Shreddin' Eleven, Week Three



  • mdaniella-it up if you can, I have done it everyday this month and I feel great. It took me about 4 days to not feel terribly sore, I'm kinda like Julliana-miss it a bit

    Mary-I want to thank you for starting this thread, I'm not sure I would have stuck it out without you and your daily posts. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:

    btw 1.5 # weight loss this week, I'll take it
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Did my D3/L2 on Sunday night. Daughter tried level 2 for the first time, but didn't care for it. On the days we're able to workout together, we'll probably stick with Level 1 for a while longer. When I do it, I'll do level 2 though 'cuz I like it better. =)
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    It is raining here and I soooo wanted to stay in my nice warm comfy bed this morning but at 5:45AM I got up and did L2 day 4. Still starting out strong and ending weak. I had to stop it only once today to rest longer than 5 seconds and I didn't do all the reps on the last ab exercise but what is keeping me motivated is that I am feeling stronger in my abs and my arms are not as shaky as when I first started this level. I am noticing some arm defintion which is an achievement for me. Getting better at plank position too.

    So guess I will still push play tommorow. This is actually my 16th day in a row of consistent exercise. I think I posted the wrong number in a previous thread.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Ok's your exercise challenge for the week!

    Do at least 25 EXTRA push-ups in addition to your shred work out!

    Good luck everyone!
  • i would love to join you all. i am on my first week 4th day of doing level 1. not sure how to add friends thought i added one that told me about the site but it says i have NO friends. i love jillians workout. last summer i only got to level 2 never made it to 3 yet.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Juliana -- You are doing an amazing job!! Great work on the elliptical! The time does seem to be going by super fast, doesn't it?! I wish you all the best for your upcoming Level 2 days! :)

    bluebeta -- Thank you so much!! I started this thread as much for me as for everyone else who has or will join in (I know, sounds selfish a little bit, but...) Seriously, I doubt I would have stuck all the way through this workout DVD without this thread either. So, thank you to YOU and to everyone else who has joined in this journey with me!! Together, we will conquer the Shred!! :-D Congratulations on your weight loss, too. Great job!!

    darkrider -- Awesome job, sticking with Level 2 on your own, while still supporting your daughter by sticking with Level 1 with her. I bet, once she gets more and more used to working out, and stronger, she may just surprise you and try Level 2 again sometime. :)

    sgreene -- You are doing GREAT! Well done on fighting the urge to stay in bed and getting up to exercise instead! It felt good for me to get back to the Shred first thing this morning, after leaving it to the evening yesterday. I'm still left feeling like a big puddle of sweat on the floor after Level 2 workout and today was D8 for me. However, like you, arms and abs are steadily getting stronger. I notice new little changes in my physique each day and I love it!! Great job on sticking with it, and best wishes for continued success!

    bk2011 -- Oh boy! I will do my very best on this one. Maybe by doing this for the week, I can go from modified push ups to FULL ones that much quicker. Funny enough, I'm actually sort of enjoying the 'walk out' push ups on Level 2, and since it's only one push up at a time, I've been able to do the full push up fairly well. Thanks for your weekly challenges!

    karsmith -- Welcome!! I will send you a friend request after posting this reply -- I've found the support and encouragement from fellow MFPers to be invaluable to my fitness journey. Best wishes on the Shred, and stop back as often as you wish to keep us updated on your progress! :)
  • Almost done with level 2...I pushed myself extra hard today. Still can't do a full round of the oblique twists, after doing the jacks my legs can't handle it...but I do as many as I can! I think some of the exercises in 2 are easier than the ones in 1. I measured myself after the first day and can't wait to measure again at the end and see if there is a difference. I need to bump up other exercises to start dropping the weight again. Been holding for a bit now.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Ok I'm really going to step up the exercising on my days off from work as I need to start seeing the dang scale move again or I'm going to get discouraged. I'm going to add in insanity and p90x workouts on my days off in addition to the shred. So that being said, today I got my extra push ups in by doing chest and back...pretty much all push ups and pull ups! Man are my arms sore!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    luvallmusic -- As long as you're doing the very best YOU can do, that's all that matters. Great job!! Do you have any other workout DVDs available to you?

    bk2011 -- Don't get discouraged! You're doing really well! Sounds like you've got a great plan to keep your determination going. Great job on the extra arm work!! I plan to do the extra 25 push ups this evening, maybe even during the Biggest Loser.

    Anyone else watching Biggest Loser tonight?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So yesterday was my day 18 (D6L1) I was a little disappointed because I was at my lowest burn since I started the program. (avg hr 112, max 166, calories 152, 56% of target hr zone)
    But then I realized that there was nothing more that I could have done. I didn't do any of the modifications and I didn't stop during any of the moves. I even did regular push ups instead of girlie ones. I did all 5 sets of jumping jacks and I can't telling myself, I can do this, I am light as a feather, I can do this. And I did. I even pushed through the pain in my left thigh while doing the lunges with a bicep curl. I used heavier weights than in the beginning. I am stronger. My hrm may not reflect my performance, but I'm okay with that.

    I kept thinking that I'm burning mucho calories in zumba and in kickboxing, how come I'm not getting the same results from shred? Well my two fitness classes is almost all cardio, it doesn't incorporate any strength or ab work. My heart rate is up the entire time. So I can't compare apples to oranges. I finally found a strength program that I can stick with and am seeing results. So it would be silly of me to nit pick over a calorie burn.

    So with that being said, today is D18 (D7L1) and I am going to give it my all again. In the meantime, I have zumba this morning, so I will shred in the afternoon.

    Thanks for letting me rant.

    Lee x

    PS: did any of you take measurements before starting the program? In addition to taking a new photo on Feb. 1, I can't wait to remeasure!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 17, L2-Day 5. I am not ready to say that this level is getting easier, I am still struggling towards the end with my endurance. I also think it takes me a little longer to recover after this workout than it did on level 1. I always thought it was my abs that were my weakest body part but after this level, I realize it may have been my arms all along. Wow, they get fatigued at the end of the strength work making it hard to do the last set of ab work. Not up to the reps that Jillian and the girls do yet but I am going to keep pushing and trying.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Leela -- I think you're absolutely right -- zumba and kickboxing are definitely almost ALL cardio, whereas the Shred concentrates more on strength training. The endurance I've gained from the Shred so far has made it SO worth sticking with it! Great job on being able to keep up with Natalie, btw, that's awesome!!! Keep up your GREAT work! :) Regarding measurements, I finally got a tape measure a few days into doing the Shred, but I never did take my measurements. Boo! Oh well, I know, by how my pants are fitting and how my arms are looking and feeling, that I've definitely lost some inches along the way. I do have a couple of before photos that I cannot wait to compare to after photos though! :)

    sgreene -- Level 2 has been such a challenge for me too, with all the arm work involved. It's getting slightly easier, at Day 9 for me this morning, but here it is almost time for the switch to Level 3! I think if we both keep going and doing our best, we can only get stronger with time. I plan to continue to use the 30DS after the initial 30 days, because I love how much strength training I'm getting from it. Keep up your good work, you're doing great! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    D19 this morning (D9L2). I can hardly believe there's only one more Level 2 workout in store for me before moving on to Level 3! I'm definitely ready for the change of routine, and hoping I'll be able to keep up with the Level 3 routine, since Level 2 has proved to be pretty darn challenging for me, especially the arm/plank work. My leg muscle that was tight and sore yesterday is better for the most part today, after a soak, a stretch and a massage last night. I plan to do those extra 25 push ups tonight as well as a 20 minute run on the treadmill. Weigh in for me tomorrow; I'm excited to see some progress! Have a great day, everyone!
  • sharamia
    sharamia Posts: 34 Member
    I started Level 1 Day 1 today. I am sooo out of shape. I couldn't go all the way down with the pushups keeping my back straight. So, I logged this as 15 minutes of circuit training instead of twenty because I couldn't do it well. How long it it take you to see results? After a week should it be easier? Just curious.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I started Level 1 Day 1 today. I am sooo out of shape. I couldn't go all the way down with the pushups keeping my back straight. So, I logged this as 15 minutes of circuit training instead of twenty because I couldn't do it well. How long it it take you to see results? After a week should it be easier? Just curious.

    Hi sharamia! After the first 3 days or so of Level 1, I was finally not as sore and started to get more and more used to the intensity. Even on Day 10 of Level 1, I was still doing the "modified" push ups, though. Now, nearing the end of Level 2 (Day 10 tomorrow), I'm gaining more arm strength and can do the push ups a little better, though I'm still working at it. I think the key is to do the Shred at your own level of intensity, pushing yourself to do the very best you can, but not getting down on yourself for not being able to keep up with Jillian and Natalie (the "advanced" girl). Congrats on making it through Day 1, and keep up the good work you've begun! Stop back and let us know how it goes for you! :)
  • sharamia
    sharamia Posts: 34 Member
    Mary thanks for t he reply. I'm new on these boards. How do I know when somebody answers one of my posts? Is there a way to track threads to get notified? I hope I get better at it because I'm not very good at it right now. I'm going to do it tomorrow too and yes, I'm already feeling it. ~S
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Mary thanks for t he reply. I'm new on these boards. How do I know when somebody answers one of my posts? Is there a way to track threads to get notified? I hope I get better at it because I'm not very good at it right now. I'm going to do it tomorrow too and yes, I'm already feeling it. ~S

    A big WELCOME to MFP, in that case! I hope you're enjoying the site so far. :) There aren't really any alerts or notifications as such, but you can always check back under the 'My Topics' link on any Message Board page to see if you have any replies. I believe that if you stick with it, you are bound to get better at it. Best wishes! :)
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Leve 2 Day 6 for me today. Had a great burn and, although my HRM hit 172 :sick: , I didn't stop (except for a quick sip of water) and managed a lot better on some of the exercises. Won't be able to shred now til Saturday as I'm so busy for the next couple days. Can't believe I might be taking on level 3 before the end of the month! I'm scared!!!!! :noway:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Today was D19 (D6L2) I was going to do level 1 today, but I couldn't take all the push ups and jumping jacks. I did something different today. I had the radio on and music is very motivating! I was dripping sweat like it was day one. I looked at my hrm and it didn't disappoint today 272 calories, 147 avg hr, 168 max hr!!!

    I pushed through the pain like some of you mentioned before. My left thigh is still a little sore. Going to have a nice soak, some icy hot, an extra serving of protein. And if all else fails, I'll take an asprin.

    You guys really motivate me. I will let myself down before I let other people down. So since I have this thread, it keeps me shreddin'
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I always burn on L3 over 300 calories, yesterday DAY24 (2nd round), I burned 490... I get a lot of cardio in right before this so my heart rate is up there and im able to burn more close to finishing 60 days! cant wait to weigh and measure again when done!
    keep shredding!!
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