Running Hamstring injury and spin class

I've hurt my right hamstring there's minimal swelling and no bruising I don't even think it's severe as a grade 1.
I went to the gym today and the consultant got me immediate on the cross trainer and also doing squats, strength exercises of the leg etc even though I emphasized my leg so he understood.
It hasn't made it worse and I'm going to a spin class as he said that I could spin and us the cross trainer with a week off running.
My question and sorry it's so long is will my hamstring actually get better while still doing exercise a lot of the internet says with hamstrings do nothing until can't feel anything at all do complete rest, will my hamstring get better of I'm still using it?
Please help!!


  • chic245
    chic245 Posts: 10 Member
    I think what you are doing is helping some...spin shouldn't hurt unless there is too much tension and squats with light weight are in the same category...consider it a type of short term rehab. I actually tore both of mine in a race years ago and that took a month to heal.
  • Bumblebee1994
    Thank you so much for your reply it's really helpful, just to check even though I have a little occasional pain when walking my leg can still get better if I spin?
  • chic245
    chic245 Posts: 10 Member
    As long as you don't feel straining or tightening I think it is ok