When was you "Oh Hell No" Moment



  • berry987
    berry987 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom of four (and overweight to boot) so I spend all of my time in some version of stretchy yoga pants. My sister is getting married in a few weeks so I went on the hunt for a dress. I tried on 12s, because that was my size for several years and after many trips back to the dressing room discovered that I am now a plus sized 16. I couldn't even shop in the store I was in :(

    I knew I'd gained weight in the last year or so, but I stepped on the scale and realized I'd gained 20 pounds in a year. And that was on top of already being about 30 pounds overweight.

    So I sucked it up, ordered some plus sized clothes (because yoga pants won't cut it for several of the events planned that weekend) and swore to myself that this weight (all 50 pounds of it) is coming off once and for all.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    For me it was a combination of realizing that I was getting winded just walking up a small hill near our place (having been an avid hiker in years past), and realizing that I wasn't enjoying the taste of food.

    I am now enjoying food again. I had lost the enjoyment of it too before I stopped overeating. Thank you for letting me gain mindfulness of another gift of recovery from my eating disorder.
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    I wanted to have weight loss surgery about 10 years ago. When I went to the information session, they told me I was going to have to gain 8 pounds to be eligible. Instead I went on a liquid diet and lost 75 pounds. Back in April, a friend of mine had the sleeve surgery. I went to another information session, because I had regained the 75 pounds, and put on an additional 39 pounds. Now I knew I was eligible. Found out my insurance wouldn't cover it, and started logging here the next day. I'm now down 14, and feeling better, but still have a long way to go. I'm doing it for real this time. I have to if I want to live.
  • Tracywithawhy
    Seeing myself in a photo...I avoid mirrors....try try again I'm here....oh hell no!
  • thismomentisfate
    I had to have my gallbladder removed last year. As I was laying in the hospital in extreme pain, I asked myself, "What is coming after this? Will i lose another organ? Get diabetes?" I know it was my yoyo dieting that damaged my gallbladder.

    The lady next to me, was very sick, they had to carry her pee in a pan to the bathroom, and were considering amputating her leg, because of her diabetes. It made me wonder if that would be me one day.....

    I feel like ive treated my body badly for so long, that its overwhelming to think about losing the weight again. So my main focus is eating as healthy as i can without pressuring myself. I really hope i can get myself healthy.=)
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    For me it was the afternoon of November 14 last year, when I got the results of my sleep study back, and was told I had severe sleep apnea. Now, I know some folks swear by the CPAP breathing machine and do well on it, but the thought of chaining myself to that device horrified me so much that I started a diet the next day. I struck a deal with my doctor: I drop 20 lbs within six months, and he drops the CPAP idea for the duration. Nine months later I'm 45 lbs down and counting, and the sleep apnea seems to be -- fingers crossed -- in remission. Everybody's got different triggers, I know -- but that was mine!
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    This past 4th of July, I sent my daughter out with her grandma and aunties. Me? I stayed home ALONE. Didn't enjoy any of the grilled food or fireworks. Why? Because I felt FAT! I actually sat at home, in front of my computer, asking myself "When are you going to live? You're 26 years old! Why are you letting life pass you by? Why do you keep turning away every man who wants to date you? Because you feel too fat to have a man? Well why haven't you done something about it?! What if you don't get to see another Independence Day? How is this making your beautiful little girl feel?" Ironically, about two days after that, my mother came to me saying "I have to lose weight! Want to do this together?" 3 weeks later, I'm 10 pounds lighter. I have a long way to go, and it is sooooo hard, but I HAVE to do this! Can I go back to eating how I USE to eat? OH HELL NO!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    My Oh HELL NO moment was when the physician "If we can't get your blood sugars down by next month you will need to start using insulin". I HATE shots. I was not about to have to give myself 3-4 shots a day just to live a mediocre life. 125# later and my blood sugars run between 80-90 with NO medication. Yeah me. Still have 80 pounds to go and it is an up hill battle.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I was 360 and went into Lane Bryant to buy an outfit to wear to my company's Christmas party. The largest size didn't fit. The LARGEST SIZE at LANE BRYANT was too small for me. OH HELL NO.
  • redstar7
    redstar7 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't have one specific, but a couple things that really put me in the right mindset. First was getting my wedding pictures back, I got married last November and while I know I had gained some weight I didn't realize how much it was. Those pictures were pretty horrifying and they're going to be around and displayed for the rest of my life.

    After that I lost 20 pounds, really just by walking more. I didn't change my diet at all!

    Then February came along and I found out I was pregnant, now 7 months pregnant I thankfully haven't gained any weight! And with the approval of my doctor I've been allowed to lose weight. Although I haven't lost a pound since I got pregnant, I also still haven't changed my diet in the slightest. Well, maybe I've actually started to eat worse. My husband and I decided the other day that we are done, and there's no way we are raising out kids with poor eating habits and we have to be the example.

    So that's where I am, I am starting to change my eating habits with my husband. Not even in hopes to lose weight (ideally that will happen but it's not the main goal yet) but just get in the habit of eating right.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Beginning of 2012 when I realised I couldn't bend down to tie my shoelaces without feeling out of breath and I'd spent almost half of my life being over weight. At this point I was 28 years old and had been in bad shape since 16 and. I am only 165 cm tall and weighed about 15 stone. I didn't quite get the diet/exercise combination right at first but after a few months I did and by October I was below 10 stone and have hovered around there ever since. My fitness going up dramatically has been a nice bonus I'd never even considered. Being able to finish my 20's and start my 30's being in shape has at least balanced out the shame of being over weight for so long. Now I'm trying to go further by getting my body fat percentage into single digits. Because when I've come this far and actually been quite good at it, it seems I might as well see how far I can go. Sort of like I'm making up for all those years of being in poor shape by making sure the years that come I'm at the complete opposite end of the scale.
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    When my family's pediatrician pointed out the my 5 year-old daughter's BMI had been consistently increasing over the last 2 years. She's not overweight, but is in the top percentile for height and weight in her age group. The doctor recommended that I try to reduce her sugar intake (juice, sweets, soda, etc) and I started really thinking about how many 'treats' we have during the day, and how very little outdoor play time I give her on weeknights. OH HAIL NAW.

    It's my responsibility to set my children and myself up to be healthy, happy, and strong. I refuse to curse them with bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle. We shouldn't be sitting around snacking all the time. We should be out having adventures! And eating food that tastes great and makes us feel amazing.
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    When I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea at age 32...
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    When I was only six pounds away from 300.

    And when I was almost going to have to buy size 24 jeans.

  • FarmersWife10
    FarmersWife10 Posts: 8 Member
    My moment sounds a lot like yours! You know its an oh hell no.. when you dread seeing your own picture! It really hit me seeing myself holding my precious child and looking the way I do... I never wanted this for myself, but I really hate to see myself like this for my child. So I said OH HELL NO.. I am going to do something about this! Just started my journey.. and praying I stay with this and really put the effort in it.. because I have to do this!
  • Sunflower8D
    Sunflower8D Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a nurse and my realization came when I sat down at work and my scrubs were cutting off the circulation across my upper thighs! Also I was dangerously close to showing butt crack when bending over (which we do a lot of). Refused to buy new scrubs ! Down 10 lbs and all circulation is restored. :D
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I thought that if I continued to gain weight, then if I ever reached goal weight, i might have loose skin.
  • meghan_lovely
    meghan_lovely Posts: 48 Member
    Realizing I was starting to get a double chin.....

  • wherethereis
    wherethereis Posts: 12 Member
    I had a coworker about a year/year and a half ago tell me that I'd gotten fat. Rude as hell on her part, yes, but still. It got me thinking.
  • Crimsonbutterfly74
    Crimsonbutterfly74 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a few of those moments over an extended period of time. Looking at my pictures from vacation, my body is huge. When I saw family members that I haven't seen in years and they just stared at me and all everyone can say is how pretty my face is and I have great hair. Wth???? I have a hard time being around the opposite sex and I was the best flirt. My confidence level isn't existent and I get super nervous whenever I have to be around people I haven't seen in ages. I have back fat and my skin was starting to discolor....Enough is enough....last year ,my mother died of a heart attack in her sleep.....no more...I'm changing my carbon footprint!