just did my first weigh in since joining this site



  • dogpaws4ever
    dogpaws4ever Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, you can tell I'm still sleepy this morning, excuse the typos and it should of been MFP.....HA
    Hang in there, you can do this.
  • I like you posts and find them encouraging. I am new to this site but this is great help. I am doing the high protin low carbs any advise. Thanks
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Fantastic start! Keep of the good work!
  • Musicluvr539
    Musicluvr539 Posts: 6 Member
    You are on the right track, Doesn't matter if it is 1 pound or 10 pounds in a week, the scale is going in the right direction. I have started and stopped so many times I can't even count them anymore, but I am back on and this time it is a need!! My sugar has decided that if I can't do it on my own it will give me a push, it has been high for the past few weeks and I don't want to have to take insulin like my sis. I know that tracking is the only way to go. If you track everything that goes in your mouth, you keep yourself accountable. I had knee surgery in May and this whole year has been a real detriment to any kind of exercise or weight loss, so the knee is about 90% and time to do some close to home walking. Good luck with this journey you will do awesome..
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    You are off to a great start! It usually will not come off as fast as we would like, but when we eat the right things we feel so much better! When we eat the right amount, the weight WILL come off, guaranteed!! I say we because I am right here with you. Lets do this together!

    Please check out my friend Gary's profile. He had 400 pounds TO LOSE when he started, he's over half way there.

    Stick with it, stick with us, we can do this. Lets do it! Congratulations on your success so far.
  • ordinaryloser
    ordinaryloser Posts: 35 Member
    I was around 340 in Jan. Now, I'm about 290. Went from 57in waist to 48. Plenty of times where I wanted to give up, thinking I would never get back to the 200s. Just have to hold steady and trust the process, do everything as best you can & the rest will fall in place. Pay attention to other milestones as well, how much longer you can do something, how much heavier you can lift things, and of course take measurements and not just the scale. Those things can keep your mind at ease when you're not seeing the # you want to on the scale or what you'd like to see in the mirror.
  • Russquatch
    Russquatch Posts: 15 Member
    thanks for the comments ... they really help keep my mind in check when i start to feel like it's too much :) I can already see small changes in energy levels
  • sdauback
    sdauback Posts: 10 Member
    Focus on the small things...like improved energy levels or perhaps feeling a new muscle after exercising or improving memory or being able to walk further or faster. The scales are not always an accurate measure of the improvement in your health.

    Try getting an inexpensive pedometer. Just track your activity levels the first week. Then each week increase your daily steps by 500. That's what I did and helped give me something to feel good about each day and keep me motivated. That way, even when the scale didn't budge I still knew I was improving in some way and it motivated me to continue.
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    That's a great start, congrats! I started out at 350 a year ago and am down probably close to 85 pounds. I haven't weighed myself in over two months and am going off the way my clothes fit. I'm looking forward to weighing and measuring myself in a few weeks to see exactly what the numbers are but it has been really liberating to not be a slave to the scale. It has allowed me to focus on other changes in my body and mind, such as being able to hop up into a bar stool chair with no effort, walking 3 miles and having energy to spare afterward, walking up and down stairs without holding on to the railing, noticing people making eye contact and smiling at me more (this one threw me the first time I noticed it), feeling better about what I see in the mirror and having more confidence to speak up and contribute to conversations. This path is so much more than the number on a scale, it involves every aspect of your mind and body. Enjoy the subtleties of your body responding to a healthier lifestyle and the very best of luck to you!
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Well done, that's a great start :smile: it will get easier, just keep doing what you are doing :drinker:
  • tracybottomley228
    tracybottomley228 Posts: 5 Member
    Well done you - keep up the good work. We are all routing for you. Tracy
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    Don't let yourself get discouraged. No matter what cheat you do, what day (or days) you didn't exercise, what you lost, or didn't! All that matters is that you keep trying anyway. You just have to keep trying until you find that try that gets you to the end! ;-) Set little daily goals! Tell yourself you want to drink X water by X time, get 5 extra mins of a quick cardio before you have a meal. Anything you can do, to challenge and reward yourself positively and constructively. You're on here talking about it right, still checking in, still showing concern. You've got this!
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    Hey, congrats - 6 1/2 lbs is an awesome start! And the fact you seem to be feeling healthier (walking faster is a good sign) so soon is amazing! Just remember that slow and steady is the best way to go to have the most success in both getting the weight off and keeping it off. It can get frustrating when it seems slow but keep in mind - it took time to put the weight on so it will take time to get it off. I think it sounds like you are doing great so far.