friends wanted please help

hey everybody my name is Haley im here for the same reason as most people to loose weight. Ive lost weight before and found it quite easy when i had a holiday to look forward to but then after the holiday the weight started to creep back on and before i knew it i was a size 20 the biggest Ive ever been :(

i recently got engaged to the most amazing guy Ive ever met you could say Ive had my share of "bad eggs" shall we say but Ive now found the one we both want to have our own little pitter patter of baby feet but i knew something wasnt right so after a trip to the hospital and some simple tests i found out i have polycystic ovarian syndrome it was a shock to the system but after finding out that loosing weight helps us to get pregnant im even more determined to loose weight. i currently weigh 18st 7lbs and im wanting to loose about 4st this will most deferentially help with my polycystic ovary and will deferentially boost my confidence and self esteem

please feel free to add me :)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'm here for support...add me!!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Add me! :)
  • salsxa
    salsxa Posts: 15 Member
    Add me. Losing weight for the same reason. Not PCOS but need to lose weight before I have a better iVF chance

    I need to lose about 20kgs (just over 3s) to be satisfied and give it a go.
  • fluke198
    fluke198 Posts: 3
    Add me for support. I'm on daily.