14
    Google exercise TV and they have a ton of short free work outs that are anywhere from 1-3 minutes long that I'm sure you could squeeze in during your day :) I love them