Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about. flamming apparently is.

    Out of an abundance of caution I checked Urban Dictionary and wish I hadn't.

    I quote, "Flamming: The art of chugging a beer from your *kitten* and throwing it back out from said *kitten*."


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about. flamming apparently is.

    Out of an abundance of caution I checked Urban Dictionary and wish I hadn't.

    I quote, "Flamming: The art of chugging a beer from your *kitten* and throwing it back out from said *kitten*."

    I've got nothing right now.

    well, I've got this...wanna borrow it?

  • laura3773
    laura3773 Posts: 67 Member
    I read the first few pages of this the other day, but haven't read all of it, so sorry if this is something that's been said. I don't eat "clean." I eat frozen entrees for lunch every day. I use carnation instant breakfast, or eat special K for breakfast. But you know what? I've lost 10% of my body weight and I feel better than I have in a long time, so it's working for me.

    My closest friends eat super clean - grass fed cow-share, all organic, grow all of their own veggies. I don't criticize them. It works for them, and they're happy and healthy. You know why I don't criticize them? Because they don't criticize me, or comment on my food at all. That's how adults should act - you do you, I'll do me and we'll all be happy.

    OP - if any of my clean eating friends told me that they eat that way because they are "educated" I would give them a serious side-eye and if it happened frequently enough, I'd stop being friends with them. The implication there is that you are smarter and better than other people who make different choices. People aren't criticizing your choices, they're criticizing your attitude.
  • jammer2net
    jammer2net Posts: 42
    Yup, TRUE.
    Success brings out hate. Bonus points if you happen to be a walking rebuttal to their favorite excuse. People don't have a strong a reaction to "extreme" or expensive diets though because they anticipate a fast return to the fold. If you can create a working diet that uses almost nothing but convenient things it's going to be a whole different kettle of fish than if you do it with actress-feed so the quinoa is probably if anything cutting down on the hate.

    So totally this. You wouldn't believe the hate I get when I buy ice cream, beer, and donuts at the same time at the grocery store while wearing a bikini and a pair of running shorts.

    Pure and unadulterated.

    ^ Best part about that is it's true. The anger 'cause you must have a magic metabolism.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yup, TRUE.
    Success brings out hate. Bonus points if you happen to be a walking rebuttal to their favorite excuse. People don't have a strong a reaction to "extreme" or expensive diets though because they anticipate a fast return to the fold. If you can create a working diet that uses almost nothing but convenient things it's going to be a whole different kettle of fish than if you do it with actress-feed so the quinoa is probably if anything cutting down on the hate.

    So totally this. You wouldn't believe the hate I get when I buy ice cream, beer, and donuts at the same time at the grocery store while wearing a bikini and a pair of running shorts.

    Pure and unadulterated.

    ^ Best part about that is it's true. The anger 'cause you must have a magic metabolism.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I read the first few pages of this the other day, but haven't read all of it, so sorry if this is something that's been said. I don't eat "clean." I eat frozen entrees for lunch every day. I use carnation instant breakfast, or eat special K for breakfast. But you know what? I've lost 10% of my body weight and I feel better than I have in a long time, so it's working for me.

    My closest friends eat super clean - grass fed cow-share, all organic, grow all of their own veggies. I don't criticize them. It works for them, and they're happy and healthy. You know why I don't criticize them? Because they don't criticize me, or comment on my food at all. That's how adults should act - you do you, I'll do me and we'll all be happy.

    OP - if any of my clean eating friends told me that they eat that way because they are "educated" I would give them a serious side-eye and if it happened frequently enough, I'd stop being friends with them. The implication there is that you are smarter and better than other people who make different choices. People aren't criticizing your choices, they're criticizing your SMARTS.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about. flamming apparently is.

    Out of an abundance of caution I checked Urban Dictionary and wish I hadn't.

    I quote, "Flamming: The art of chugging a beer from your *kitten* and throwing it back out from said *kitten*."

    I've got nothing right now.

    well, I've got this...wanna borrow it?


    Are those tacos, clams, or avocado husks on the ground?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about. flamming apparently is.

    Out of an abundance of caution I checked Urban Dictionary and wish I hadn't.

    I quote, "Flamming: The art of chugging a beer from your *kitten* and throwing it back out from said *kitten*."

  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about. flamming apparently is.

    Out of an abundance of caution I checked Urban Dictionary and wish I hadn't.

    I quote, "Flamming: The art of chugging a beer from your *kitten* and throwing it back out from said *kitten*."

    I've got nothing right now.

    well, I've got this...wanna borrow it?


    Are those tacos, clams, or avocado husks on the ground?

    I'm going with mussels of some sort, maybe avocado husks but that would be pretty impressive, mine are never that clean. I'm a dirty eater after all.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Never mind. obviously support is not what this group is about.

    I'm all for supporting others. Well that is until it gets implied that I'm uneducated, ignorant, jealous, lacking will power, and insecure just because I choose to eat different foods than them. Did I leave anything out?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    Some people seem to take any discussion, debate, disagreement (especially if anyone disagrees, no matter how politely, with them) as "non support"
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I eat clean 90% of the time.
    I tend to eat low sugar (5-6 teaspoons a day is my max. Usually less), gluten free minus rye bread on Sunday, unprocessed foods & lots of vegetables on a daily basis, combined with gluten free carbs like quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, fats like nuts olive oil coconut oil avocado, & protein like eggs chicken & pea protein.
    I make raw brownies, healthy 'Nutella', sweet potato fries, healthy pancakes & indulge in healthy treats like raw cacao almond butter cups & cacao hot chocolate. I eat dairy once a day and choose goats & sheep.

    However I receive so much criticism from normal people on how I eat. I'm boring, obsessive, fussy, extreme & must be on a diet to lose weight.

    I personally argue that I'm not obsessive, just educated. Fussy? Well I'm allowed to be fussy about what I put in my body. Extreme? Extreme is obesity rates, diabetes & being addicted to sugar & fast food. And diet? I eat in a way that gives me clear skin, energy, balanced blood sugar levels, great weight, energy & concentration sustained all day until bed, no more ibs and overall happiness.

    Is anyone in the same boat here? I'm the only person I know that eats to nourish and solve my health problems, so no one else understands- do you think my way of eating is extreme?
    I do occasionally cheat. However my taste buds have changed and I love to indulge in quality dark chocolate & pasta dishes rather then the sweet stuff anymore. I'm not afraid to eat 'unclean' or 'unhealthy' foods I just see how good I am eating different foods and loving it.

    I get this, too. People are jerks.
    Also, they police my eating to make sure I'm adhering to my "diet". I'm whole foods plant based vegan, and I ate some candy corn after finishing a 50 mile trail race that took me 16 hrs to run. I swear I heard more about that then my running 50 miles. what is wrong w/ people??? I assume every person is doing the best they can for their own situation and with the information they have. Not sure if that's the kind of feedback I get though. I would never see someone eating and say "I thought you were diabetic" or "how many WW points is that?" or "is that gluten free?" wtf?? people are jerks. I might have said that though.

    Good job sticking to it! eventually the criticism will reduce when it's discovered it has no influence on your values. :D hang in there!
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    My education continues.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    Aldousmum, Really? People randomly police your eating to see if you are adhering to your diet? :indifferent:

    I really must be boring - nobody has ever been interested in my diet to bother policing it or checking if I am adhering to it - nobody knows what my diet is in the first place.

    How come all these people know so much about your diet ?
    Perhaps that is the clue to the problem.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Also, they police my eating to make sure I'm adhering to my "diet". I'm whole foods plant based vegan,
    In my experience this happens when the person in question goes on about their choice and how great it is.
    People naturally get annoyed and are happy to point out when they see the person being hypocritical.

    Seeing that my 'healthy diet' involves eating and food I feel like (which meets my macros of course, but now that I'm not on a big deficit it's not an issue to incorporate most foods in to the macros.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Some people seem to take any discussion, debate, disagreement (especially if anyone disagrees, no matter how politely, with them) as "non support"

    Or you are being a troll or a hater.
  • brucewilsonet
    Why worry so much about what people say. I keep my personal habits to myself because its a personal thing. I'm middle aged and very active. I run for my exercise (and race cars in extreme endurance events). I had a Open heart surgery two years ago. I wasn't because of lot of cholesterol buildup, but because of a clot that formed because of inflammation. It turns out that the vast majority of heart attacks are similar to mine. Why have so many marathon runners dropped dead with heart attacks? :) I've since learned that the food we is a huge part of inflammation, so I just don't eat process foods and stick to cooking with olive oil. An acquaintance of mine had the same thing happen at about the same time. he was a vegan and rode his bike across the US 6 months earlier. We are both very lucky to be alive. My chance of survival was 7% at the time :) So in my humble opinion, eating clean is a good thing, I guess. But more importantly, learn to listen to your body very closely. Don't assume that you are doing everything right just because you're eating clean. Learn about inflammation (the foods and oils that cause it), as it is the cause of Many health issues.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Also, they police my eating to make sure I'm adhering to my "diet". I'm whole foods plant based vegan,
    In my experience this happens when the person in question goes on about their choice and how great it is.
    People naturally get annoyed and are happy to point out when they see the person being hypocritical.

    Seeing that my 'healthy diet' involves eating and food I feel like (which meets my macros of course, but now that I'm not on a big deficit it's not an issue to incorporate most foods in to the macros.)

    That's not quite how I am, but I can see your point. Texas is a weird place to be a vegan though, (outside of athletics) probably, so I do hear lots of funny things. :D And when I don't know people well, they ask a lot of questions when they first find out. I usually try to change the subject because I'd rather talk more about other stuff! like running, and books, and other interesting things! I generally try to get people to move on to more amusing subjects like "what do you think about when you're running for that long?" and "have you ever pooped your pants?" and "omg, how long did it take you to run that far?"

    I'm pretty sure I was probably much more obnoxious when I was on weight watchers a gazillion years ago, b/c I was constantly trying to figure out how much points every thing had in it! glad to be done with that!
  • LunaS2
    LunaS2 Posts: 2
    :happy: I am doing much the same. Eating for my health-- REAL FOOD. Glad to see someone else doing so. I am learning and creating to have fun with food and make it special and healthy ! You are awesome.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Also, they police my eating to make sure I'm adhering to my "diet". I'm whole foods plant based vegan,
    In my experience this happens when the person in question goes on about their choice and how great it is.
    People naturally get annoyed and are happy to point out when they see the person being hypocritical.

    Seeing that my 'healthy diet' involves eating and food I feel like (which meets my macros of course, but now that I'm not on a big deficit it's not an issue to incorporate most foods in to the macros.)

    That's not quite how I am, but I can see your point. Texas is a weird place to be a vegan though, (outside of athletics) probably, so I do hear lots of funny things. :D And when I don't know people well, they ask a lot of questions when they first find out. I usually try to change the subject because I'd rather talk more about other stuff! like running, and books, and other interesting things! I generally try to get people to move on to more amusing subjects like "what do you think about when you're running for that long?" and "have you ever pooped your pants?" and "omg, how long did it take you to run that far?"

    I'm pretty sure I was probably much more obnoxious when I was on weight watchers a gazillion years ago, b/c I was constantly trying to figure out how much points every thing had in it! glad to be done with that!

    LOL Texas, ok say no more. If you're not eating the bbq people are going to want to know why, and the minute they hear the word Vegan.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The difference though, when I was in California I would have people stop me in the grocery store to explain to me why the food I was getting was bad for me and how I was poisoning myself based on what was in my cart. :huh:

    So in my experience anyways, the first group might poke a bit of fun and/or tease, the second group was more likely to lecture and attempt to convert me. I'll take the teasing over the lecture thank you.