if i go for a run at 05:00 will people think im mad

just wondering i dont wanna let my neighbors see me run you see :(


  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    That sort of thing is quite common here in Australia in summer - it's getting light enough to see and running before the heat is advisable...although it is usually about 5:30/6am that most start jogging. Before that you could just be a thief trying to make a fast get away.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    People run here at all hours of the day....Its rare to see it before 0400 or after midnight, but not unheard of. We also have 24 hour gym's where people go use treadmills etc.

    I'm not sure where you live, but where I live its normal for people who run to do it at 5-6 am. I live in Enfield, so perhaps we live in the same spot? I'm in Canada though lol.
  • 303enfield
    303enfield Posts: 239 Member
    thanks guys i from ireland
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I know tons of people that run early in the morning. I'm the opposite though, I do it in the afternoon or evening before it gets dark usually. Lately been running shirtless most of the time too.....because I do want my neighbors to see. lol
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    All runners are mad! Duh! Especially when you add miles.
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    why does it matter if your neighbor sees you running?
  • TrainSweatEatSleep
    TrainSweatEatSleep Posts: 56 Member
    don't worry about what others think, just do you and keep grinding.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I would just go when you feel comfortable. Or buy a treadmill. I got a deal on one on clearance and I love it -- especially in winter here. You could probably find a used one. But if you like going outside, don't worry about what others think and do what you need to do for you. :smile:
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    people are always running or fitness walking here at 5 and 6 am so they can catch their workout before work or school. and lots of people run/walk at 5 pm when they get home from work/school, too.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I didn't think cultural differences in exercise times is THAT different across the pond. I often run early, right at dawn break. It's still cool enough outside, and not too busy on the running trail.

    Even 24 hour fitness centers are popular, so obviously, people get their sweat on at all sorts of unholy hours:wink:
  • MonicaJumper
    Who cares? At least you're doing something healthy :)
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    thanks guys i from ireland

    I'm from the North and I have been going out quite often these light mornings at around that time for a run, it's great and not a sinner around.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I run in the morning! I prefer it because 1.) you get your exercise out of the way so you don't have to worry about it later and 2.) no cars around so I get to run right in the middle of the neighborhood streets (makes me feel special ;D). Don't worry, most people are still sleeping at that time so they'd probably not notice you at all.
  • cbbabs
    cbbabs Posts: 2
    As long as it's safe, you should go for it. I like to do laps at the pool, but that's too early for me. Apparently it is not too early for the "committed" swimmers. The pool is PACKED at that time.

    I think it's an excellent time to go for those who have the self-discipline. Go for it! I envy you!
  • 303enfield
    303enfield Posts: 239 Member
    thanks for your help guys
  • caffeinated_frog
    caffeinated_frog Posts: 86 Member
    Well, I'm in California so the only way I can beat the heat is to run really early in the morning or really late at night. I'm not happy in the mornings, so I do all my running late at night. By late, I mean 1 in the morning. So waiting until 5 am is a decent hour for many.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Nope, they won't!

    However, as someone who used to run pre-dawn into dawn, be aware that most drivers who see you at all will tend to veer TOWARDS you at that hour. Stay alert!

    I think the drivers are tired and there's not much activity at that hour, and you tend to drift toward what you're watching. Just be mindful of that so you don't get hit.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    If you want to be a police officer, then worrying what your neighbours think about you is something you need to stop right now. You need to learn to do what is right regardless of what the people around you think of you or your decisions. In this case, what is right for you is to run...your life may very well depend on your fitness level.

    You may think I'm just being dramatic, but I assure you from experience that I am not. Your fitness level is directly related to your ability to win the fight. Get in that mindset now and it will serve you your whole career.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Nope, they won't!

    However, as someone who used to run pre-dawn into dawn, be aware that most drivers who see you at all will tend to veer TOWARDS you at that hour. Stay alert!

    I think the drivers are tired and there's not much activity at that hour, and you tend to drift toward what you're watching. Just be mindful of that so you don't get hit.

    Actually, I would venture a guess that what you're experiencing are drunk drivers, not tired ones. Drivers steer towards what they are looking at, drunk people see a runner and look at them, and their gaze gets stuck there. Their brain in its foggy state forgets to look away and therefore they steer towards you. Being tired can have the same effect, but at 5 in the morning there is a fairly high percentage of drivers on the road who have been drinking.
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    I live right on the Gulf coast in the US where the heat is currently about 95-100 midday with 80% or more humidity, so running around 6am or at 8pm is absolutely necessary for me to even complete my run. I used to run in the late afternoon when it was cooler outside but I had to adapt. No matter what hour though, I'm seeing people out exercising. When you see people out exercising with you, you're on the same level. You're all out getting healthier! If neighbors that aren't out exercising see you, I say let them. There will be one of four instances when they do:

    1.) They won't really care and will continue about their business
    2.) They try to joke to themselves but really the insecurity of joking over someone exercising will make them cry on the inside
    3.) They'll have a little envy at you getting healthier and will be impressed you're keeping at it
    4.) You lead by example and they figure out a way to start exercising too

    Can't lose with any of those options. ;)