I don't know how to exercise!

Hi everyone,
could someone please please tell me a simple basic exercise routine that i should start with, there are so many videos, websites, methods and all the fancy language.... its frustrating when you are struggling to motivate yourself and your just starting out.
I know all exercise is great, and it all counts.... i have exercised before, swimming, walking , dance and weights but always felt like i hadn't a clue what i was doing! Its not possible for me to attend a gym right now so i need something i can do at home.
I'm confused, unmotivated and struggling to get in a routine. I really need a simple structure to my week, i struggle with moderation in all aspects of my life and have crazy exercised and dieted... so i need a simple starting point, what exercise how many reps, how many hours a week, how long before i increase the intensity, which areas of my body to work??? etc
I am 250 pounds, 5ft 8 .

I would be so grateful for some support



  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    HI :smile:

    Im fairly new too. I found the Lift like a girl, by Nia Shanks, Helpful and Nerd fitness. Just google them and get reading, they have a bazillion home routines as well gym starting points.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    Google is your friend.
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    jumping jacks has to be the most basic
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Nerdfitness' beginner bodyweight routine.
    It's simple, you can do multiple rounds of it to make your workout longer. You can add weights to it to make it harder.
    It's free and h'es got a video of the whole thing on the website.
  • 185dengbiqi
    185dengbiqi Posts: 36 Member
    thanks.... i just find it all so confusing and frustrating.... I'm having a really bad few weeks and I know I,m feeling sorry for myself, but its days or weeks like these when your head is full of so much other stuff its like aarrhhh can someone just tell me what to do?
  • mustardyellowshirt
    mustardyellowshirt Posts: 53 Member
    I am new to this as well. I have downloaded a stopwatch/timer app so I can better time workouts and reps. I started walking/jogging a few miles, and I'm going to be doing that M/W/F. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm going to shoot for atleast 30 minutes of strength/basics. Really all I know to do is lunges, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and I act like I'm jump-roping (try shooting for a minute doing that-it's hell starting out. lol) I am also just browsing.other strength excersizes and am hoping with time they will become more natural to do. :) Hope some of that helped!
  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    Here's a totally different take:

    1. Join your local YMCA (or something like it). If it's a Y, one thing included will be a meeting with a trainer to help you set goals and get started.

    2. Look at all the classes and groups they offer at your new Y. Go try them out. All of them. Keep trying, until you find two or three that you enjoy and want to go back and do more. The greatest program in the world will not work for you if you're not having fun and wanting to go back. Definitely try group cycling and some kind of group water exercise, like water aerobics. There is power in the group. I am the last person in the world to want to join groups and socialize, but I've found this is exactly what I've needed and has been a major key to my fitness improvement.

    3. Set your sights on an event - for example, a Thanksgiving Day 5K - and start doing a couch to 5k program. Having an event on your calendar is a huge motivator. You'll go out and do your event and mark all the progress you have made. There is a reason these events are so popular now. Whatever your event is, go ahead and register, pay your entry fee, and mark it on your calendar.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    thanks.... i just find it all so confusing and frustrating.... I'm having a really bad few weeks and I know I,m feeling sorry for myself, but its days or weeks like these when your head is full of so much other stuff its like aarrhhh can someone just tell me what to do?
    It looks like a few people have told you what to do already. You just have to shake off the "woe is me" attitude and do it. Pinterest has a lot of great, simple routines you can do a few times during the day and use youtube for the things you don't know how to do.
    Someone could have explained to me for three hours what exactly a burpee is but i wouldn't have understood until I typed it into youtube and saw it myself.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    thanks.... i just find it all so confusing and frustrating.... I'm having a really bad few weeks and I know I,m feeling sorry for myself, but its days or weeks like these when your head is full of so much other stuff its like aarrhhh can someone just tell me what to do?

    Go for a walk
    do some push ups
    do some burpees
    mow the lawn
    do some gardening
    play with kids
    do some squats

    fitness blender
    zuzuka light on youtube
    blogliates on youtube
    thedailyhiit.com- formerly bodyrock.tv (bodyrock old school wins over the new site)

    educate yourself- no one can do the workouts for you- so you gotta do something for yourself and take the time.

    doing something is significantly better than just doing nothing.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I'd recommend keeping it very simple-- just go for walks for now. Once you've started to get some fitness, you'll feel motivated to do and try more. Losing weight and exercising can be very overwhelming initially (this can be an emotional process), and that feeling can throw you off-course and make you give up, that's why I suggest keeping it simple.

    Also, you managed to spell 'exercise' correctly, so you're already up on many of us here! :tongue:
  • theapphaniaa
    I LOVE the Walk Away The Pounds videos by Leslie Sansone!
    You can look them up on Youtube. It's simple, yet effective. (For me at least).
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Walk. Simple. Easy. None of that ewwy giggly fay feeling that jumping jacks causes. Great place to start to get the heart going and the blood flowing.
  • ShannonS921
    ShannonS921 Posts: 194
    What do you love to do? That's the best thing I could ever suggest....find something you LOVE doing...walking, jogging, kickboxing, swimming, ANYTHING...then you'll look forward to it every day and you won't struggle to force yourself to do it.

    Good luck, once you're in a routine it gets much easier!
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    Here's a totally different take:

    1. Join your local YMCA (or something like it). If it's a Y, one thing included will be a meeting with a trainer to help you set goals and get started.

    2. Look at all the classes and groups they offer at your new Y. Go try them out. All of them. Keep trying, until you find two or three that you enjoy and want to go back and do more. The greatest program in the world will not work for you if you're not having fun and wanting to go back. Definitely try group cycling and some kind of group water exercise, like water aerobics. There is power in the group. I am the last person in the world to want to join groups and socialize, but I've found this is exactly what I've needed and has been a major key to my fitness improvement.

    3. Set your sights on an event - for example, a Thanksgiving Day 5K - and start doing a couch to 5k program. Having an event on your calendar is a huge motivator. You'll go out and do your event and mark all the progress you have made. There is a reason these events are so popular now. Whatever your event is, go ahead and register, pay your entry fee, and mark it on your calendar.

    I like this answer. If you can afford it, a trainer once per week is very helpful. He/she can show you strength workouts. Have them write them down with all the details you need to repeat it. After a few months, you will have a book of workouts to choose from. You will become more proficient and can add reps, time, weight, and change them up. Trainers can usually give you advice on the cardio side and on the nutritional side too. For a relatively small investment, I have gotten a lot of value.
  • greenfirearm
    greenfirearm Posts: 120 Member
    If you can't afford the above, I recommend FitnessBlender. The videos are done in a way that's very clean, and includes a lot of information in getting your form right, as well as a vast variety of different types of workouts, warm ups and cool downs.

    Good luck with getting it right, it may be you're just a bit of a perfectionist. It gets much easier to get your form right the more you do it. Just focus on getting to know your body etc. Even just a couple of uses of a personal trainer could be really helpful, or an exercise class or two in the type of exercise you want to do.
  • mustardyellowshirt
    mustardyellowshirt Posts: 53 Member
    I'd recommend keeping it very simple-- just go for walks for now. Once you've started to get some fitness, you'll feel motivated to do and try more. Losing weight and exercising can be very overwhelming initially (this can be an emotional process), and that feeling can throw you off-course and make you give up, that's why I suggest keeping it simple.

    Also, you managed to spell 'exercise' correctly, so you're already up on many of us here! :tongue:
    I actually think I'm the only one who misspelled it. lol Derp moment here. P:
  • nharr002
    nharr002 Posts: 22 Member
    When I first started this journey I went to Target (Or Walmart) and bought a set of 5-lb dumbells and "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred" DVD. It's a great full body workout thats only about 20-30 minutes long. There are 3 different levels, so you can choose which is best for you, or do each level for 10 days each, because they progress by intensity and difficulty. Oh and did I mention that the dvd is only about $9.99. It can be done at home, in your living room. Feel free to add me or message me if you have any questions. Best of luck to you.
  • fhttrs
    fhttrs Posts: 201 Member
    When I first started this journey I went to Target (Or Walmart) and bought a set of 5-lb dumbells and "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred" DVD. It's a great full body workout thats only about 20-30 minutes long. There are 3 different levels, so you can choose which is best for you, or do each level for 10 days each, because they progress by intensity and difficulty. Oh and did I mention that the dvd is only about $9.99. It can be done at home, in your living room. Feel free to add me or message me if you have any questions. Best of luck to you.

    I'll second this! It's what I'm doing now as well. I'm on Level 3 Day 3... Only 7 days to go! And I was VERY out of shape when I started.

    I too struggle with the whole "what to do" mentality because the second you type "exercise" into Google you're bombarded with 10 million people telling you what to do.

    I'd spent so much time on my couch eating Doritos and watching Biggest Loser and I already knew about 30 Day Shred so I decided that's where I was gonna start. I may look into some of the Biggesr Loser workout videos and Jillian's Ripped in 30 one as well since it's also cheap. I'm trying to build up my strength and stamina before I drop $120 on a beachbody program.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I'd recommend keeping it very simple-- just go for walks for now. Once you've started to get some fitness, you'll feel motivated to do and try more. Losing weight and exercising can be very overwhelming initially (this can be an emotional process), and that feeling can throw you off-course and make you give up, that's why I suggest keeping it simple.

    Also, you managed to spell 'exercise' correctly, so you're already up on many of us here! :tongue:
    I actually think I'm the only one who misspelled it. lol Derp moment here. P:

    No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call anyone out here on the thread! I've just seen it spelled so many different ways on this board that I start to wonder which way is the correct way!