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Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    How many "clean-eaters" does it take to eat a cupcake?

    One, if no one's looking.

    Haaaa! Reading nine pages of this ****e was worth it just for that quote.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member

    I dont buy any food with ingredients of which I dont know - no Es no artificial stuff no enhancers no flavourants, so ready made stuff, no mayo and no ketchup ( I make my own of tom paste, made own mayo before but alas too fattening lol)

    Everything cooked from scratch - fruit veg and whole grains, if I buy meat - i buy cuts and make my own mince, no sweets, chips or anything in a 'packet'. I bake own bread too, when I can make preserves, etc.

    My gosh...I'd kill to have that much time on my hands.


    LMFAO. x2
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I think that a lot of people have an issue with people who brag about it and act superior. People can eat whatever they want and be active/inactive for all I care, but I definitely get annoyed when people find themselves to be better than others because they enjoy eating healthily and work out all the time.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    What? Ordering a salad is not normal? And people think that ordering a salad somehow makes them more healthy than someone ordering a burger?

    Is this a joke?

    I still think there is confusion here. It's not the ordering of the salad. It's the parading around of one's beliefs as if you are better than someone else

    No, I understood that. I'm confused as to why someone would think eating a salad makes them better or healthier than someone else. Because I don't think of salad as being something way outside the norm of what most people eat - everyone I know eats salad. And as Acrylics pointed out, just because it's a salad doesn't mean it's healthy, you can easily rack up the calories in a salad. I guess I'm surprised to see that the healthy/clean crew thinks that normal people don't like or don't eat salads. What exactly do clean eaters think everyone else eats?

    2000 calories of poptarts, ice cream, and doritos.

    Quite disappointing; no reference to Gelato :sad: :sad:
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Success brings out hate. Bonus points if you happen to be a walking rebuttal to their favorite excuse. People don't have a strong a reaction to "extreme" or expensive diets though because they anticipate a fast return to the fold. If you can create a working diet that uses almost nothing but convenient things it's going to be a whole different kettle of fish than if you do it with actress-feed so the quinoa is probably if anything cutting down on the hate.

    Is this the voodoo magic bot?
  • No issues, unless someone tries to force their views on me or criticize how I eat. Then we would have a problem :) paleos, vegans, vegetarians, Atkins people, junk food junkies and the rest will try and convince that their way is best. Like religion and politics when it comes to food I have the same philosophy: Do what you will, harm none, respect my beliefs and don't shove yours down my throat.

    Educating someone on your life style is one thing, putting them down is another.

    Seems you are on the right track, shame on those who judge you.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    I also calorie cycle all week so that throws people off too!

    What calories cycle? Just curious.

    It means I count net calories weekly so if i decide to go over by 800 calories one day by eating 4 king size recees cups i can cut those 800 down throughout the week to meet my weekly calorie goal.

    This confuses people who see me eat two packages of receeses in a sitting but claim i am on a diet and still losing weight while I enjoy food :) If i go over serevrly on calories one day I cut down my daily calories for the rest of the week to meet my weekly goal :)

    Because I did enjoy two packages of reeses this week I am down to consume a mere 1000 cals on sunday which is fine because sundays are my fasting day :)

    Ok....I sort of do that. :love: Receese's peanut butter cups!! Thanks for the info.
  • doIdaretoeatapeach
    doIdaretoeatapeach Posts: 26 Member
    OP said "clean eating" resolved her IBS. I think telling your friends that if you eat X you'll get explosive diarrhea would be a pretty good way to kill the conversation.

    If your friends want to hear more about your diarrhea, then you definitely need some new friends.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    I'd never criticize someone's food choices if they kept their mouth shut about it. However, if you pipe up with some unsolicited advice, I'd criticize away. Every lifestyle choice, be it food, religion, or others can be criticized. Nothing and no one is beyond reproach. If you tell me your way is the right way, I'll promptly tell you why your wrong.

    If your invited to go to the pub, but your "clean eating" prevents you from going, just decline the invitation. If someone presses you for a reason, a simple "I don't drink" or "I don't enjoy being at the pub" should suffice. If not, then they are being an a-hole.

    I have to say though, your post kind of made me bristle for a few reasons. Your attitude towards gluten is one. You seem to think that gluten is un-clean. I believe that to be just plain wrong, barring Celiac Disease or allergy.

    And because I think that gluten is completely natural, your post implies that I'm un-educated.

    It's crap like that that give me the impression that you're probably preachy.

    So stop talking about your food choices without being asked. If people comment on your food choices without being prompted, then they're just being a-holes. Ignore it and move on.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Commenting on a topic invites comment. Why would anyone talk about your dietary lifestyle unless you brought it up? I don't eat wheat, rice or potato. I simply don't order it or leave it on the plate. I don't mention it so no one comments. If the food I prefer is unavailable that is my fault for not planning ahead. I adjust or don't eat, I don't b1tch. I once attended a crawfish boil at my brother's house. The vegetarian spouse of a guest showed up with her vegan burgers (along with attitude) which she handed to my brother to cook. He smiled, led her to the grill and handed them right back to her. The three other vegetarians at the party enjoyed the veg, fruit and salad sides without trying to "convert" everyone. Intelligent people have no reason to criticize clean eating/healthy lifestyles. They have every reason to criticize *kitten* with a holier than thou attitude wrecking every social eating event.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    People hate what they can't have or find too difficult to do themselves. If these are your friends, you need to decide are you following your dreams, or their lazy attitudes.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    People hate what they can't have or find too difficult to do themselves. If these are your friends, you need to decide are you following your dreams, or their lazy attitudes.

    They are just jelos. Amirite?
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    A recent study conducted by the University of Bruh Sciernce found that clean eaters are more likely to receive flack for their eating habits because they won't sthu about their eating habits.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    Commenting on a topic invites comment. Why would anyone talk about your dietary lifestyle unless you brought it up? I don't eat wheat, rice or potato. I simply don't order it or leave it on the plate. I don't mention it so no one comments. If the food I prefer is unavailable that is my fault for not planning ahead. I adjust or don't eat, I don't b1tch. I once attended a crawfish boil at my brother's house. The vegetarian spouse of a guest showed up with her vegan burgers (along with attitude) which she handed to my brother to cook. He smiled, led her to the grill and handed them right back to her. The three other vegetarians at the party enjoyed the veg, fruit and salad sides without trying to "convert" everyone. Intelligent people have no reason to criticize clean eating/healthy lifestyles. They have every reason to criticize *kitten* with a holier than thou attitude wrecking every social eating event.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Two reasons I can see:

    1. Wrong forum. This is primarily a calorie-counting database. There's lots of resources for low-carb, no-processed-food, raw vegan, GMO free, locavore, humanely-raised animal feeders. It is a bit of a hijack to come to a general calorie-count forum to proselythize. Personally, I don't care, but I don't comment either.

    2. There's an underlying tone of condescendence even just in the name - I eat clean, therefore you eat dirty food.

    My wife is mostly vegetarian, with an occasional fish thrown in there. Her reasons are environmental impact of her diet. And she's not preachy at all so she gets no attitude back. Makes sense, no?

    Eat whatever you want. If you don't get the results you expect from your diet, change its composition or the amount. I personally don't care that much if you've renounced to chia seeds or gluten gummies. I have my own food issues (lactose) but don't call ice cream dirty :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,217 Member
    People hate what they can't have or find too difficult to do themselves. If these are your friends, you need to decide are you following your dreams, or their lazy attitudes.

    This thread is almost comical in the comments by people proving the point about the attitude of some clean eaters (probably the ones that get "harassed")

    I do not hate clean eating, and I guess I could have it myself if I wanted to, nothing is stopping me - but you know, I like the food I eat and I just don't want to eat clean.
    Clean eaters don't have to follow the "lazy attitudes" of non clean eaters but if their attitude is similar to quoted poster its little surprise that they have these problems with their friends.

    I must say I work in a multi cultural work place - there is a Muslim person who doesn't eat ham products or drink alcohol and there is a vegetarian person - neither of those make a big deal about their food choices and just discretely eat or don't eat (or drink) some of the choices when we go out and neither ever gets harassed about it - others are really not that interested anyway.

    I find I occasionally get a light hearted comment about my eating - diet coke again, paperpudding? - and I just give a light hearted reply - yep, I mostly drink that these days. - what I don't do is give a great lecture "educating" people about the dangers of sugar or any other rant - and conversation moves on within 5 seconds.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...to catch up later.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    People hate what they can't have or find too difficult to do themselves. If these are your friends, you need to decide are you following your dreams, or their lazy attitudes.

    What is it that you think people can't have? What is too difficult to do?

    Lazy attitude about what?

    You are making assumptions about people. Why do you assume that people "hate"?

    As far as I know...I have interfered with no ones dreams.

    I can and do have most everything that I want when it comes to food...if it fits my budget.

    The only difficulty that I face in my eating is restricting my sodium due to blood pressure issues. Even that however is doable once you have spent the time education ones self. I am sure that it is as difficult to restrict sodium as it is to "eat clean".

    As a result of sodium restrictions...I plan and cook 90% of my meals. When I eat out...I research my best options. So I wouldn't say that I am lazy.

    As far as hate goes...hating takes up too much energy...I truly don't have the time nor the energy to "hate" someone because of how they have chosen to eat.

    I would assume that the majority of people that don't "eat clean" spend as much...maybe more...time than I do researching and planning their food intake.

    I find it quite arrogant when someone assigns such labels to someone as you did in such few words. Let's review them...maybe it will shed some light on why people are making some of the comments.

    Two sentences...

    too difficult to do
    lazy attitudes

    We can just skip the implied labels...like trying to rob the OP of her dreams.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Just setting this here.....

    Because I like it.

    Do those complaining about people always judging them because they are smarter, not lazy, better educated and have more will power; so they eat "clean", really confused or are they just looking for another chance to try to convince others why they are better?

    Most people who know me would describe me as intelligent (they may not have seen me type a post on a forum without proofreading it, but we'll go with intelligent :wink: ), I am far from lazy, and my will power...well I can be a bit hard headed and tend to take anything I commit to very seriously. I cook 90% of all my family's meals and prefer things made from scratch, I love veggies and fruit and yes I eat " clean" because I wash all produce prior to consumption, I also wash hands consistently during meal prep and do not cross contaminate surfaces.......OK now I sound ocd, but the point is it is clean by definition of the word....not someone else's false sense of superiority. I have never been insulted regarding my choices and I have never questioned anyone else's choices. I find it hard to believe that the people complaining are so worthy of attention that others out of nowhere feel the need to police their diet.

    I like this one too...
