50 lbs or more to lose?



  • bangbangchoochootrain
    bangbangchoochootrain Posts: 118 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50 pounds by the time I study abroad, which should be around August of 2015, and then more after that! I know my problems are temptations that I could avoid at home (like dessert, soda, etc.) that have now popped up in college. I'm at my heaviest right now at 206, which means I gained the freshman fifteen like a pro X( I just plan on exercising, and trying to monitor my portions and need to go for seconds when I'm full.

    Since I'm a sophomore in college it would be great if some college students could add me, but anyone is welcome to :)
  • kandalure
    kandalure Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on my third week or working to get healthy as I would like to lose about 100 pounds. Please add me if you are active on here and have a lot to loose and I love the motivation and will do my best to motivate you in return.
  • LakeCountyDiver
    LakeCountyDiver Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I replied to a previous post by someone looking to lose 100 lbs and found a few fellow MFP buddies, but the post was old and not many people seem to be around still. So...new attempt! Anyone have a significant amount to lose? I have been losing weight on my own before I found MFP - but I am loving it here! I'm hoping to find a few more MFP friends who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

    My stats:

    Highest weight recorded 323.1 (probably more like 330 at my highest)
    Current weight 280.7
    Height 5'8
    Age 31
    Starting size 24/26
    Current size 22/24
    Plan - I eat everything in moderation, haven't eliminated anything, just watching calories and getting 10k steps per day.

    Awesome you are doing it RIGHT!!!

    Im 315 and want to be 230.
  • disney_mama_13
    I'm in a similar situation too!

    SW: 250.0
    GW: 185
    CW: 238.6

    I added a few of you - it's kind of tedious to do so! haha or I would have added more - please, any and all feel free to add me! I love the friendship, support, and accountability!
  • ADawn87
    ADawn87 Posts: 1
    I'm looking overtime to lose another 109 pounds. I have already lost 20 over the past few months, been kinda slow, but I have changed a lot of my daily routine, working out, watching my portions. The only thing I have eliminated is soda, today I have hit 190 Days without giving in to a nice cold can of coke or my favorite 23 flavors of Dr. Pepper!

    I started this weight loss journey at 279 pounds, the heaviest I have been my entire life even though I have averaged between 245 and 260 for the past 15 years. I am ready to make the changes I need to be a healthier and happier person.

    Feel free to add me! I could use some MFP pals!
  • idmalone
    idmalone Posts: 66 Member
    I have 45 kg to lose which is 105 pounds, I have only lost 9 pounds so far so a long way to go! Congrats on your progress, this is a good way of keeping accountable. I wish there was a cure for impatience, keeping motivated is my big stumbling block. Just have to remember consistency is key, :smile: I am happy for anyone to add me, since I will be here for a long time...
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    I have 80 to lose, I'm down 40 right now.

    HW 230
    CW 190
    GW 150
    age 33
    height 5'6
    starting size 20
    current size 14/16
    goal size 10

    I eat healthy most of the time and try to keep my protein high and my carbs on the lower side. I would love some new friends for support and motivation. I'm almost in my comfy weight of the low 180's, I'm going to need some motivation to keep going when I get there!
  • oceanaim6
    oceanaim6 Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats on your success so far. Keep it up. I have 100+ to lose. I've always been a "big girl" but I've reached an all-time high after having a thyroidectomy 2 years ago for thyroid cancer. I'm too young to give up yet and I'm afraid if I don't kept trying I'm going to be a housebound person who won't be able to fit through a doorway. I have also committed to a 5k race on January 11, 2015 with my son and neice. It's a run/walk and I would really like to finish under 45 minutes. My current time is just under an hour. I would like to start the C25K, which I have used with success in the past. But I want to lose a little more weight before I start running. I also use RunKeeper.

    HW: 334.6 on 7/19/14
    CW: 328.8
    Short-term GW: 299.9
    GW: 180
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'9"
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    I have over 100 pounds to lose so would welcome some company along the way!! Do add me if you want!!
  • volschick96
    volschick96 Posts: 19 Member
    I am just now back on MFP I had lost 45lbs before and stopped my healthy lifestyle and gained that plus 10 lbs back I need to loose 97 lbs to be at my goal weight,, I know I didn't put it on overnight and its not going to come off overnight.. but my first major goal is to be under 200 lbs by my son's graduation.. I would love company on this journey so feel free to add me as a friend and i hope I can encourage someone on the way the way lot of you encourage me..

    My starting weight is 244 lbs my goal is 150
  • beccabowers
    beccabowers Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all! I have over 100 lbs to lose. Last year I had gotten so close to my goal, lost 60 lbs, (was at 200) and gained it ALL back and then some. It's seriously heartbreaking. Now I'm starting over, and hoping to actually adopt and use new healthy habits daily.

    I currently weigh 275.2
    starting weight 278
    current size 22
    I'd like to be in the 160s - in however long it takes.

    I've cut out soda completely, and only drink water and occasional unsweet tea. Doing my best to work out at least few minutes a day.

    I'd love some encouraging friends!
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i have over 100 to lose, i think it's like 120something. this is like my 6th time trying MFP. something always happens and i fall off with logging and get out of control. i've been losing and gaining the same 20-25 pounds for about three years now. i was diagnosed with a chronic illness about a year ago that definitely impedes my ability to work out, but i want to make some changes. i'm about 90% vegetarian and don't have a plan - i eat what i like, i try to limit processed foods and white flours, and hate water. i drink diluted lipton tea & honey. i'm hoping to get about 30oz of straight water in a day going forward.

    i'm very body positive. i want to lose some weight now while i'm still sort of young because my disease is progressive and i know it will just get harder and harder as i get older. i've done weight watchers, worked with personal trainers, done atkins... the only thing that ever worked was slim-fast (before they changed the formula). i supplement my diet with protein shakes 4 or 5 times a week. i'm currently off all prescription meds except my anti-depressant medications and take a multivitamin, fish oil supplement, hair supplement, and a probiotic daily.

    highest recorded weight: 299lbs
    current weight: 283lbs
    short term goal weight: 250lbs
    long term goal weight: 160lbs
    height: 5'7"
    size: 22/24
    age: 34
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    If you are still looking for friends add me. I like your style. :)
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I've been on MFP before and it worked really well for me and the support was great. I fell off the wagon and was determined to stay off it :( But here I am again - and I'm at day 40 and have lost 25 pounds. I follow a low carb high fat diet because I find that to be the most satisfying and successful for me. My stats:

    Max Recorded Weight: 401
    Starting Weight since starting up again on MFP: 395
    Goal Weight: in the vicinity of 230. Will reassess with my doctor once I get there
    Current Weight: 369
    Height: 6'2"
    Age: 54
    Gender: Male

    I have an open diary and enjoy looking for ideas in others diaries. I appreciate and benefit from the encouragement of others and enjoy encouraging others. Anyone is encouraged to add me. Please leave a note in the friend request though.
  • trishalackin
    trishalackin Posts: 54 Member
    I would love to be friends! I am always looking for more positive energy and motivation. :) I started my journey, before MFP, at 280lbs. I joined MFP at 216lbs. Current weight 209. My goal weight is 150. I might be happier at a heavier weight like 165, but I don't know because I honestly can't remember even being 199. 199lbs is my first huge goal. I am not focused on being skinny. I want to be strong and be healthy. I am lifting weights (only five pounders at the moment - working my way up!). And I am doing challenges to get stronger - push ups, sit ups, and lunges.

    I wish you the best throughout your journey (even if I don't get a friend request), and never forget to remind yourself that when your mind tells you, you HAVE to have that cookie or makes excuses not to go on a walk, that is just habit talking - not logic!
  • DoanRose
    DoanRose Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Congrats on your weight loss so far. We seem to have similar stats. A few years ago I lost 65 lbs and was down to 275. I was so excited, then I got pregnant. That was awesome in itself because we had been trying for about 5 years. I have gained all the weight back plus more. When I joined MFP I was heavier than right before I gave birth. I have lost about 13 lbs and I'm right around full term weight. I have about 150 - 200 lbs to lose, but I'm taking it one year at a time. I didn't gain it all in one year, so I'm not trying to lose it all in one year. This year I wanted to lose 40 by Christmas. It know it's doable. I would like to find people in my area to go walking/running with that will also keep me accountable.
  • debs2282
    debs2282 Posts: 5
    I have nearly 70lbs to lose seems like I can never achieve that much but really feel ready now to do this in a safe and healthy way.
  • nospringchick
    nospringchick Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ! I've just started my " Do-Over" . I have at least 75 pounds to lose. I've been focusing on that whole big number, but 2 weeks ago, decided to do baby steps --- by the week, by the pound, then by each 5 pounds. It works much better for ME to do it that way .

    I'm excited to see your board for us 50 +' ers ! Good luck to ALL of you ! I always enjoy any suggestions and /or encouragement !
  • gingers72
    gingers72 Posts: 13 Member
    I am look to lose about 45 pounds at least.
    current weight 201.8 I want to get down to 155 to start.
    I am 5'3" 42 years old.
    I am taking Synthroid for a thyroid issue and if I haven't brought my weight and sugars down significantly by October then I will be prescribed pills for my sugar levels.
    I am looking to share support. inspiration and motivation.
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    I am currently 275 - would like to lose over 100. Not quite sure where I want to end up. I am 5'4 just want to be at a healthy weight.