any suggestions on tracking calories

burned while working out to a dvd?
I'm not sure how to add these to my exercise log.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    the only thing that will be accurate would be to get a HRM, if not its all pretty much guesses
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    double post
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I guess it depends on the DVD .....

    Since joining a few days ago it looks like a Heart Rate Monitor is the way to go which I need to get but until I can I have simply been doing my walking DVD and the one I have does a 4 mile powerwalk in 60 minutes not counting the warm up or stretching so when I log my 30 minutes of walking I use the exercise listed as walking briskly 4mph ... it kinda jips me in calories burned because I walk with a 3 lb hand weights and we do core training and arm training while walking but i rather have some calories burned than none.
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    If you have the means invest in a KiFit/BodyBugg.

    This will track your calorie burn 24x7.
  • philssis
    Search under "aerobics", there is a high intensity and a low intensity. Just be honest about how hard you actually exerted yourself. It's probably pretty close. Good luck!
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    I try to find somethng close to it on the data base and gauge my participation accordingly. LIke for me, a 40 minute walk, where I really did get my heart rate up is kinda between a 2.0 mile and a 3.0 mile, but the 3.0 mile would show as burning more than I think I would, so I use 3.0 and enter 30 minutes instead of 40. This probably doesn't make any sense at all.