Over 50s?

Hi, my name is Susan. I'm 54 and still have 35lbs to go. I have been transforming now for almost 2 years. Is there any over 50s out there who would like to join me?


  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Susan - I'm Su, 50 and like you have been working on being fitter, healthier and slinkier for about 2 years. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    I just reached 50 last week and have around 30lbs to lose
  • Duggie54
    Duggie54 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I'm Doug. I'm 55 and have been at this since last November. I'm retired Air Force and let myself go after retiring in 2006. I've got around 30 pounds to go myself. I'm gonna shoot you a friend invite. I'm also in a group of people that are from 50 to 60 years old and there are a lot of good people in there.
  • nusiax
    nusiax Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I'm Rob, I am 52, and I am about to complete 3 months. I have 32KG left for my goal. would love to join you. I am currently live in the Netherlands.
  • jaynalawayna
    jaynalawayna Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I'm Jayna - turned 56 about a month ago. I also need to lose about 30 at this point. It is very slow going, and unfortunately my doctor had to switch my blood pressure medication on the 15th to eliminate my diuretic and I have gained 5 pounds. I try to log and move every day. It's always nice to have another friend on the journey.
  • blancokitty
    blancokitty Posts: 30 Member
    I am 52 I'll be your friend need encouragement !!
  • skjones0323
    skjones0323 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I;m Susan too and I'm 52. I have 60 something pounds to lose and could really use some more friends for motivation and support!
  • Hi! I'm Gillian - 55.5!! (years, not kilos!) I've had a wonderful 14 months so far with mfp. Have a look at my profile and feel free to add if you like. I like to exchange positive thoughts and encouragement.
  • Dilyn423
    Dilyn423 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I am Dianna -57-soon to be 58 years old. I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. 3 weeks ago I had Lap Band surgery and so far it is going smoothly. Since April I have lost approx 26 lbs most of which has been in the last 4 weeks.
    I still have about 100 to go. I could use all the encouragement I can get. Please add me also.
  • Raney2
    Raney2 Posts: 17

    I just signed up here a couple days ago too. I just turned 59 and I've battled weight gain most of my life. Decided I could do this on my own without any surgery after reading all of the testimonies of people who've done the same.

    Last week I weighed in at 301 lbs, today I'm 293. Gotta a long way to go, but every single day counts. By next year this time--I know I'll look like a different person all together.

    Thanks to the wonderful people here who are such wonderful examples and testimonies of what you can do when you finally decided you've had enough of being limited in so many ways because of unhealthy excess weight.

    You will succeed,
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I just turned 57. I've never been overweight, but at 106-108 pounds ( I'm 5' 2"), my weight is high for me. I'm also pear-shaped and as the years pass, I become even more of a disproportionate pear. I also haven't been exercising regularly, in part because of injuries and lack of motivation and access to a gym.
  • Hi. I am way over 50 & 60, but have a new attitude about this loosing the weight. Slow at getting my head wrapped around it, but could use some motivation.
    Add me if I fit in....

  • dlb777
    dlb777 Posts: 13
    Add me in if appropriate, too! I think when we get into our 50s, we start feeling all those old sports injuries, have slower metabolisms, and have a different view about life than in our younger years. Am interested in others' weight loss experiences and mutual motivation/advice.
  • So how is the Over 50's group doing?

  • treeb1
    treeb1 Posts: 3
    I'm 49. I'm just starting out. I hope i'm not too young. jejejeje i want to lose 30 lbs. I am very mature for my age. :)
  • I don't see a problem with that....heheheh

    If you log your food, every bit of it (even a lick of a spoon) then you will do just fine. Then move, walk, run if you can, but just do it.
    Don't be afraid to reach out if you have problems or just need to vent. It is all good. And be sure to do body measurements...if your scale doesn't move it is a pretty sure bet that the inches will be moving.

    Welcome to the group

  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm over 50 and still have 30+ pounds to lose.
    Good luck to you.
  • MrMike54
    MrMike54 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I'd like to join you. I'm almost sixty (this month). Hope all is well.

  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I turned 50 this year and I have about 45 pounds to lose. We can do this! Good luck and keep logging :)

  • Just turned 50 glad to meet you