Top 10 reasons for wanting to lose weight?

Here's my list:

1) To live long enough to finish raising my boys.

2) To live long enough to meet my grandchildren.

3) So I will never fall through another camp chair. :^(

4) So it's easier and less embarrassing to get up from the floor.

5) Because 300lbs got wayyy too close. (Ditto size 5X.)

6) To get off of some of these meds.

7) So I will feel better, and feel better about myself!

8) So I can maybe go on a hike with hubby. (If he slows down.)

9) Because living life on a couch or in front of a computer is no life at all.

10) So I can run faster than the zombies!


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Number 10 being the most important for me.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Oh, yeah. Super important, that one! :happy:
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    2) To live long enough to meet my grandchildren.

    My kid is a toddler though so I might be being fairly presumptuous, lol.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    1) being with my family
    2) if my shoulders suck, at least I can be skinny with bad rotator cuffs.
    3) food tastes better
    4) it feels good to run
    5) look younger
    6) feel sexier
    7) avoid risk factors of various diseases
    8) live longer
    9) keep up with my husband when we go hiking
    10) self-love
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    1.) The sound my thighs made when I ran was causing hearing damage.
    2.) The person I disliked the most in college started losing weight, and I have to look better than her.
    3.) Because I didn't want to go to the beach and get mistaken for a beached whale
    4.) Ripping pants = more money spent
    5.) Because finding new flabs is much more upsetting than seeing new muscle
    6.) My farts seemed to be amplified as I gained weight
    7.) Having to use a non-wheeled chair, because the arm rests make it uncomfortable is upsetting. Wheeled chairs = more fun
    8.) Smaller boobs = less time in a bra
    9.) I want to live longer to irritate person mentioned in 2 off. Losing weight increases my chances.
    10.) Meh, why not?
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Cool idea! Here are mine:

    1. To live a long healthy life
    2. To be a good role model to my little girl, who loves salads and veggies btw!
    3. To get off of blood pressure meds and it stay where it is supposed to.
    4. To feel good about myself and improve my self love.
    5. To take my kiddo to all the fun places (waterparks included) and not spend the entire time worrying about how I would have to wear a bathing suit in public.
    6. To be able to enjoy all the awesome free trails in Cameron Park.
    7. To keep up with my very active/fit husband and kiddo.
    8. To make the bedroom life more fun, it's just easier when you aren't tired all the time and huffing and puffing. :)
    9. To show my little sister that it is possible even if mom didn't get fit.
    10. To be an inspiration to the rest of my family and get my whole extended family excited about being healthy so we can do more as a family with less limitations.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    1: Get on more than 3 women at once.
    2. make my squats sound all that more impressive
    3. Walk ON TOP of snow, not THROUGH snow. (Thanks Legolas.)
    4. To continue to be physically intimidating to most, but able to run a marathon. Through snow. On top of Legolas.
    5. Oh yeah, increased fitness correlates to an increase in marksmanship ability for both rifle and pistol.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    1.) The sound my thighs made when I ran was causing hearing damage.
    2.) The person I disliked the most in college started losing weight, and I have to look better than her.
    3.) Because I didn't want to go to the beach and get mistaken for a beached whale
    4.) Ripping pants = more money spent
    5.) Because finding new flabs is much more upsetting than seeing new muscle
    6.) My farts seemed to be amplified as I gained weight
    7.) Having to use a non-wheeled chair, because the arm rests make it uncomfortable is upsetting. Wheeled chairs = more fun
    8.) Smaller boobs = less time in a bra
    9.) I want to live longer to irritate person mentioned in 2 off. Losing weight increases my chances.
    10.) Meh, why not?

    Love this:)
  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member

    1. To never develop diabetes or high blood pressure
    2. To be able to hike, climb things without having an asthma attack and slowing my friends down (exercise induced asthma)
    3. To go to the beach and be able to confidently walk around, swim, lay in sand without feeling like everyone is staring.
    4. To be able to ride any roller-coaster without worrying I won't fit, or being asked to leave because the seat belt wouldn't close.
    5. To be able to enjoy fashion as I've always wanted to - outside the plus size department, vintage shopping, trying things on in the store.
    6. To feel more confident and attractive.
    7. To not be discriminated against by employers (this is a real statistic)
    8. To be able to conceive children in a healthy and natural way free of complications
    9. To not be an America obesity statistic
    10. To go skydiving
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    1. To like how I look.
    2. To prove to myself that I can.
    3. To get as close to 36-24-36 (thank you sir mix a lot)as I can lol
    4. To get rid of the jiggly feeling when I walk/run
    5. To be able to never have to walk into lane Bryant, ashley Stewart or the plus sized side of any store ever again.
    6. To look in the mirror and not wonder if it is too tight on my stomach.
    7. To only have my chest bounce when I run.
    8. To lose the tag lines "but you have a nice personality" or " for a girl your size"
    9. To feel attractive/sexy
    10. To be stronger physically/mentally.
    And simply, I deserve it.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Wow! Some really excellent reasons that I wish I had thought of too. I think I need to make my list longer than just 10!
  • FarmersWife10
    FarmersWife10 Posts: 8 Member
    I love this thread!

    1.) For my child and future children!!

    2.) For my husband.

    3.) To feel and look beautiful!

    4.) So I don't look like the "beached whale" when I take my child to the pool.

    5.) To be able to run around without get tired so fast.

    6.) To prevent health issues from developing.

    7.) To NOT be titled as obese.

    8.) To own myself, not let this weight own me.

    9.) For my child, this deserves to be on here twice!!

    10.) To learn I can still eat things I love, but in moderation and still look healthy!
  • FarmersWife10
    FarmersWife10 Posts: 8 Member
    #3 made me laugh!

    and how could I forget about adding #6 on mine!! I dread leaving the house, because I feel everything looks horrible.

    Thanks for those! good luck!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    1. To feel good.
    2. Because of my job.
    3. To live a long life with my fiance.
    4. To wear whatever I want for me.
    5. Help with future bone problems
    6. Look good in my Wedding dress
    7. Keep up with life.
    8. Definitely Zombies.
    9. Not get tired during social outings.
    10. Most Definitely Zombies.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    #1) Being actually datable.
    #2) Being able to climb stares.
    #3) Being able to move around without breathing so dang hard.
    #4) Being able to get in a normal-sized car.
    #5) Being able to buy clothes at a normal store.
    #6) Being able to take photos you are proud of.
    #7) Being able to not sweat so much.
    #8) Being able to not smell so much.
    #9) Being able to get a new wardrobe.
    #10) Being able to get a little more respect in work/social interactions.
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    Love this! Here are mine:

    1. I'd rather be sore from exercise than from arthritis.

    2. My step-daughter is having a baby in November...I don't want to be a fat grammy!

    3. So I can share clothes with my daughter...who doesn't want to double their wardrobe, lol.

    4. Cirrhosis of the liver is in my family history and I had already developed fatty tissue at 30.

    5. I want to have family pictures made, but have resisted because of my weight.

    6. To go to the pool and not be one of the biggest people there.

    7. To get stronger!

    8. To prove to myself that I can.

    9. So I can better enjoy the time I spend with my family.

    10. Because I want to live to be 100!
  • kiarafitjourney
    kiarafitjourney Posts: 33 Member
    Top ten reasons eh? Lets start!
    1. To look great on my wedding dress (which is next month!)
    2. To be a hot housewife and hot mommy ;)
    3. To make people who insults me regret it.
    4. To this awesome accomplishment feeling being in this fit journey.
    5. I just love lifting.
    6. To have a dream body. Abs and toned arms!
    7. To have long life.
    8. I hate my thighs.
    9. To smaller boobs.
    10. Because it makes myself feel good when i look into the mirror!

    Anyway, i could use some new friends, please kindly add me :)
  • tempamatic
    tempamatic Posts: 10 Member
    1. So I can live life to the fullest

    2. Increase stamina

    3. Lower cholesterol

    4. Enhance credibility in business

    5. Look better

    6. Heighten self-esteem

    7. Reduce likelihood of type 2 diabetes

    8. Feel more comfortable

    9. Sweat less

    10. Feel younger
  • kvcash
    kvcash Posts: 30 Member
    1. To look good in my wedding dress.
    2. To have babies in the near future.
    3. So I can lead a healthy lifestyle for my children.
    4. To look good naked.
    5. Higher my self esteem.
    6. To feel sexy wearing nice clothes.
    7. To be healthy.
    8. To be able to RUN.
    9. To be able to go to Six Flags or Water parks.
    10. To be Happy with myself.
  • loveless_me
    loveless_me Posts: 115 Member
    1. To feel sexy
    2. To be confident
    3. To be able to buy and wear any clothes I want and still look sexy
    4. To be fit enough to run around with my dog
    5. To gain enough strength to win play fights and real fights
    6. To be a good examples to my sister and mother
    7. To finish something that I started and actually succeed
    8. To prove to my friend John that I can do this
    9. To no be obese when older
    10. To avoid all health disorders possible