Any Ex-Smokers Out There? I Need Advice!

Hey guys,

I just quit smoking (10 days ago) and I CANNOT SLEEP. I have so much energy! I'm not complaining, except that I'm seriously sleeping 3 hours a night.

A typical day for me before involved getting up at 0430, work (desk job), do barn chores, ride horse (3 days a week), dinner, shower, bed by 2100.

Now, I can't burn off enough energy! I'm walking on my lunch break, riding my horse more/longer durations, running and/or riding my bike every night, and then my fiance and I go for a walk after dinner. Oh, and I do 20 minutes of yoga a day, and weight training a few times a week.

Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on?! I'd love to be able to get a full 7 hours of sleep!


  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Off topic, I know but do you work for the military? I have never ever smoked BUT I have a friend who has recently quit but has the opposite problem. I used to have insomnia for other reasons. Do you have a routine before bedtime? If you are not sleepy don't go to bed. Read or do something until you are so you don't associate bed with not sleeping. If you drink coffee try to stop doing so several hours before bedtime and move your workouts up earlier if that stimulates you as well.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    nicotine is a depressent and so I would assume your body is responding to the lack of that in your system. I went through the same thing when I quit. It'll fade in time and you'll get to normal energy levels.

    For now try to avoid extra caffeine, if you have any during your day. Otherwise I think it might just be waiting it out. That's what I did, anyway, because I didn't know what else to do.
  • Dball0227
    Dball0227 Posts: 21 Member
    You can also try over the counter sleep aids. Basically Benadryl without the other stuff in it. Buy the store brand though as it is a lot cheaper. Just don't rely on them every night as you can build up a tolerance (even though of course the box says otherwise). I quit 11 years ago and remember the sleep effects to be some crazy dreams so watch out for that too.
  • jlgrebe
    jlgrebe Posts: 30 Member
    Yep, I work at an Army Depot. :)
  • jlgrebe
    jlgrebe Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I tried Zzzquyll (sp?) last night and I slept like a rock! I was a little groggy this morning so maybe I should take it earlier.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    When I quit smoking, I had insomnia for a few weeks. It is a pain, but you will get through it and your normal sleep patter will return. You should look up the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal to get a good idea of what may or may not happen to you as time goes on.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Have you ever heard the saying, this to shall pass? Well that fits here :-) give it a few weeks and you'll even out. :-)
  • 32daisies
    32daisies Posts: 25 Member
    By the way -- HUGE CONGRATS!!! Quitting smoking is the hardest thing I've ever done so I know how it is, I really do congratulate you on this!
  • daynes23
    daynes23 Posts: 94 Member
    I quit not so long ago (for the 300th time). I don't remember the insomnia too much. But keep it up! I know you can push through it!
  • jlgrebe
    jlgrebe Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks to all of you! :) I am feeling so much better this week (well, I'm sleeping anyhow). :)