Weight Gain Excuses?

So a friend of mine who refuses to count calories posted some stuff today on Facebook. We have talked about her diet before and it sounds to me like she he not eating much, but what she does eat is calorie dense so she's eating too many CALORIES even though she isn't eating much. What she said sounds like a bunch of PSEUDO-science BS to me. Does anyone know if there is anything to this? Stuff
" I understand that calorie counting works for some people but I am 100% sure that in some cases there can be other factors. I am certain that if a persons adrenal glands aren't functioning properly there are all kinds of things that can go wrong. I also have received a lot of private messages from women who are very healthy but were gaining weight and found out that it was candida overgrowth or adrenal fatigue among other things....after they sought help for those issues the weight came off. "
" I have spoken with coutless very educated experienced alternative medicine providers, holistic herbal people etc.. it is proven that there are instances where a person can be eating perfectly and exercising and are still gaining. There can be other factors, I learned this after tons of research."
Sounds and smells like total BS to me. I mean I can imagine that there are adrenal and hormonal issues that would possibly effect the amount of calories you should be eating, but. ughhhhhhhhhh, frustrating. Sick of people fishing for excuses.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    there are certain medical issues like thyroid issues and diabetes that complicate things a bit, but its still possible, just harder

    if shes making excuses then just stop talking her about it. if she really wants to lose the weight she'll strive for it no matter what
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I agree that most of the time people are just making excuses for the weight that they've put on. People often want to justify it so that they don't feel bad about themselves - they're shielding themselves from feeling disappointed, depressed, etc. about their weight gain. And if they don't have a problem with the way that they look and if they're not unhealthy, then fine. I just leave them and their excuses be. But if they're in need of losing weight, then it can be difficult and frustrating to see these excuses being made.

    However, there are legitimate reasons why weight gain could happen even if your diet is decent. For instance, if someone does suddenly develop thyroid issues they can gain/lose weight without changing what they're eating. If you have kidney problems, it can also make you gain a lot of weight without doing anything different, and there are also others that I'm not mentioning. So there really are some legitimate illnesses that cause weight gain.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If she does not have any of these health issues, then they are excuses. If she does have one or more of these things going on, then as already mentioned, it does make it harder, and the health issues would need to be remediated.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    If they start mentioning holistic healers you know they have gone full potato
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    is she simple?
  • MxcnMrcnZrr
    MxcnMrcnZrr Posts: 18 Member
    I don't want to rip on her really. She is just in denial. I think I mentioned. we talked about her diet at one point. She doesn't eat much. What she does eat is real calorie dense though. Lots of peanut butter. You know carbs are evil types. I agree simple sugars are bad, but whole grain carbs are great long term energy. When people take that attitude of all carbs are bad. It just seems like a set up for failure. Hard to find good long term energy I think without complex carbs. When you crach you grab the closest food and bam. Frustrating.
  • MxcnMrcnZrr
    MxcnMrcnZrr Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah she mentioned holistic healers LoL. I'm definitely not against homeopathic stuff or natural remedies, but when it goes against well established peer reviewed science... Well, yeah. That's when I say shenanigans.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    >Mentions alternative medicine
    >She is a POTATO
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    adrenal glands. candida.

    someone has been watching internt videos where people try to sell you stuff at the end.

    lol. adrenal glands.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i gained weight because i ate too much. and sat on my butt a lot. personally. maybe that is just me.
  • I read an article this week about this topic which debunked the myths about being overweight. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the author made it seem like weight gain and obesity is to a significant extent caused by other medical problems.

    I think for the overwhelming majority of the population, people are fat because our food is giant and full of sugar and fat, which humans love. IMO, obesity is a sociological problem.
  • MxcnMrcnZrr
    MxcnMrcnZrr Posts: 18 Member
    I did speak with a friend who is a doctor. He did say it is very possible her thyroid has not normalized from the pregnancy. Otherwise he said very likely she's just eating too much. The other reasons were bunk.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    When I was overweight, I had an arsenal of excuses.

    When I was nearing being underweight (never hit it, thankfully), I had an arsenal of excuses then, too.

    Thyroid was common. For the latter, I used my gallbladder disease. Which was only a white lie, as it does make me anxious to eat certain foods (due to the stomach pain and the bloating and being all around uncomfortable when I do).

    Point is, most people who have an unhealthy lifestyle find excuses. It is, I suppose, a way to shield themselves from having to face the truth. There are some health problems that can cause weight gain or loss. Thyroid issues, for example. Some meds increase appetite a lot. Mental illness can often affect the appetite. Things like that.

    Still, it is usually because they eat more calories than they burn.

    My most used excuse when I was overweight was that my knees hurt, which made walking hard. When I lost weight, my knees stopped hurting. It was my weight making them hurt.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Hide her on Facebook. Or, better yet, just delete her.

    Thyroid/hormonal issues are real. They're also very rare. Sounds like she took something real and went all bro-science on it.