Ladies... hairy chest on your man or no?



  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I agree with many of the above posters. You really don't have that hairy of a chest, and I think it looks just fine on you. It's bad enough that women have to keep up with shaving their legs & etc... Keep the hair and save yourself time and money!!
  • 1st Congrats on the weight loss! your doing awesome!

    2nd if you start the hair removal you will have to keep doing so. Men should have hair on the chest.... not so much on the back. Your hairy chest is not excessive. I have SEEN men with sweaters and that is a bit too much for my taste. Hope that helps!~
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Keep the chest hair!

    Now if you have back hair...... :0
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Keep it! I agree with a previous post that said if you start now, you will always have to do it! That would get really annoying really fast! So be happy with your weight loss (which is awesome!) and rock it on the beach!
  • HW2Hottie
    HW2Hottie Posts: 100
    You look great! I am most likely bucking trend but I will say, LET IT GO!! Nair or wax works well and as a man you don't really have to do it that often. Its just the initial that is the hard part. It will define your chest more and show off your hard work.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Keep the hair!

    I think maybe they were shocked by the hair because they didn't expect you to be a hairy guy.
    I have been like that with guys I have dated in the past. They took their shirts off for the first time and I was thinking "that was unexpected" but not in a bad way. I like the chest hair and as someone posted above, a happy trail is always nice too. :wink:

  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    First, CONGRATS on your awesome weight loss!!!! Second, as others have aren't crazy hairy. I wouldn't say you have a 'sweater' there =).

    Having said that, I personally wish all men would wax their chests. I am weird on hair. My hubby is working out hard and getting toned. I asked him the other day if I could get him liqoured up enough to wax him. He didn't think that was funny...wooops =0 I think I kinda pissed him off. But, luckily he got over it. If you opt for hair removal, don't shave it. Stubble would be worse...eek.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    LOL. You are totally NOT that Hairy! WTH were your Co-Workers talking about???

    There are very few guys who don't get hair on their chests! Those that don't... Oh well, they hit the jackpot (much like the chick's who don't get overgrown eyebrows/upper lips/legs etc - You don't think we stay smooth by accident do you???)... Guys that did get blessed with it, I say wear it proudly!!!! I think it's nice personally and have never had an issue with it. Girls who are reasonably mature usually feel the same.

    Let me tell ya, waxing is no bueno. We do it because we need to. Excess hair on females isn't cute (I've been crammed on public transport on more than one occassion with a hairy hippie and it's not cute) so we suck it up.

    If your carpet starts to grow onto your florrboards (ie: You back) then I would suggest some maintenance. Right now though, you look good, you've lost a lot of weight and there's nothing wrong with your appearance.
  • I think your hairy chest is just fine, you've seen 40 year old virgin right?

    HAHAHAHA!!! That's the first thing I thought of. "You look like a Man-O-Lantern!!!"
  • Compared to my VERY SEXY man, you're not hairy. He's gorgeous and a little furry. Like cuddling with a beautiful, blue eyed teddy bear.

    Keep it, wax it - that's up to you. Personally, I want a man to look like a man. period.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I have to agree with the others. You definitely are not that hairy. Good thing your coworkers have not seen me without my shirt on. I am an-e-mal.

    I'd say, leave the front, ditch any hair on the back.
  • Weight loss: Freakin' awesome!
    Chest hair: YES!
    Back hair???:

  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I think your hairy chest is just fine, you've seen 40 year old virgin right?

    HAHAHAHA!!! That's the first thing I thought of. "You look like a Man-O-Lantern!!!"

    I freakin love that movie. LMAO... Yes, that right THERE is a brilliant case in point. Owch! Ditto to the other comment about men looking like men. Nuff said.
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    You had me thinking you were going to be covered in hair. You are not hairy. My vote is to k:smile: eep the hair,
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    NO HAIR PLEASE!!!!! Lets see those fine abs!:wink::devil: :love: :bigsmile:
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    A guy with a little hair on his chest is way better than a guy with ingrown hairs.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Guys who do wax or shave their chest...where do you stop?
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    If YOU consider yourself hairy than my boyfriend must be from another species. :laugh:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    :huh: It's not like you've got a sweater on or it's creeping out of the top of your shirt. You're really NOT that hairy!
  • I think a little hair grooming looks nice, like keep those straggling hairs in check if you have any or use a beard trimmer on your chest to keep hairs from getting too long. The beard trimmer would be much less painful :)

    Always trim your nose hairs, ears and back though, those are just icky. There is nothing more gross than having dinner with someone and their nose hair is wiggling out at you, ewww lol

    You look great! Congrats :)
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